Arminians & Calvinists Both Preach A Gospel That Saves No One

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
If a person can become in Christ by placing his faith in Christ, then he can never be in Christ.

Again, here's why:

If a person is not in Christ, he cannot bear fruit. If he cannot bear fruit, he cannot have faith because faith is fruit of the Spirit. If he cannot have faith, he has no faith to place in Christ. If he has no faith to place in Christ, he cannot place his faith in Christ. If he cannot place his faith in Christ, he cannot be in Christ according to your belief.

It appears from your belief system that a person not in Christ can never become in Christ.

With your line of thought I would say contrition, humility come first, a freewill choice then genuine faith that comes from the Spirit. Faith that is confirmed by His supernatural presence.

"God gives grace to the humble"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Since you also derived your idea of being in Christ from Scriptures, then we are on the same boat.

For me, people are born in Christ, instead of born in sin. Do you believe likewise?

If No, can you tell me how people born in sin can be in Christ?

It looks as if Samie is a wee bit confused. Why is Samie confused? Oh, now I know why he's confused.