ARCHIVE: Fool is only fooling himself


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Hall of Fame
It's a sticky!
It's an archive sticky!
(none of the other stickys are archives)
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped make this happen.
Since I called Bob's show on this topic not only did I have 4 shows named after me, but I was immortalized in the Best Of Bob series, my rep has shot up more than 100 points, and now I have an archive sticky attack thread at the top of Bob's forum with my name in it!
A big thanks to Bob, and Knight , and all of you who participated to make this dream come true.
(I can't wait to put this in my sig!)


New member
Hall of Fame
I love how Knight thinks he's "won" something when the best this show came to was fool holding his cool and Bob chanting...


New member
fool said:
It's a sticky!
It's an archive sticky!
(none of the other stickys are archives)
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped make this happen.
Since I called Bob's show on this topic not only did I have 4 shows named after me, but I was immortalized in the Best Of Bob series, my rep has shot up more than 100 points, and now I have an archive sticky attack thread at the top of Bob's forum with my name in it!
A big thanks to Bob, and Knight , and all of you who participated to make this dream come true.
(I can't wait to put this in my sig!)





New member
Knight said:
Coming from a person who thinks the US military is guilty of murder your opinion isn't very credible. :)
And coming from a person who said emphatically that he supports indiscriminate killing, I'm not very concerned about your assessments of my credibility when it comes to making moral determinations!



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
I love how Knight thinks he's "won" something when the best this show came to was fool holding his cool and Bob chanting...
Knight could never admit that the tenants he holds so dear are flawed.
That would cost him his world-view and by extension, his eternal life.
I doubt this little exercise changed the minds of any of the die hard entrenched.
The best I could hope for was that somehow, somewhere, sometime, I gave a voice to the questions that all men have in their hearts, and perhaps solidified those questions into a statement.
"This far, and no further"

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
I doubt this little exercise changed the minds of any of the die hard entrenched.
Don't be so hard on yourself... after all you did pull the double whammy on Granite and allsmiles when you claimed to be a moral absolutist.

I think their minds were changed (at least about you).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Don't be so hard on yourself... after all you did pull the double whammy on Granite and allsmiles when you claimed to be a moral absolutist.

I think their minds were changed (at least about you).
I think the careful reader would have known that about me.
I was suprised you didn't after our previous encounters.


New member
Hall of Fame
fool said:
Knight could never admit that the tenants he holds so dear are flawed.
That would cost him his world-view and by extension, his eternal life.
I doubt this little exercise changed the minds of any of the die hard entrenched.
The best I could hope for was that somehow, somewhere, sometime, I gave a voice to the questions that all men have in their hearts, and perhaps solidified those questions into a statement.
"This far, and no further"

Well, any Christian who has spent any length of time in the faith finds it harder and harder to give up such an investment. Time, energy, heck, their life. Can you imagine Dobson having a dark night of the soul? The choice is unimaginable.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
Well, any Christian who has spent any length of time in the faith finds it harder and harder to give up such an investment. Time, energy, heck, their life. Can you imagine Dobson having a light night of the soul? The choice is unimaginable.

well said sir! except that finger you point points at yourself first...
Last edited:


New member
Hall of Fame
stipe said:
well said sir! except that finger you point points at yourself first...

I do not appreciate someone deliberately mangling what I said. For another thing I'm no atheist, so try again.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
I do not appreciate someone deliberately mangling what I said.
Granite said:
For another thing I'm no atheist, so try again.
how can i resist an invitation like that (rhetorical question mark).

your original comment seemed to imply that ones christianity is only made certain by the time its had to establish itself. this assumption is a poor insight on so many levels but let me try and convey where it craws me...

it is probabably a universal fact that the more time one spends constructing something the more valuable it will be to the designer. the key in this issue is the universality. your implication is that the christian is capable of this which unfairly leaves out the rest of humanity indicating that their attachment to what they have built is based entirely on what money they can make out of the venture.

i'll be found guilty of all you imply here if you accept that your own designs are worth more to you that the cost of the construction materials plus labour...


On Fire

New member
fool said:
Knight could never admit that the tenants he holds so dear are flawed.
That would cost him his world-view and by extension, his eternal life.

Blah, blah, blah....

You still on this kick of thinking you have unearthed the holy grail of biblical contradictions guaranteed to bring all of Christianity tumbling down? You? Really? Shouldn't you be on the Today show or CNN? Where will the 2.1 billion Christians go? The implications are mindblowing!

:rotfl: :darwinsm: :rotfl: :darwinsm: :rotfl: :darwinsm: :rotfl: :darwinsm:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
You still on this kick of thinking you have unearthed the holy grail of biblical contradictions guaranteed to bring all of Christianity tumbling down? You? Really? Shouldn't you be on the Today show or CNN? Where will the 2.1 billion Christians go? The implications are mindblowing!
I think the part you blah, blah, blahed over explained it.
Of course that's why you didn't quote that part.
Just because you're to stupid to realize the post you mangled is right up there for everyone to see dosen't mean everybody else is.

On Fire

New member
fool said:
Knight could never admit that the tenants he holds so dear are flawed.
That would cost him his world-view and by extension, his eternal life.
I doubt this little exercise changed the minds of any of the die hard entrenched.
The best I could hope for was that somehow, somewhere, sometime, I gave a voice to the questions that all men have in their hearts, and perhaps solidified those questions into a statement.
"This far, and no further"
I was doing you a favor. The 2nd half makes no more sense than the first half.

Now, can you answer my question?

You still on this kick of thinking you have unearthed the holy grail of biblical contradictions guaranteed to bring all of Christianity tumbling down?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
I was doing you a favor. The 2nd half makes no more sense than the first half.

Now, can you answer my question?

You still on this kick of thinking you have unearthed the holy grail of biblical contradictions guaranteed to bring all of Christianity tumbling down?
It's not a "kick".
The OT is the foundation of more than just Christianity.
I'm flattered you think my question is that powerful :eek:

On Fire

New member
fool said:
It's not a "kick".
The OT is the foundation of more than just Christianity.
I'm flattered you think my question is that powerful :eek:
No. I think your question is :pureX:. YOU think your question is something greater than :pureX:.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
No. I think your question is :pureX:. YOU think your question is something greater than :pureX:.
Then why are you in here worrying that it's going to tumble Christanity?
Oh ya, and if you consider someone asking why infants need to be slaughtered at the point of a sword is a :pureX: question then you're OFF the babysitter list!


New member
stipe said:
i dont think the question is at all powerful.
Why not? Is it not relevant if the Bible attributes actions and behaviors to God which you find morally reprehensible? Doesn't that demand some sort of explanation? I know you feel comfortable just speaking for yourself ("I won't do it") and not commenting on the actual events in the Bible, but that seems a bit "weak" to me.