ARCHIVE: Reason to Believe: Ps. 22


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Reasons Why I believe. NOT IMO but Let God be TRUe and every man a liar!
Jesus said" you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free."
(John 8)There is always room to learn more than what we know and believe
about God and HIS Word. I ( as a believer) have spent years reading and learning all I can about GOD. Time spent in prayer, communicating with that UNseen Spirit that speaks to my heart, not to my head, desires that we love all people, the good, the bad, and the unbelieving; HE loves all mankind. He loves sinners ( including me and you) but He hates sin in all form. It is not my job as a preacher and teacher of God's Word to judge or condemn anyone. My assignment as a disciple is to convince all men of the truth. How can any of us pretend that we know all the answers. God cannot be confined to a box or anyone church or religion. If God is being blamed for letting all those bad things that happen to people, who would want to serve, follow, trust, or believe in HIM. On the other hand, IF GOD does exist and HE is capable of all things good and bad that happen to us in this world,I should serve ONLY HIM out of fear, if not out of love (which HE extended to us all first). We should not ask why should I believe in HIM or How dare HE allow such attrosities
of mankind and not lift a hand to help us. where is GOD when we need HIM?? He is only a prayer away! And may I add that it is not for me or anyone to question GOD. Rather than NOT TRUST GOD, believe GOD, read HIS Word daily, search the scriptures daily to find out if these things are true. GOD has revealed HIMSELF to the world and to every generation. We may trust in GOD and hope in Christ for eternal life, but never can we fully trust any man. I am a sinful creature,falible and frail, prone to error; yet when I read GOD's Word, I find truth and pure holiness. I find no errors or untruth in any translation I read. In closing may I say
that When we ( you or I ) read GOd's Wrod, we should read it fresh every day as though we have never read it before. We if we go to reading with preconcieved ideas and expectations, we may miss what God has to say to us in the now of our lives. If we search for contradictions and untruths there, in our minds we will find them, even though they are not there. We must read GOD's Word as though we were searching for gold, silver or buried treasure. When we humble ourself in HIS Presence, while in prayer, or reading HIS Word, we will find God. Abiding in HIM and letting HIM live our lives as though He were living it for us. We will be drawn to love others, caring for their eternal well being, praying for them to come to grips with their failures, faults and problems. Then and only then do we have the right to show them the way to eternal life, which has been freely offered to all manking, and has been rejected by many, because they refused to believe all that GOD has said in HIS Word.


Eugene51 said:
Reasons Why I believe. NOT IMO but Let God be TRUe and every man a liar!
Jesus said" you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free."
(John 8)There is always room to learn more than what we know and believe
about God and HIS Word. I ( as a believer) have spent years reading and learning all I can about GOD. Time spent in prayer, communicating with that UNseen Spirit that speaks to my heart, not to my head, desires that we love all people, the good, the bad, and the unbelieving; HE loves all mankind. He loves sinners ( including me and you) but He hates sin in all form. It is not my job as a preacher and teacher of God's Word to judge or condemn anyone. My assignment as a disciple is to convince all men of the truth. How can any of us pretend that we know all the answers. God cannot be confined to a box or anyone church or religion. If God is being blamed for letting all those bad things that happen to people, who would want to serve, follow, trust, or believe in HIM. On the other hand, IF GOD does exist and HE is capable of all things good and bad that happen to us in this world,I should serve ONLY HIM out of fear, if not out of love (which HE extended to us all first). We should not ask why should I believe in HIM or How dare HE allow such attrosities
of mankind and not lift a hand to help us. where is GOD when we need HIM?? He is only a prayer away! And may I add that it is not for me or anyone to question GOD. Rather than NOT TRUST GOD, believe GOD, read HIS Word daily, search the scriptures daily to find out if these things are true. GOD has revealed HIMSELF to the world and to every generation. We may trust in GOD and hope in Christ for eternal life, but never can we fully trust any man. I am a sinful creature,falible and frail, prone to error; yet when I read GOD's Word, I find truth and pure holiness. I find no errors or untruth in any translation I read. In closing may I say
that When we ( you or I ) read GOd's Wrod, we should read it fresh every day as though we have never read it before. We if we go to reading with preconcieved ideas and expectations, we may miss what God has to say to us in the now of our lives. If we search for contradictions and untruths there, in our minds we will find them, even though they are not there. We must read GOD's Word as though we were searching for gold, silver or buried treasure. When we humble ourself in HIS Presence, while in prayer, or reading HIS Word, we will find God. Abiding in HIM and letting HIM live our lives as though He were living it for us. We will be drawn to love others, caring for their eternal well being, praying for them to come to grips with their failures, faults and problems. Then and only then do we have the right to show them the way to eternal life, which has been freely offered to all manking, and has been rejected by many, because they refused to believe all that GOD has said in HIS Word.

