Big Finn, Knight and others--
I don't spend much time on this forum, primarily because I don't have my own computer; secondarily because it has much stuff on it which is grievous to my spirit. I don't enjoy perusing so many gross distortions of Scripture, especially when I could never respond to all of them and when I do respond, it is passed over or misrepresented. Then when I am gone, as I frequently am, some of you leap to say, "What the matta you? You skeered? You runaway cause you no can answer?"
I have every answer you people need. Reformed doctrine is square with Scripture, and I can prove it is.
BIG FINN--As I suspected earlier, the straight thoughts you had on Scripture were loaded with conclusions you said nothing about at the time. So, as I said yesterday, my agreement with your statements in general did not in anyway bind me to agree with you on conclusions you might draw from them. Your idea of God being chargeable with selfishness as a consequence of some point of His decree is without basis. You charge God with the foolishness of selfishness. Your charge is false.
I recap your argument briefly so you can be sure that I am addressing your point--You argued that for God to decree something for His own glory which was harmful to someone else was selfishness on His part. Humor follows:La te da, Big Finn--
First, My post #515 on page 35 would have put much of this to rest if it had been considered and fully understood. I will go into greater detail, but before doing so, I want to apologise. I don't like to weary people with posts that are longer than one screen. In this case, it is necessary to use more space.
At times OVers and Arminians are very insistent on man's freewill--OVers especially. God's will, they think, must bend to theirs or else they have no free will. It is interestiing that they think THEIR freewill should have the right and power to preempt GOD'S will, authority and right to govern in accord with His decree--but that is a side issue right now that I will not go further into, except to agree with both Arminians and OVers that man DOES HAVE FREE WILL. Reformed people just believe the scripture concerning man's free will--that it, contrary to Arminian and OV presumptions, is without the power to over ride God's decree; which, by the way, is from everlasting and is, without fail, fulfilled by His all encompassing, absolute providential rule over heaven and earth; falling out at the precise time according to His eternal purpose--"For the Lord has purposed, and who can annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?"
Yet, for all their insistence on man's freewill, they can be very forgetful of it when God is pleased to leave them to their own devices, as He often does; as when Jesus said to Judas, "What you do, do quickly!" Or to the pharisees--"fill up then the measure of your father's wickedness." What a dreadful sentence that is. It announces an end of common grace toward them; an end to that grace which He at times shows to even the most wicked of men as He restrains the evil that is in their own natures.
Once He has removed that restraint upon them, they--of their own freewill and wicked nature--fall, no longer being restrained. Given "up to vile passions,"(Rom.1:26)they plummet--"in the lusts of their hearts" (Ro.1:24) headlong into iniquity.
Men often say of those upon whom God has pronounced that sentence, "If those people don't stop that, God will surely bring judgement upon them." Let the truth be known--their conduct testifies that God's judgment has ALREADY fallen upon them; as it fell upon the gentiles spoken of in Romans chapter one--"Therefore God gave them up..." (verse 24); "for this reason God gave them up..." (verse 26); "...God gave them over..." (verse 28)
God's common grace is His to dispense as He pleases. No man merits it. God would not be unjust--NOR SELFISH, BIG FINN--to leave all men in the misery of their own nature without His gracious restraint. Grace is a gift--an unmerited gift, and offences against the Spirit of grace come at a heavy cost--
As it did with those who disobeyed Him in Old Testament times: "But my people would not heed my voice, and Israel would none of me. So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels." (Ps. 81:10,11); then their sons dare react with anger when Stephen reminds them of God's JUST judgment against them: Acts 7--"our fathers would not obey, but rejected. And in their hearts they turned back to Egypt, saying to Aaron, 'make us gods to go before us; as for this Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what has become of him.' And they made a calf in those days, offered sacrifices to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. THEN GOD TURNED AND GAVE THEM UP to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets: "Did you offer me slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, images which you made to worship; AND I WILL CARRY YOU AWAY TO BABYLON...You stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You do always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you...and they cast him out of the city and stoned him."
BIG FINN--from your objection, I gather that YOU think God has no right to execute judgement upon people by leaving them to their own devices; perhaps to rape a woman. Let me assure you, sir--God would be just to leave man absolutely and totally alone in the morass of his wickedness, with all its filth and consequences AND get glory to himself by demonstrating His just and holy wrath against them for every transgression of His holy law; but He is longsuffering and gracious. You have seen nothing, by comparison, of what this earth would be without His gracious restraining hand. And you, sir, as are all of us, a much more a decent man than what you would otherwise be without His restraint upon the nature within you--"the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked--who can know it?"
We cannot know it, we cannot realize it, because God graciously
restrains what we are in ourselves; but if you want a look at what we ALL are in ourselves as a consequence of the Adamic nature, which we all alike EQUALLY inherited from adam, just consider the catalog of sins which have, over time, erupted upon the earth--Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Ted Bundy, Jim Jones, Jeffry Dahmer--enough of men's names--consider the long train of wickednesses detailed in Romans chapter one. We ALL alike inherited the fallen nature of Adam. Consider all these cataloged wickednesses and ask yourself, "am I, in myself, better than these? Or is it that God has, in His longsuffering and graciousness, been good to me and restrained me??
Remember this, you who think well of yourselves, it is God "who maketh thee to differ from another..."1Cor. 4:7 You (WE) have nothing to glory of in ourselves. As Paul said, "for I know that in me, that is in my flesh, there dwelleth no good thing." We are all alike the sons of Adam, and what has befallen any other could have befallen us also, were it not for His wondrous goodness and graciousness toward us, for "the hearts of the sons of men is full of evil and madness is in their hearts while they live, and after that, they go to the dead."
The leper was not clean until he looked upon himself and found--realized-- that he was totally covered with rotten flesh; and you are not quit of your self-righteousness nor are you a truly grateful child of God until you realize that, just like the leper, you were before totally undone; in yourself, nothing but a sinner incapable of anything other than gross disobedience, subject at any moment to falling into any of the many sins cataloged, many of which disobediences the God of heaven and earth spared you from even as you went about with a heart of disbelief. It is God who has made you (US) differ all your life long by the measure of grace which He has graciously given. You have in yourself not been better than ANYONE--Hitler, Stalin, or Jeffry Dahmer.
Fancy yourself better than others, reject the testimony of god's word against you, think that you are well enough without Him, have no need of Him, nor have any reason to be grateful to Him for restraining the evil of your own nature, and the day will come when you will be cast off into eternity without Him, left to forever plummet into the vile vat of wretched wickedness, large as an ocean, to which you will never find either a bank or bottom. "The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked--who can know it?"
It is very fitting that when God's longsuffering is at an end that He exercise judgement against them by leaving them to their own devices which, in themselves, serve as judgement. As He said in one place, "your own backslidings will reprove you."
I must add to the previous thoughts that the fact that people may go through hard providences does not mean necessarily that those hard times come because of their sinfulness. Job was a righteous man, but God tried him by the afflictions and the Apostle Peter said, "though if need be we are in heaviness through manifold trials that the trying of your faith, being much more precious than gold, though it be tried by fire, may be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."
Therefore, our purpose in trials should be to cling fast to Christ through all of them, and wait for Him.
I am gone for the day now. Enough of that.