Any hockey fans in the house?


New member
:wave2: I'm a big fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins. My husband goes beyond fan and into fanatic. Our living room is a tribute to the Pens, specifically Mario Lemeiux and Sidney Crosby. Including two cases with autographed jerseys on the wall.

Not the point of the post, lol. Hockey is life. Okay too dramatic and not actually true, but there are times during the season that it feels that way. Our household seems to revolve around the Pens games. Life practically stops when the games are on. Or at least, he tries to get life to stop.

What's your team?


New member
I'm a hockey fan. I love the Penns! I love the Penns, Stillers and Buccos. Are you from Pittsburgh or the area too?

Nathon Detroit

I'm a huge hockey fan. Our entire family is nuts for hockey. 4 of my kids played and I coached for several years.

Being from Colorado we are of course big Avs fans.


Sports are really great for kids. I do wish adults would move on to something more meaningful and productive.


New member
I'm a hockey fan. I love the Penns! I love the Penns, Stillers and Buccos. Are you from Pittsburgh or the area too?

I live in Houston and have since I was 4. :chuckle: I took my team when I took my husband, lol. He loves Mario Lemieux and by extension, the Penguins. For football, I like my Texans. I'm not a baseball person at all. It's just too slow for me, I wind up pulling out a book (I don't go any where without a book!)

Sports are really great for kids. I do wish adults would move on to something more meaningful and productive.

I don't agree with you there, at least for hockey. Hockey players go out of their way to make something very meaningful and productive out of their careers and lives. Hockey players contribute hundreds of million dollars per year to various charities, focusing most on cancer and childhood illnesses and issues. Hockey teams and players contribute not just money but time, not only to these charities but also to their communities. Just as one example, the Penguins players go to the children's wards and provide time, presents and joy to many of the kids there. I don't see the other sports doing nearly so much with their time or money. Hockey provides more money to charity than all 4 of the rest of the Big 5. That's one of the reasons why I love hockey rather just enjoying watching games. You also don't see hockey players, especially the rookies, getting arrested for drugs and such. Rookies are taken into the homes of established players, ones from their home country if they are foreign, and adopted for the first year or two of their careers. The teams encourage a family atmosphere, both in the sense of the team itself as a family and in regards to the families of the players themselves. While they aren't saints (who is?), it's frowned upon to a much greater extent than in the other major sports. Sorry, I'll step off my soapbox now... It's one of those subjects for me, lol.


New member
The term "fan" is short for "fanatic."

I know, that was just for emphasis! :)

The Penguins are built for the regular season, not the playoffs.

I'm afraid you're right. I hope not. We don't like it either and don't know whether to be more pissed off at Shiro or the new guy. I think that between the two of them, we're lucky to have a team worth squat at all. :(