Attention moral relativists... (HOF thread)



Next he's going to say I'm not a Christian because I hit an officer. :D


New member
Excuse me, but why should I give him a break? Does he deserve one? In what way? I don't think that he deserves a break because he doesn't show the fruits of a christian...

First, it's Christian.

Oh, no it’s not wrong..I got it right the first time...:)

He is insulting [ look at the names he has called me], he has insulted my intelligence [so what, that I am not the smartest cookie in the jar, I still have balls enough to play, and to play fairly]...You show me chapter and verse where Jesus did the same thing as that in the same context, and I will back off. K?

Interesting, everything you accuse him of doing you are guilty of yourself.
Uh, where are the names that I have called him that were not evidence by his posts?
Let’s see, He calls himself a christian, but tells the world that Christ would approve of torturing a condemned person. As an Ambassador for Christ, he is the letter to the world that displays how Christ would act. He won’t fess up to even the possibility that he _might_ be just a little bit wrong...but instead hides behind the myth that other people are not allowed to “judge him” because he is a christian..[no accountability there, is there?] He then proceed to call everyone else “hypocrite” for calling him to account for this error of his. He then calls other people names [again misrepresenting what Jesus would do] ....and YOU DEFEND THIS BEHAVIOR as Christian????

Gee, did I just hear maniacal laughter echoing here?:(

Excuse me???? are you saying that we are not allowed to judge what type of character another human being is??? Are you saying that the evidence that a person puts out is not enough to judge a person?

Admiral_deception, Mind showing me where I said any of that?

I am asking the questions and asking for clarification of what you said....Why do you jump to conclusions? Are you here to start a fight? IS that what you want? IF so, where is that attitude consistent with the life of Christ?

You said-
Can you, in your opinion, judge anything about another human being?

Is this a rhetorical question?


But you do have the right to judge fruit of the individual as to whether it is good or bad or non-existent fruit...

Tell me, have you held that view long?

Ever since I read it in the bible....And when people kept saying “ You aren’t allowed to judge other christians!” which I found to be a bunch of bunk....

On 30th of June, 2002 in the year of our Lord at 0958 hours you said the following, and I quote:


Tell me, what right do Christians have to "judge others"

That was said here if you want to go back and edit it. FYI: I have saved a copy of this page so that even if you do edit it, you won't escape.

And it is taken out of context..Here, let me get you the total quote-

“Tell me, what right do Christians have to "judge others" or at least, wish for them the worst of life after they have made a mistake? Sure, I agree, from what this post said, not all marbles are in place....but if those children were resurrected, do you not agree that those children would forgive her? “

This is cut and pasted here, with no alterations...Notice the quotation marks around the words 'judge others’.The context is about kicking people when they are in this case, a certain moderator wants to torture people in the name of Christ.....You tell me, Is this the right thing to do? Is this what your daddy taught you that when you put someone down, you kick her and make sure that she is all the way down? Is that right? If so, that is poor form, Cisime..

I John 3.10
By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: Any one who does not practice righteousness is not of God nor the one who does not love his brother.

Oh, and Cisime, I am a part of humanity, who happens to be Christian...When you judge me according to the verse I gave, make sure you include that mankind is my brother and sister...That is the model that I am working off of...So, when you or goose don’t show love toward mankind, well, ...I am sorry, but I tend to get a bit irrate...And I tend to call so called christians on the carpet for their actions and their words...


The fruit of the spirit that Jesus was referring to is found in Gal. 5:22. But the fruit that I find that Goose is continuously putting out is found in verse 20.

Hatred: I don't see any hate. In fact I see the opposite, someone who loves enough to point out the truth.
Pointing the truth without kindness is cruelty...a form of hate
Wrath: None of that...

You mean that goose is not desplaying a passive agressive tenancys in his judging that woman? And it looks to me that you are too...You want evidence of this, well we just happen to have a councilor here on this forum...ZAK, do you think that there are passive/agressive tendency here displayed by both these individuals? [my moneys on the answer “yes”]

Strife: It is you, my friend, that is causing this.
First off, my friends don’t use derogatory names or misuses my name to bolster their ego...Second, the dictionary definition of “strife” is ‘violent dissension, bitter conflict’...I have said that I was done talking about it in the other thread...But you won’t let me move on. YOU have brought this up.You, in this case, have brought strife here..So,in an attempt to end this, I will say again -All I want from Goose is a simple apology for over statement and being inappropriate....It's the right thing to do...

You tell me, Cisme, what type of fruit does Goose exhibit?
[sarcasm]You're such a great judge and know so much more than I, you tell me.[/sarcasm]

Nah, you have a brain...I encourage you to try using it....;)


New member

I think you need to re-evaluate your faith and your view on Jesus; pertaining to just what He did and they way He treated people.