did smaller's LITTLE brudder post THIS?


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cattyfan said:
did smaller's LITTLE brudder post THIS?

:taoist: "Lil brudder.... oh lil' brudder.... he has the heart of a champion.... keep scrapin' along lil' brudder....":taoist:


Poly said:
:taoist: "Lil brudder.... oh lil' brudder.... he has the heart of a champion.... keep scrapin' along lil' brudder....":taoist:

Ohhhhh, lil' brudder!!!!



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7thwatch said:
great stuff there. I really enjoyed the read and I will use it in future bible studies I give.

This one is going in my files for sure!

Psalm 22

---This is truly a need to read and study portion of the Bible. It will bring tears to your eyes. If I may insert what I’ve learned here, you can take it for what you will.
---There’s a few things revealed there that people have never been taught.
---15, Christ bled all his blood and water from his body to the point the he was like a crisp. A potsherd is a piece of a clay pot.
And also 15, Christ gnawed his own tongue out; in order not to disobey his own law. If thine eye offends you, pluck it out. If thy hand offends you cut it off. Notice He is saying if it OFFENDS “YOU”, cut it off. Christ’s tongue offended him; it got him on the cross. As he died it was seen, the Lamb of God, chewing it’s cud before he went to sleep.
And also 15, Christ was asleep or dead throughout most all of that, and became conscious just to cry out, and gave up the Ghost. That is referred to as a resurrection.
---I know; again it’s insane, you don’t have to except it.

Frank Ernest

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Letsargue said:
Psalm 22

---This is truly a need to read and study portion of the Bible. It will bring tears to your eyes. If I may insert what I’ve learned here, you can take it for what you will.
---There’s a few things revealed there that people have never been taught.
---15, Christ bled all his blood and water from his body to the point the he was like a crisp. A potsherd is a piece of a clay pot.
And also 15, Christ gnawed his own tongue out; in order not to disobey his own law. If thine eye offends you, pluck it out. If thy hand offends you cut it off. Notice He is saying if it OFFENDS “YOU”, cut it off. Christ’s tongue offended him; it got him on the cross. As he died it was seen, the Lamb of God, chewing it’s cud before he went to sleep.
And also 15, Christ was asleep or dead throughout most all of that, and became conscious just to cry out, and gave up the Ghost. That is referred to as a resurrection.
---I know; again it’s insane, you don’t have to except it.
Ok. I won't accept it for the reason you stated. :thumb:


when digging for gold and you find it , try it to know it's not fools gold.
This is one of the intersting pslams, that confirms David, as the Prince of peace.Try this on it's own without the though of the future ie Jesus. When you read psalms, you will hear the voice of the heart of love as is the spirit of trust and truth and will know that the the key to your heart is David , He who will stand in the congregation and praise Him and tell of His glories. 22:22 " i will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the congregation will i prasie thee. 29 " all they that be fat upon the earth, shall eat and worship, fat refers to goodness, as in the fat of the lamb is it's wool, that which is good 30 " a seed shallserve Him, it shall be accounted to him for a generation , this implies a period of time ps 23 :4 thou i walk through the valley of death ie live and walk in darkness amonst a world of sinners , i will not fear anyone b/c your staff and rod comfort me. this refers to God's Word and His personal Guidance
23: 6 " surely goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. So what does this imply, that David has been assured of the right hand of God and not to see hell.
Ps 24 : 3 " who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord or who shall stand in His Holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands and a pure heart who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully.
Jer 18 :15 " b.c my people have forgotten me, they have burned insense to vanity and they have cause them to stumble in their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up. 17 i will scatter them as with an east wind before their enemy, i will shopw them the back...........1818 " then they came ( who is they?, ) come let us devise devices against Jeremiah, for the law (God's word) shall not perish from the presists (levites).......come let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his ( jeremiah's ) words.
what you hear here is the expressions of David repeated . Throughout the OT you will hear the repetitions of the Words of Moses and David.
David is the central figure 25 % of the bible is of Moses 50% of DAvid and 25 % of jesus , but it is all about the same one soul ie He who brought the children forth out of egypt , the first begotten ie Moses, David the gfirst begotten ps 2: 7 'Thou art my son this day have i begotten thee" Jesus as the begotten son, and in Revelation the first begotten from the dead the comforter as repeatd in rev ch 2 & 3 " 7 times i have over come the darkness, ie sins of this world. Now you have Jesus confirming this character in spirit that is the key of David rev 3 :7 and that he is the root ( what is the root of a plant in the ground but every year a new body comes up resemmbling the old but it 's yet different. the life is in the root ie the soul, the spirit is in the moving new body with is fed from the root, ) ( what is the root of David besides his soul and his heart, which is the central theme of the entire Bble. the Jews will rightfully argue that messiah is David , but could not accept that Jesus was him. Wo what do you think will be the case for Jesus in face to the christian heiarchy, rejection of course based on what? that they too as the jews cannot see relinguishing their power, to him, so they would prefer to kill him REv 12 :4 . But as scripture must be filled that women is the bride that will bring forth the man child which is after the great white thropne judgement which as i keep telling you is around the corner, why? B/C i am he who is walking among you as the thief in the night or walking amon you in the valley of death which is filled with dry bones, Read Eze 37 and 3 " can these bones live? ( bones ie people ie dead walking in spirit, but still living ) Now the next several verses will speak to the rasing of these dead until verse 9 an you will see the expression " prophecy unto the winds, prophecy, son of man and say to the wind,,,Say to the four winds ( four corners of the world) oh breath , breath upon them and live."------- now read the nest couple of verses.

what is important is to recognize the symbolisms and their correlations to the other similar usages throughout the Text.
you have Folly wood and various christian teaching s trying to bring some p[hysical expression to hese words eye graves and raising dead from the groun and so on and these repetitions abre blinding you all and keeping you confused and dazed about the truth.
As jew cannot possibly understand unless they accept Jesus and as Christians cannot poosibly understand unless they accept David you are all lost . And this is carefully , and strategically organiniezed by king evil , Satan and his modern day reps,.

so what happens with Reveklation the final chapter, if the christians call it speculation at best and the jews call it garbage made up by heathens . it is the theif in the fnight , who has been preserveand who's name and correlations are written to confirm from the beginning of the tText ie Bible to the very end and God shall as you are doing with this ps 22 prove who messiah is,

This is your time to prove and see the correlation, messiah will not go away, lest he is booted, away. Now get busy instead of tearing me apart for what you think i don't know challenge the Text to prove who i AM. Just as you have hear.

peace and may your hearts be open to hearing the word.
You should know it is impossible in this type of forum to simply write and write and write.
it's the night and i am busy writing to you .
i have been getting up between 2 an 6 am for over 25 years and much and most was simply for meditationa nd reading , being groomed for this day.
Hurry don't be late, you won't be disappiointed lest you hold fast to wanting to live in sin and continue in sin life thinking you can have the kingdom and sin life too, waiting for the pill years and a horrible cancer death and then a pulpit preacher at graveside saying" he's gone to a better place now", That 's a crock of bull !!!!!!
wake up my friends the" beastly boys" are covering you with lies and deceit and you arduously are working for them 10 -12 hours / day 3 -4 days per week. __________think on this.

God 's promise is far and away much more pleasing and satisfying than this life of sin, in a culture of sodom and gamorrah _____ hell____o___.

peace and love from your eternal friend and well wisher.


