Automatic Forgiveness


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Automatic Forgiveness

This is the show from Thursday September 26th, 2013

Automatic forgiveness makes repentance unnecessary.
Unbelievers, who reject Christianity on the grounds that God is all-loving and all-forgiving, are going to Hell courtesy of our Christian community.
When Christians forgive everyone as followers of Christ, we send out the message that God automatically forgives everyone. And that message does send millions of people to Hell.
Yes, God calls on us to love our enemy. But when you distort the truth and suggest to your enemy that he does not need to repent to obtain forgiveness, you’re not loving him. You’re condemning him.


Hellbound Sinners: So many lost people are going to hell because many Christians teach an unbiblical form of forgiveness that requires no repentence.


The Dark Knight
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I think the real problem here is that too many Christians don't know the meaning of the word "repentance."


I think the real problem here is that too many Christians don't know the meaning of the word "repentance."

Repentance in the context of the gospel is a synonym for faith.
If we don't define it that way it becomes a false addition to salvation.


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Repentance in the context of the gospel is a synonym for faith.
If we don't define it that way it becomes a false addition to salvation.
How do you define it? Repentance from what?


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It's just always been a pet peeve of mine that preachers who believe in salvation apart from works will (while presenting the gospel) talk about "repentance" without defining it. They don't understand that when a non-Christian hears the word "repent" what they hear is "God will not save me unless I first repent from the sin of premarital sex." That's what hear.

And when I've informed preachers of this, they reply, "but that's not what I mean. I mean repent from rejecting salvation." And I'll reply that they need to specify that. But they never do. I've had this conversation with a dozen preachers and the result is always the same. They continue presenting the gospel, telling sinners they need to "repent" causing the sinners to believe in works salvation. It drives me nuts.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
It's just always been a pet peeve of mine that preachers who believe in salvation apart from works will (while presenting the gospel) talk about "repentance" without defining it. They don't understand that when a non-Christian hears the word "repent" what they hear is "God will not save me unless I first repent from the sin of premarital sex." That's what hear.

And when I've informed preachers of this, they reply, "but that's not what I mean. I mean repent from rejecting salvation." And I'll reply that they need to specify that. But they never do. I've had this conversation with a dozen preachers and the result is always the same. They continue presenting the gospel, telling sinners they need to "repent" causing the sinners to believe in works salvation. It drives me nuts.
I know what you mean.


The gift of pastor doesn't guarantee the gift of evangelism. You should seek to use that gift to evangelize. Because some believers don't see it as being as important as it really is.