New member
Originally posted by Goose

I think you need to re-evaluate your faith and your view on Jesus; pertaining to just what He did and they way He treated people.

What? and follow yours, Goose? Why should I?

I see your faith as one bloodthirsty convert seeking the death of the condemned with some gleeful torturing of the condemned. I don't kick people when they are down, goose...You like to...You have shown it many times since the last month that I have been here...Tell me, if my God is out to treat people with respect, and your god is not, why do I want to go to your god? Why do I want to be beaten into your faith in some image that hurts me so....

My faith is bibically based, with a reasonable God, who does not send people to hell needlessly, when they choose to reject Him but does everthing thing in His power to arrest the attention of the individual to Him...I was fortunate enought to listen when He choose me to be with Him....We have a great relationship, we talk, and share things, and generally have a great time together....Why would I want to give that up for your religion?

Why should I give up the love of my life, for something that is less than what I have, Goose?

Answer me that.....Why should I ?
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New member
Originally posted by admiral_d

...My faith is bibically based, with a reasonable God, who does not send people to hell needlessly, when they choose to reject Him but does everthing thing in His power to arrest the attention of the individual to Him...I was fortunate enought to listen when He choose me to be with Him....We have a great relationship, we talk, and share things, and generally have a great time together....Why would I want to give that up for your religion?
I believe that too.

Why should I give up the love of my life, for something that is less than what I have, Goose?
? I never said anything about giving up. I'm talking about looking more at what Jeses did. Not what you think he did. You seem to be able to back up your opinions with little scripture, that easily becomes debunked. I care about your relationship with Jesus.


New member
Originally posted by Goose
I believe that too.

I am sorry Goose, but from what you have posted here, I don't believe you...You have called me names, cruel have insulted my intellegence [so what]...the point is that your fruits or works don't show a relationship with least in my eyes...

I am sorry if this hurts you ...but I don't believe that you really believe it....You don't show evidence of it.....

? I never said anything about giving up. I'm talking about looking more at what Jeses did. Not what you think he did. You seem to be able to back up your opinions with little scripture, that easily becomes debunked. I care about your relationship with Jesus.

You care about MY relationship with Jesus??? I don't think you care about my relationship with Him anymore than you care about that woman that killed her children by leaving them in the car....You know, you really did step over the line by saying that she needed to be tortured to death....

How come you wont say something ...anything make amends for this? It seems to me, even if you do not agree with me, that you could say that you were sorry for something about it......

Oh well, you don't really you....


Uh, where are the names that I have called him that were not evidence by his posts?

First off, "unchristian." :p

Let’s see, He calls himself a christian, but tells the world that Christ would approve of torturing a condemned person.

Perhaps you'd care to prove that he wouldn't.

Since you would, undoubtedly, want the same from me:

Mat 5:17 "Don't think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I didn't come to destroy, but to fulfill."

Remember, the punishment for killing a person in the OT was stoning, something you might call torture.

As an Ambassador for Christ, he is the letter to the world that displays how Christ would act.


He won’t fess up to even the possibility that he _might_ be just a little bit wrong...

And you won't fess up to where you think he is wrong.

but instead hides behind the myth that other people are not allowed to “judge him” because he is a christian..

That statement was my impression of you. Goose, is the above true? I thought you believed the opposite. :confused:

He then proceed to call everyone else “hypocrite” for calling him to account for this error of his.

You say "don't judge"(I'm getting to that, BTW) and yet persist to judge him. That's what a hypocrite is!

I am asking the questions and asking for clarification of what you said....Why do you jump to conclusions? Are you here to start a fight? IS that what you want? IF so, where is that attitude consistent with the life of Christ?

All of a sudden he thinks my name is admiral_d. :p

This is cut and pasted here, with no alterations...Notice the quotation marks around the words 'judge others’.The context is about kicking people when they are in this case, a certain moderator wants to torture people in the name of Christ.....You tell me, Is this the right thing to do? Is this what your daddy taught you that when you put someone down, you kick her and make sure that she is all the way down? Is that right?

What are the fruits of this woman's actions, admiral? When people started to say that this was evil and should be punished as God's law states you said "don't judge!" Or are you flippy-flopping again?

Pointing the truth without kindness is cruelty...a form of hate

So was Jesus being "unkind" when He dumped tables and whipped people in the temple?

You mean that goose is not desplaying a passive agressive tenancys in his judging that woman? And it looks to me that you are too...You want evidence of this, well we just happen to have a councilor here on this forum...ZAK, do you think that there are passive/agressive tendency here displayed by both these individuals? [my moneys on the answer “yes”]

Oh pleazzzzeeee!