New member
It is a good thing to look up Who will beleive the report of who the arm of the lord is extended . Is a vexation from day to day night to morning only to understand the report. for the arm came to do its work, and the arm is is all god , but infact not completely god , because god is to be all in all as christ tells . I tell you christ came to get that with had been lost . count the comings starting with the people of old or we forsake them and thy perish. guess what there has to be a coming befor theres agoing. lets not just start at a going because u have to come to go . Who is the elected one , choosen to be the light , his work is before him, his soul will be made an offering to justerfy many,he shall see his seed, and be comforted , christ ends a generation waiting his coming . we must have care that we dont pervert gods grace to those before, count 1 for them may god bring us to a full understanding so we may depart all evil.


charity tells me that we need some more friends,
nice post there kiddo.
if you believe, then you will see his coming an if your faith is pure then you may be there, it;s your choice.
from your friendly messiah,


New member

Resons to BELIEVE ........

•In the entire Bible as the inspired Word of God. II Timothy 3:16.

•In the Godhead as mentioned in Matthew. Matthew 28:18-19.

•In salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16; Acts 4:12.

•That the personal visible return of Jesus is according to Bible prophecy. We must prepare to meet Him. John 14:1-5; Luke 21:25-26; Matthew 24th Chapter; Amos 4:12.

•We are saved by grace, through faith, not by our works, nor the keeping of the law. Ephesians 2:8-10.

•Good works are the fruitage of the true faith. James 2:17-20.

•In regeneration, the new birth, Bible conversion, true sanctification and holiness of life. John 3:17; Acts 3:19.

•It is now the judgment time, when a special gospel message is calling mankind back to special Bible truth. Revelation 14:6-12.

•The Ten Commandments will be the standard of judgment. Exodus 20:1-17; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; James 2:10-12.

•The original Seventh-Day Sabbath is the true Lord’s Day of the entire Bible. John 1:1-3; Mark 2:27; Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Matthew 5:17-19; Revelation 22:14; Isaiah 66:22-23.

•The follower of Christ will shun worldly pleasure and follies that unfit him for heaven. II Timothy 3:1-5; John 2:15-17.

•Being called into holiness of life, the Christian will be discreet in conduct; and will manifest in simplicity in dress and appearance. II Corinthians 6:16-18; Isaiah 3:16-24; I Timothy 2:8-10.

•The body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. We should, therefore, not defile it with alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form, narcotics, or foods that are not in harmony with God’s Word. I Corinthians 9:24-27; 6:19-20; 10:31; Romans 12:1-2; I Thessalonians 5:23.

•The dead sleep in the grave until the resurrection. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10; I Corinthians 15:20-21; 51-55; I Thessalonians 4:13; Romans 6:23.

•In baptism by immersion. Matthew 28:18, 20; Colossians 2:12; 3:12; 3:1-4.

•In all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I Corinthians 12; Revelation 12:17; 19:10.

•In the support of the gospel by tithes and offerings. Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:7-12; Matthew 23:23.



the list of points mentioned above are very good.
a little revision on some taking too literally but all in all as you have many good points and references

i say, this confirms the " song of Moses" rev 15:3.

and they sung it AS IF, it were new, but it's not, the commandments, God's Will will never change, but if you want to be there, then you must put on a new dress. ah, how sweet.

if any of you saw my Bibles , 7 of them , with all their notes and highlights and line connections, page after page, you would atleast admit , that's alot of reading.
But more importantly they are prepared for you not me, to some day scrutinize and see for yourself, what is the supporting documentation and the mysteries.

my 19 year old daughter, did her own carefull anlaysis, and it was pleasant to watch here say " wow, the Bible is so simple top read now", put down her NIV, and immediately bought her own KJV and started noting the contents.
She's an angel, are you?



