ARCHIVE: Is this really demonic doctrine or what...


Well-known member
It is no more dangerous for believers today than it was in Jesus' day. They crucified Him, because He told The Truth. His followers are not exempt from the same sufferings, but we welcome it. It would be an honor to be killed for being a witness of His Truth.


agree, mormons and budhists and r.caths. and baptsts and mthdsts and democrts and pulibcans and hairy crishneas all have their own other beliefs.
for every one
the time is very short now and as it has been for those who honor Yhvh very dangerous and getting more so....

You forgot the heresy of what is known as the “Messianic Jew” movement.

In other words, “Messianic Jew” is heresy.



Well-known member
Messianic Jews don't keep the law to be justified, they do so for a witness to their bretheren, to honor their ancestors and to witness and honor the prophecy Christ fulfilled and will fulfill in the things they perform. You should attend a Messianic Jewish service. They are so full of The Love of God you can't help but be jealous. They're on fire for The Lord. :thumb:


New member
In other words, “Messianic Jew” is heresy.

No it isn't. In 2002, I dated a Jewess. I began taking her to a Messianic Jewish temple. She eventually received Yeshua as her Lord and Saviour. But, she would not call herself a Christian, and instead referred to herself as "Messianic". Why? Because to some Jews, the label "Christian" is heresy!


Well-known member
Can you blame them, for all the atrocities that have been heaped upon their ancestors for almost 2,000 years, in the 'name' of Christianity?
Here and today, the heart breaks for a 'messy' church a few blocks away "aslut christian fellowship" (sic, reverse first word for city)...
they have continued to support ungodly leadership of the country inspite of repeated and very numerous warnings.
they don't listen to Scripture (as soon as the Scripture is brought up, they turn their baks on the speaker)...
sigh, they listen to no one unless their ears get tickled....
...... and they, like most worldly groups, support the pernicious medico systm that injects posin into thousands of young and old every day, the pernicious politico system that protects the medico system with unjust and damnable laws (the cures used before 1950 aren't allowed legally in the usa; cures for ms, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and so on)...
In fact, they support the widespread introduction of disease on purpose by the bigFarm and bigGov and bigMoney industries...
people of all ages, and animals, are made sick on purpose by the insidious practices and products in the untied states.
Today they call believers "not authentically human" to excuse murdering them.

Today they call believers "not authentically human" to excuse murdering them.

It is no more dangerous for believers today than it was in Jesus' day. They crucified Him, because He told The Truth. His followers are not exempt from the same sufferings, but we welcome it. It would be an honor to be killed for being a witness of His Truth.

This has been the stated purpose of the RCC, of the new world order, and most insidiously the bigFarma (druglords/manufacturers)...
for hundreds of years...

Pope Gregory VII. decided it was no murder to kill excommunicated persons. This rule was incorporated in the canon law. During the revision of the code, which took place in the 16th century, and which produced a whole volume of corrections, the passage was allowed to stand. It appears in every reprint of the Corpus Juris. It has been for 700 years, and continues to be, part of the ecclesiastical law. Far from being a dead letter, it obtained a new application in the days of the Inquisition; and one of the later Popes has declared that the murder of a Protestant is so good a deed that it atones, and more than atones, for the murder of a Catholic.Lord Acton, The London Times, July 20, 1872.


Well-known member
It's funny, the Catholics, murdering protestants, have been making martyrs of those they perceive as demonic, while the 'martyrs' of Islam have been jumping headlong into hell by blowing themselves up in acts of mass-murder. Ironic.
Jeff, you should start a conspiracy theory website. :squint:

Conspiracy?.... Yahshua said plainly "the whole society lies in the hands of hasatan" - the world is controlled by him, the politicos, medicos, newspapers, schools, wall street....
this is complete OPPOSITE of a theroy,
it is on the other hand A THEORY that democracy is good, or capitilism, or Roman C., or the FDA or the AMA ....
A THEROY that is easily seen as perverse and false...

since THE WHOLE WORLD is LOST, whoever stands up for the TRUTH is of course HATED, PERSECUTED, and treated as rebels.