First off, my friends don’t use derogatory names or misuses my name to bolster their ego...Second, the dictionary definition of “strife” is ‘violent dissension, bitter conflict’...I have said that I was done talking about it in the other thread...But you won’t let me move on. YOU have brought this up.You, in this case, have brought strife here..So,in an attempt to end this, I will say again -All I want from Goose is a simple apology for over statement and being inappropriate....It's the right thing to do...

So, since he won't obey YOU, you want him "court-martialed"? :rolleyes: Maybe the sailors on your boat were forced to follow you, but not here. :rolleyes:


New member
Originally posted by cirisme
First off, "unchristian." :p

You are right...Goose, I appologize for saying that you are unchristian....Even though, you misrepresented Christ by saying that you want to torture a woman to death, and that you like to demean other people by insulting them and thier intelligence, I appologize that you do things that are less then the stellar behavior of our Lord.....

Perhaps you'd care to prove that he wouldn't.

Excuse me??? whether he does this physically or not, does not matter...It is what came from his heart. As Jesus said, for out of the mouth come the issues of the heart. Mat12:34 This is a spiritual issue, of which need to be held accountable....And everytime this is brought up, without him repenting of it, gets a bit dirtier and dirtier.... I wish that you guys would quit bringing this up...You are making him look bad, because I have to review his actions....I have said that I want to move on, YOU are the ones who keep bringing this up....If Goose want to end this, he knows what to do.....

Remember, the punishment for killing a person in the OT was stoning, something you might call torture.
It was thier method of dispatching those found guilty of a crime...But what does that have to do with getting an apology from Goose to prove that he is a christian?

You agree!!!!!! To paraphrase someone-
'Halleluah, there is life, question on the intelligent part, on the other side of the screen!"

And you won't fess up to where you think he is wrong.

What think is wrong? I cut and pasted it in context. The evidence is there for your examination... You have a decide...

That statement was my impression of you. Goose, is the above true? I thought you believed the opposite. :confused:

What? You are attacking me without looking at the evidence?.....You set yourself up for slander, and a whole host of other things, cirisme......I don't think that you have any defense for what you just did, cirisme.....go back and look at the evidence.....and review it before you come in here with your ego....
You say "don't judge"(I'm getting to that, BTW) and yet persist to judge him. That's what a hypocrite is!

Again, I tried to explain that to you last time, and you refuse to look at that...Let me attempt to explain it again, since I type so fast....

I said “Tell me, what right do Christians have to "judge others" or at least, wish for them the worst of life after they have made a mistake? Sure, I agree, from what this post said, not all marbles are in place....but if those children were resurrected, do you not agree that those children would forgive her? “
The point that I was attempting to make was that real Christians don't make comments to the point of wishing for others an ignoble torture and death. [I admit that my communication techniques are not as stellar as I would like, but I did attempt to clarify my position]...And from the context, that is what I am trying to say....With others attempting to point out that I have judged them, my understanding of that their concept of "judging someone" is to pass judgement upon thier lives....I am not judging thier lives...I am pointing out, rather forcably, that thier posts were less than appropriate for a christian to do...

What are the fruits of this woman's actions, admiral? When people started to say that this was evil and should be punished as God's law states you said "don't judge!" Or are you flippy-flopping again?

What is this??? Am I typing too fast for you again....Christians don't wish torture on anyone. Period. End of statement.

But of course, if you haven't reviewed the thread, how can you know that...? And aren't you applying a double standard here? You argue the same arguement, using as evidence the words "this woman fruits", but you won't allow Goose's fruits to be examined ? That's a double standard...

So was Jesus being "unkind" when He dumped tables and whipped people in the temple?
I don't read where Jesus used the whips on the people, and since Jesus' life is one of healing and caring, I really doubt that using the whip was ever intended to be placed upon His people. His actions of upseting the tables in the temple were to show something entirely different than what we are discussing here...So, unless you are attempting to draw attention to yourself as the Messiah, or you are attempting to clean out your fathers house of noisy money changers, your evidence is attempting to show..... what, ?????


Excuse me??? whether he does this physically or not, does not matter...It is what came from his heart. As Jesus said, for out of the mouth come the issues of the heart. Mat12:34 This is a spiritual issue, of which need to be held accountable....

So what, you're God now!?!?

And everytime this is brought up, without him repenting of it, gets a bit dirtier and dirtier....

Repent of what? You have yet to show clear Biblical evidence anybody violated what Jesus said :rolleyes:

I wish that you guys would quit bringing this up...