New member
fear is the dread to futher confusion, to seek and not find, to desire and be unfulfilled ....for the heart must find true romance...and what is true romance but the hearts complete surrender, many of us can say we are romanicng God
i say i love god.....i say i love jesus...but would i recognise jesus if i met him, would i surrender my heart to romance, as he , and be this one heart ,mind and soul a female character capable of complete surrender, marriage Love..... the soul created below (incompliance with) for him is she continuance and to her is he that which is Love...will the companisons of the holy spirit hearken and cause God to hear


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goldeneye said:
fear is the dread to futher confusion, to seek and not find, to desire and be unfulfilled ....for the heart must find true romance...and what is true romance but the hearts complete surrender, many of us can say we are romanicng God
i say i love god.....i say i love jesus...but would i recognise jesus if i met him, would i surrender my heart to romance, as he , and be this one heart ,mind and soul a female character capable of complete surrender, marriage Love..... the soul created below (incompliance with) for him is she continuance and to her is he that which is Love...will the companisons of the holy spirit hearken and cause God to hear

Lay off the crack, dude. :up:


New member
Mind if I cut in?

Under the sub-heading reasons not to believe, elaborating on JayHoover’s point re: Christianity “losing” it’s founding documents, it is unlikely in the extreme that the “originals” were “lost” “accidentally.” Apparently, the originals managed to survive for almost two centuries before Nicea, with far less formal oversight than they would have received, and should have received, after Nicea, with the wealth and bureaucracy of imperial Rome at the Church’s fingertips.

Strange, that. Meticulous record-keepers before Nicea, and since, but somehow immediately after Nicea they lose the originals! There one minute, gone the next! Not the originals of one, or two, or three, or four, or five books of the Bible, God’s Holy Word. The original of EVERY book of the New Testament was lost. If lost through mere incompetence or neglect, the Church didn’t even preserve one original manuscript “accidentally.” What are the odds of that?

What amounts to the Church’s founding “Articles of Incorporation,” proving its legitimacy, and proving the Bishop of Rome’s apostolic claim of title to the throne of St Peter, unaccountably “lost.” If the same rules we apply to corporate accounting practices today were applied to the theologians of Nicea, they’d go to jail for shredding the evidence. Don’t have a list of the books in front of me considered at Nicea, included in Constantine’s New Testament; but whatever the number of books was, multiply it by the number of copies of each book the bishops made, unless we’re expected to believe that two hundred bishops took turns “sharing” one original of each book. So, not only were the “originals” “lost,” every copy of an original used at Nicea was lost, as well.

The oldest complete New Testament manuscripts date to the late fourth century (Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus), and are thought to be two of fifty copies commissioned by Constantine after Nicea. What became of the manuscripts used by Church “historian” Eusebius to compile Constantine’s New Testament? Would a “historian” simply throw them out when he was through with them?

Given the unparalleled historical (not to mention spiritual) value of the originals, it’s naïve and unreasonable to believe that every original NT document was “accidentally lost” by the very people responsible for determining what is, and what isn’t, God’s Holy Word. After months of debate, they cull out the pretenders, settle on the accepted texts, burn what was rejected -- and lose the originals? With all the “crap” the Church has rat-packed away and preserved over the years, “losing” the originals of every NT book in the Bible, written, presumably, in the author’s own hand, is inconceivable. We can only conclude that the original manuscripts were systematically and deliberately destroyed (or hidden). But, why? Only one reason to hide or destroy an original document. Because someone’s got something to hide.

Not very reassuring.


New member
JumpinJack said:
The oldest complete New Testament manuscripts date to the late fourth century (Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus), and are thought to be two of fifty copies commissioned by Constantine after Nicea. What became of the manuscripts used by Church “historian” Eusebius to compile Constantine’s New Testament? Would a “historian” simply throw them out when he was through with them?

wasn't Eusebius an Arian heretic?

not to make too fine a point of it, but one of the things that i find most compelling about this point in christian history is the political intrigue... Constantine himself was a sun worshipping pagan who ordered the murder of his son and his mother in law, if memory serves, and to emphasize just how interested he was in the theology of the fledgling faith, he appointed a heretic to compile the canon from the before mentioned "lost" - :chuckle: - documents... :think:

and also, the references in Psalms that are supposed to be prophetic... how hard would it have been for the compilers of the NT to have simply added the fulfillment of the prophecies in the gospel accounts?

sorry if that's already been covered, but it's a really simple explanation for the "prophecies".