Bannon Might Bring Down Trump

The Barbarian

Trump trusted Bannon the most, and that could now cost him very dearly
There are few things more painful than when hot love turns cold.

For a long time, Donald Trump and Steve Bannon were hard to separate. The former naval officer was one of just a few who genuinely believed the reality television star could win the White House.

When he did so, Trump rewarded Bannon with an office in the West Wing and a top job. Trump’s daughter and son-in-law thought Bannon was vulgar and uncouth and the President smarted when his special advisor got better press coverage, but in the abrasive, aggressive Bannon, with his motto of “always attack”, Trump had found someone he could relate to. Someone whom he could trust.

That bromance now seems over. After excerpts of a forthcoming book were leaked in which Bannon was quoted as criticising Trump’s eldest son and son-in-law, and saying a meeting they held with a Russian lawyer was “treasonous”, the President hit back in a way Bannon may quietly have approved of...

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has so far charged four former Trump associates as he continues to probe Russia’s alleged meddling in the election. While Trump may try to airbrush Bannon from history, Bannon was a central figure during the transition and in setting the tone during the first six months of this strangest of presidencies. He helped draft his “America First” inauguration speech...

It is unclear what other damaging allegations he may be in a position to make. Bannon has so far spoken out only against Trump’s son, son-in-law and daughter. He has been careful to avoid criticising Trump himself.

After today, that may change.

patrick jane

Bannon is already old news. The demonrats hated Bannon and suddenly they love him. Lil barbie is latching on to the next great hope to impeach Trump. So far, you're shootin' blanks.

The Barbarian

Washington (CNN)The war that erupted between the White House and Steve Bannon Wednesday is one many people inside the West Wing feared would happen after the former chief strategist was pushed out of the administration several months ago.
While it is unusual for a former White House official like Bannon to trash a fellow top aide on the record -- in this case, Jared Kushner, the President's son-in-law -- the comments are a continuation of a long-running feud between the two men.
After Bannon spent the last several weeks lobbing criticism at President Donald Trump's inner circle and questioning the way the White House operates, tensions boiled over Wednesday after Bannon was quoted calling a meeting between Kushner, Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer "treasonous" and "unpatriotic" in excerpts from Michael Wolff's forthcoming book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House."

And Bannon hasn't limited his criticism to the Washington-based members of the Trump family.
"They're going to crack Don Jr. like an egg on national TV," he told Wolff about the President's eldest son, according to excerpts obtained by The Guardian.
The President's statement appeared to acknowledge that Bannon's leaks struck a nerve.
"Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was. It is the only thing he does well," Trump said.
For their part, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who spent the holidays with the President in Palm Beach, have kept their heads down, back at work in the West Wing and, through a spokesperson, declining to comment publicly on the unfolding scene.

Report: Mueller Recalls One Trump Tower Meeting Participant for Questioning
Special counsel Robert Mueller has recalled for questioning at least one participant in a June 2016 meeting between then-candidate Trump’s aides and a Kremlin-connected lawyer at Trump Tower, the Los Angeles Times reports. The identity of the person called back for further questioning has not been released, but the investigation’s renewed focus on the meeting is widely viewed as a sign Mueller is seeking to charge Trump or his aides with obstruction of justice. The meeting between Trump’s closest aides and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya has been a source of intrigue since The New York Times first reported it in July, revealing that Donald Trump Jr. had allegedly agreed to the sit-down after being promised damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Mueller’s team is reportedly looking into whether Trump or other members of his administration knowingly lied when the White House issued a statement saying participants of the meeting only discussed an adoption program. Investigators are also reportedly scrutinizing Ivanka Trump’s involvement. The president’s daughter did not attend the meeting but briefly interacted with Veselnitskaya and lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin as they were leaving the building, according to the report.

It's never the scandal; it's always obstruction that brings them down.

patrick jane

I heard Bannon is backtracking now, recanting and apologizing to El Trumpo. Sad.

White House rejects Bannon’s apology over bombshell book



New member
Barbarian, I hear Bannon is handing out free $1,000,000.00 bills to all Trump haters, you should go get you some!!! If you come up with any more pipe dreams let me know, I can always use a good laugh.....


New member
Bannon could bring down Trump.
Flynn could bring down Trump.
Manafort could bring down Trump.
Sessions could bring down Trump.
Kushner could bring down Trump.

The question is going to be, who actually does?


Bannon could bring down Trump.
Flynn could bring down Trump.
Manafort could bring down Trump.
Sessions could bring down Trump.
Kushner could bring down Trump.

The question is going to be, who actually does?
I enjoy consuming both professional football, and professional wrestling. President Trump reminds me a lot of the latter, which is ironic since he used to own a professional football team.

The Barbarian

Bannon could bring down Trump.
Flynn could bring down Trump.
Manafort could bring down Trump.
Sessions could bring down Trump.
Kushner could bring down Trump.

The question is going to be, who actually does?

Look for the obstruction. The arrogant always imagine that they're too smart to get caught covering up.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Bannon could bring down Trump.
Flynn could bring down Trump.
Manafort could bring down Trump.
Sessions could bring down Trump.
Kushner could bring down Trump.

The question is going to be, who actually does?

Trump might bring down Trump. He seems to be his own worst enemy.

But I wouldn't put all my hopes in anyone else "bringing down" the Trump administration. History shows that White House politics is awash in whitewashing. Just look at the Clinton administration, which was awash with scandals from Whitewater on. And yet no Republican could ever lay a single glove on slick Willie. Trump could possibly slither out of all of this noise just as easily.


The Barbarian

Trump might bring down Trump. He seems to be his own worst enemy.

But I wouldn't put all my hopes in anyone else "bringing down" the Trump administration. History shows that White House politics is awash in whitewashing. Just look at the Clinton administration, which was awash with scandals from Whitewater on. And yet no Republican could ever lay a single glove on slick Willie. Trump could possibly slither out of all of this noise just as easily.


Clinton had the advantage of being quite popular, and also had been largely successful in his conflicts with a republican Congress. Trump is, on the other hand, highly unpopular, a weak president, and has great difficulty getting anything done, even though Congress is in the hands of his own party.

A lot of republicans failed to support impeachment, fearful of the wrath of their constituents.

patrick jane

The F.B.I. management and the Demoncrat National Committee are the ones that colluded with Russia. Some will be going to jail.
Yep again. I'm hearing background noise of lots of investigations, indictments and coming prison terms. Trump is attacking on many fronts and they can't keep up.