ARCHIVE: Pro-choice on abortion, Anti-choice on avatars

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Formerly Shimei!
If a girl is so determined to kill their unborn child, and there aren't clinics openly available and regulated, her life could be lost as well due to seedy back door practices. When invasive medical procedures go underground, things get worse, not better.

If we are going to rip babies apart, we should have plush surroundings, correct?
Do some research. Have you even been in a Planned Parenthood clinic? You just pretty much described the clinics as they are right now.

Where will you protest and prevent murder, if the clinics are hidden, hmm?

That is so stupid I don’t even know where to begin. So your answer is abortion clinics should be legal and therefore visible so the pro-lifers are not confused about where to stand?

What if the girl is being forced to do the procedure: an underground clinic won't care, they're doing illegal things already. A clinic, like Planned Parenthood, is expected to report such abuse, and do what the mother wants, not what some pimp/sexual abuser/jerk lover wants.
You are very naive. An underground clinic? Do you think Planned Parenthood encourages one to keep their baby?
Do you think Planned Parenthood would report a potential abortion if the mother is a 13 year old and the father is a 27 year old? You REALLY believe that Planned Parenthood cares?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
I just didn't like it included in the quote box.
I don't like that you condone murder.

And I've already stated my POV.
And I clarified it.

What would you think of someone who said, I'm against killing Jews, but I support a Nazi's right to choose?

What would you think of someone who said, I'm against rape, but I support a man's right to choose?

Your "POV" is just as vile. Think about it.


New member
That is so stupid I don’t even know where to begin.

You don't have to insult me, it's obvious that we don't agree. I will no longer respond to this thread, so don't bother asking any more questions here. I've said what I wanted to say.

Mr. 5020

New member
You don't have to insult me, it's obvious that we don't agree. I will no longer respond to this thread, so don't bother asking any more questions here. I've said what I wanted to say.
:squint: I think Turbo is asking you valid questions.


New member
:squint: I think Turbo is asking you valid questions.

okay, just this one last question, and then I'm leaving.
He is asking valid questions, but I've already gone through it and I hate talking about abortion. I will say that I don't think his examples are comparable, but don't ask me to elaborate 'cause I'm done with this topic.


Formerly Shimei!
okay, just this one last question, and then I'm leaving.
He is asking valid questions, but I've already gone through it and I hate talking about abortion. I will say that I don't think his examples are comparable, but don't ask me to elaborate 'cause I'm done with this topic.

When did you become an advocate for Planned Parenthood? Do you remember where you were and at what age? Just curious.

Why do you hate talking about abortion? What makes you feel that way?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
I will say that I don't think his examples are comparable, but don't ask me to elaborate
Pardon us if we don't take your word for it.

You hate this topic because your position is indefensible and you are too hard-hearted to change it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Seems that sometimes when one is shown the fallacy of their thinking, they choose not to debate it. Makes sense.


New member
Seems that sometimes when one is shown the fallacy of their thinking, they choose not to debate it. Makes sense.

It's just tiring, talking in circles, being asked the same questions and giving the same answers over an over again. Your views aren't going to tolerate mine, no matter what I say so why should I continue defending myself? I didn't want to start an abortion debate, I just wanted to see a disgusting avatar removed :sigh:


Formerly Shimei!
It's just tiring, talking in circles, being asked the same questions and giving the same answers over an over again. Your views aren't going to tolerate mine, no matter what I say so why should I continue defending myself? I didn't want to start an abortion debate, I just wanted to see a disgusting avatar removed :sigh:

Circles? Please quit trying to cop out. You are the one that is against abortion but is for a woman's right to do so. No "circles" from any of us. We all can easily understand that murdering a baby is wrong.

When did you first become aware that you were for a womans right to "choose"?

Do you believe in absolute right and wrong?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Your views aren't going to tolerate mine, no matter what I say so why should I continue defending myself?
You shouldn't. You should repent of your support for legalized child-killing, and start actually meaning it when you claim that you are "against abortion."


New member
It's just tiring, talking in circles, being asked the same questions and giving the same answers over an over again. Your views aren't going to tolerate mine, no matter what I say so why should I continue defending myself? I didn't want to start an abortion debate, I just wanted to see a disgusting avatar removed :sigh:
When someone presents a question and challenges your view, do you always give the same answer? Because you keep not giving an answer, and you keep wondering why they keep asking the questions. Getting into some thick water on a debate forum is expected, and people tend to debate here.

You're view is, "I'm against abortion personally, but I support the woman's right to choose." Which is effectively translated as, "I know abortion is murder, but I just don't care enough to actually take a stand or position." You can't be against abortion, and then support a woman's right to murder her baby. That's called not against abortion. In fact, that's called supporting abortion. Can you honestly not see how you're canceling out your own "position"? Or are you trying really really really hard not to get into a discussion on a debate forum where people challenge other people's views all the time?


New member
Hall of Fame
While I understand the point of Jefferson's avatar--even if I too find it distasteful--the irony of pro-lifers being the ones carrying pictures of corpses is too striking to ignore.

I personally think depictions and glorifications of life are preferrable, and it seems that the shock value of images such as Jefferson's avatar could conceivably distract from the debate.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
You're view is, "I'm against abortion personally, but I support the woman's right to choose." Which is effectively translated as, "I know abortion is murder, but I just don't care enough to actually take a stand or position." You can't be against abortion, and then support a woman's right to murder her baby. That's called not against abortion. In fact, that's called supporting abortion.

POTD! :first:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
You don't have to insult me, it's obvious that we don't agree. I will no longer respond to this thread, so don't bother asking any more questions here. I've said what I wanted to say.

In this case, it really is necessary.
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