If you don't like it, don't respond. Simple as that. :)

You are making him look bad,

Now he thinks Goose's name is admiral_d.

because I have to review his actions....

because I have to review his actions!?!?! :mad: Chapter and verse where it says YOU are in charge of THIS flock.

I have said that I want to move on,

Move on, nothing is keeping you here. Move on for good, that would be real nice.

YOU are the ones who keep bringing this up

Hmmm, interesting, now he thinks that the whole world has the name admiral_d.

If Goose want to end this, he knows what to do.....

Yes, ban you. :p

It was thier method of dispatching those found guilty of a crime...But what does that have to do with getting an apology from Goose to prove that he is a christian?

A little something about judging. By the way, I do expect chapter and verse where it says that an apology makes a Christian.

What think is wrong? I cut and pasted it in context. The evidence is there for your examination... You have a decide...

There is no evidence. All you have provided is unfounded assertions and your opinion to back them up.

What? You are attacking me without looking at the evidence?

How am I attacking you?

You set yourself up for slander, and a whole host of other things, cirisme......

And you just set yourself up for going to the funny farm.

I don't think that you have any defense for what you just did, cirisme.....

I didn't just do anything. :rolleyes: Are you hallucinating?

go back and look at the evidence.....and review it before you come in here with your ego....

You think that're God's appointed judge and everyone has to apologize to you and I have the ego?!?!

The point that I was attempting to make was that real Christians don't make comments to the point of wishing for others an ignoble torture and death. [I admit that my communication techniques are not as stellar as I would like, but I did attempt to clarify my position]...And from the context, that is what I am trying to say....

No, what you're trying to say is "what right do Christians have to "judge others" OR AT LEAST, wish for them the worst of life."

With others attempting to point out that I have judged them, my understanding of that their concept of "judging someone" is to pass judgement upon thier lives....I am not judging thier lives...I am pointing out, rather forcably, that thier posts were less than appropriate for a christian to do...

And the others on that thread were judging that the actions of this woman were less than stellar for a human being.

Christians don't wish torture on anyone. Period. End of statement.

I'll let eireann handle this one. :D

But of course, if you haven't reviewed the thread, how can you know that...?

Prove it. FYI: I read every post there.

And aren't you applying a double standard here? You argue the same arguement, using as evidence the words "this woman fruits", but you won't allow Goose's fruits to be examined ?

You are free to examine for all I care. But I do object to using your own ruler instead of God's.

That's a double standard...

What is? Ohhhh, you are referring to your double standard. I see!

I don't read where Jesus used the whips on the people, and since Jesus' life is one of healing and caring, I really doubt that using the whip was ever intended to be placed upon His people. His actions of upseting the tables in the temple were to show something entirely different than what we are discussing here...So, unless you are attempting to draw attention to yourself as the Messiah, or you are attempting to clean out your fathers house of noisy money changers, your evidence is attempting to show..... what, ?????

That you just love to have an image of God that is your own and nobody else's.



New member
originally posted by admiral_d
What is this??? Am I typing too fast for you again....Christians don't wish torture on anyone. Period. End of statement.
How are you defining "Christians" in this statement? Some of the most heinous acts of torture in history were carried out by "Christians" in the name of God and Church. The Inquisition is a prime example. Suspected witches were thrown into ponds to see if they would float. If they floated, it meant they were a witch and they were summarily killed. If they drowned they were absolved. Very humane. Witches were also suspected of having an invisible third nipple which they used to nurse demons. They were subjected to a pricking torture to discover it. They were stabbed with needles over every millimeter of their bodies. The third nipple was supposedly nerveless, so they "knew" they had found it when they poked somewhere that did not result in a cry, wince, or other expression of pain. After enough stabs, the body would go into shock and stop feeling pain, so they won a lot of "confessions" that way. There were a number of other more grisly means of extracting confessions from "witches" and "heretics." These things were done, of course, with the blessings (and at the behest of) the Church.


New member

That's not an honest apology. Your heart is still very hyopcritical on the issue. I can tell because you still belittle me with everything. You need to revaluate things. Never did I say that we need to torture people. You didn't quote it because I never said it.

You're still judging me Satan!


Christians don't wish torture on anyone. Period. End of statement.

You might want to be carefull, I can quote some nasty stuff from Judges and Leviticus. :p


Resident Atheist

Don't confuse goose with the truth. He can't handle the truth. That's why he's an unchurched "Christian".


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by cirisme

You might want to be carefull, I can quote some nasty stuff from Judges and Leviticus. :p
And the Biblical books of Judges and Leviticus would have what to do with Christians torturing anyone? :confused:


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

Don't confuse goose with the truth. He can't handle the truth. That's why he's an unchurched "Christian".
Actually, I think it was admiral who posted that little tidbit I was responding to.