Assisted Suicides Soar in Switzerland

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Everyone has a moral conscious, even if they reject God. So, who is more right in the eyes of God, do you think? Someone who ends their life a few weeks shorter saving lives and dying to save a life or someone who dies is a drug dream state? Save who you ask? Maybe save those who work at sinful practices?

It may seem like a bigger sin to most people to end your life rather than be doped up a few weeks, but after death, God is the only one you answer to.

Pointless, for me in many ways to present this, since my family would not be able to deal with the strain of me doing the higher act, so, i will go like most old folks because untimely, God wants what is best for them regarding me.

I do not think one can legalize morality, all the law does is prevent one from harming others.

I would only hope that a loving God would understand why people can only cope with so much one way or the other. Humans didn't invent pain or disease itself.


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Hall of Fame
Right, it's not. It's only based on how much time the doctor thinks you have left.

Which makes no sense, even according to the faulty rationale behind assisted suicide.
If it's really meant to prevent further suffering, wouldn't someone who stands to suffer longer have a greater claim to a right to suicide?
The time, doctors, none of that matters to me, only God matters to me. If I were all alone in life then dying in a hospital would be repugnant.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I would only hope that a loving God would understand why people can only cope with so much one way or the other. Humans didn't invent pain or disease itself.

I would not worry about what someone else will do, or would like to do. You only have to contend with what God wants you personally to do.


Well-known member
Legalizing assisted suicide could also lead to family members pressuring the patient to kill himself, to avoid further medical bills or to just to avoid the burden of caring for a dying person.

In that sense, they may not "freely" choose. And there would be no way to know.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Legalizing assisted suicide could also lead to family members pressuring the patient to kill himself, to avoid further medical bills or to just to avoid the burden of caring for a dying person.

In that case, they are all going to hell anyway, except the victim parent, if she or he led a good life. How does one lead a good life and have such rotten kids? Anyway, my family is far the opposite of that and if there is selfishness, it is not being able to stand letting me go.


Well-known member
In that case, they are all going to hell anyway, except the victim parent, if she or he led a good life. How does one lead a good life and have such rotten kids? Anyway, my family is far the opposite of that and if there is selfishness, it is not being able to stand letting me go.

If this kind of law would lead to people being coerced into committing suicide, then it is an unjust law, no?


Well-known member
No. They are unjust people who abuse

It's an easily-abused law.

And the scary part of it is, no one will ever even know how many people "freely" chose assisted suicide, and how many were pressured into killing themselves.

The poor would be victimized the most, of course.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
All laws can easily be abused and are abused, look at drug laws. What i know is laws designed to protect people from themselves only work when the people have something important to lose.

Most people have auto insurance because the consequences not having it is very high. Those who do not care about the consequences, such as drug users, are very hard to make work. Now, if someone wants to die, it is nearly impossible. What we can do is deter anyone assisting this; however, we have to keep our laws and not insist other countries have the same law, as this is a main cause of war, or total lawlessness.

If someone wants to go to Switzerland to die, then let than and let God be their judge. You seem to want an answer you like, not what i am telling you I believe. Take what I offer and be content.

Now this is all I am going to comment on this because it is not all that important to me since i know i will deal with this the usual way, maybe with less dope.


Well-known member
What we can do is deter anyone assisting this; however, we have to keep our laws and not insist other countries have the same law, as this is a main cause of war, or total lawlessness.

If someone wants to go to Switzerland to die, then let than and let God be their judge. You seem to want an answer you like, not what i am telling you I believe. Take what I offer and be content.

My concern is the spread of such laws. It will make its way across this nation, and I'd hate to see done to the old and sick, what's already being done to the unborn.

And it won't stop there. Once one man is granted the "right" to commit suicide, that right will eventually be granted to all citizens. What's now repugnant to most, will become acceptable, commonplace, and even admirable in the eyes of most.