Originally posted by PureX
Oh c'mon! We have stories about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, too, are they then to be taken as evidence of their existence?
Originally posted by Bigotboy
You don't REALLY want to make this analogy do you? I'll give you a couple of days to think about it and retract it.
I must take offense to that as well. I must have missed the original post.
The reason it is not a very appropriate thing, is that nobody was ever inspired by Santa Claus or Easter Bunny to do anything great for humanity. Nobody has ever been inspired by Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny to travel to poor nations, and give people food and shelter. The Easter bunny does not have a philosophy that humanity has largely embraced. Santa Claus never inspired anyone to come together to help those in need.
Man has been inspired to do many good Things in the name of the Lord, but Santa and the Bunny have only inspired Children to pest their parents for Toys and Chocolate.
I have been to the library and I have had a few associates check up on stuff. The info is a bit old, but if it has changed I'm sure I will be apprised. I find that Stephen Jay Gould, noted paleontologist of Harvard, and Dr Colin Patterson, paleontologist of the British Museum of Natural History, think the Darwinian model is WRONG because the fossil record does not support it. They have their own theories as to how the species evolved.
I watch a dog show and I see all kinds of dogs. In spite of all the cross breeding done, we still have dogs.
Thank you for getting on track! We are finally talking about science, instead of Nazis and Easter Bunnys! (what a strange selection of topics that I find funny! It could make a fun B-movie, like "Attack of the Nazi Easter Bunny")
Unfortunately, though, I disagree with you on this second point. Having worked in biology so long, I know that there are a lot of professors who have ideas, and who fight for "air-time" and fame, so you say. Darwin's original theory has been modified as we learned more about genetics and DNA, as well as field research. The original idea, however (that life descends from previous generations, and changes over time) has remained the same.
Next, Dogs are a bad example of evolution, because they are a product of artificial selection. Man has deliberately bred them to be the way they are. I have read in jounals of biology, however, that speciation (when a species is no longer able to mate with a previous generation of it's kind, but can only mate with another of the same variety) has been observed in lab experiments with plants and fruit flies. This too, was artificial, as scientists cross-bred them deliberately, in an attempt to create a new kind. That it can be done artificially in this way is amazing, as it suggests that it may very well happen naturally. DNA was a watershed event in biology. It is the very mechanism of life and evolution. Common descent is demonstrated. We can determine how close two people are in a population, and measure the number of differences in their sequence to determine an approximate number of generations that separate them. The same works for species
I believe Jack mentioned that "similar functions" or "similar parts" in an animal denote similar DNA sequencing (or something like that. Please correct me if I am too far off, and forgive my English). this is not true. There are plenty of animals that look a lot like each other, but have no actual genetic similarity. For example, Sharks and Dolphins look very similar, but their DNA is not sequenced similar at all. Pandas look exactly like Bears, but their DNA is not similar at all; Pandas are Marsupials, and related more closely to Opossums and Kangaroos. The DNA of Pandas and other species, including Asian and American Bears, were compared, thus definitively proving that similar form and function does not determine similar DNA. Nature can be tricky.
There are lots of variations, in keeping with Biblical statements that animals reproduce after their kinds. But there is no new DNA introduced in the dogs. All the variations shown are a result of combining information that already exists in the DNA.
That is very true, but remember, we have evidence of many species that existed before the modern era. We have reptiles that had hair and warm blood. We found reptiles with feathers. We found mammals with reptile teeth, and amphibians with reptile skulls. These creatures appear in an order not explained by a single flood at a single time. Their order -- fish before amphibian, amphibian before reptile, reptile before mammal (and whole categories of transitions between) was predicted by the Darwin model, which claims that more advanced features cannot predate more primitive ones.
I do not believe that God would trick us by planting these fossils. They tell us that the world is older than we can conceive, and that God works on a scale measured in millenia, as opposed to days. A thousand years is but a moment to God, so they say.