Again your argument boils down to the claim that since nobody can understand God, your understanding must be correct. It's just silliness!
Yes, but your leading question led nowhere significant, that was my point.
As I've said, of course God is logical and again, I don't have to agree with you for Him to remain logical or even me for that matter. The difference, perhaps, I'm not afraid of my problems and can assess them correctly in my thinking.
I'm not at all afraid to say I cannot make logical sense sometimes, that some higher math is a bit beyond me, or that God is a bit beyond me. GR and Muz are the only ones on here that have ever admitted to me that He is, but I wonder if they believe in the exponential like I do. It seems if we were dealing with percentages, God is a bit more known in his mind. How can we honestly talk about logic when God is beyond us? Are there no mysteries left to Him? Can you not see why we have problems with the OV and what we are convinced it is reaching here?
I believe in foreknowledge, but not EDF. If OVT makes sense and can be supported with biblical, theological, historical, philosophical evidence, why sit around waiting for something to fall from the sky to support a traditional view that can be shown to be problematic and deficient? Give it are fighting a losing cause.:cheers:

Because OV is seen as more problematic?
I think they are clinging to tradition at all costs. They are implying that those who have insight cannot have it unless it agrees with them.
Clinging like in a 'pathetic attempt?' Sometimes I think you admire and other times I get a distinctly different impression. Probably, in honesty, there is a bit of that from me as well. We have a mutual disdain for the other's position, wonder whether the other is really being logical, and whether we are being Biblically faithful.
I'm pretty much alone on my take on Hebrews, so I understand where minority comes from, but I deem when we are in the minority, we move much more graciously and carefully and with fear and trepidation before our Maker.
The bottom line is that we can know things about God and His ways, not exhaustively, but truthfully.
I'd qualify this statement by 1) Leaving out "bottom line" or perhaps qualifying it. 2) I'd add 'some' before things for emphasis on our differing exponentials. I believe we know a lot about Him, but in the grand scheme of who He is, very little, 'glass-darkly' (
1 Corinthians 13:9,12;
1John 3:2;
Isaiah 55:8,9;
Exodus 33:20)
If there is no revelation on the subject, we can speculate without dogmatism (what God did before Genesis).
Agreed, dogmatism is problematic. When in our limited finite thinking (logic), our speculation turns to dogmatism, we are in trouble.
If there is clear revelation, we can defend and proclaim it (Deity and resurrection of Christ).
Again, agreed and we rarely do enough of it. We'd rather bicker over what is and isn't logical than acquiesce any similarity. Caricatures help us feel better about ourselves. "At least my ears aren't THAT big..."
If there is some biblical revelation and godly philosophical arguments, we can take a stand one way or another until proven otherwise with more evidence or thought (issues relating to God, time, eternity, knowledge, etc.).
I think this is somewhat true but there are consequences for our thoughts. These should align with scripture and be maleable by God. When we are divergent, there should be much greater caution. I do believe the OV audacious, especially when it claims to be more logical. It always means the rest of us are not. Instead of taking offense, I try to embrace the accusation and see if an OVer will also, even if eventually, rightly assess their own logic. As it sits, to say the OV is more logical, carries a gauntlet with metal studs. Delmar gets flustered, but I'm trying to turn the other cheek rather than confront the challenge head on and say the first thing that pops into my head. It wouldn't be nice and we'd be dueling at dawn.
No matter what OV thinks, these audacious assertions are a slap in the traditionalist's faces. The usurper is always the aggressor. If truth is compromised, then I understand and acquiesce, but I've not seen OV really prove a point of falsehood. There are assertions, I started out here 3 years ago open to rebuke, if it were needed, but have found those accusations flimsy and the challenge rather bold upon paper-thin grievances.
I've endeavored these years to show graciously, that the OV accusations are unfounded, unqualified, and untenuable.