Anti-Islam movement

Gary K

New member

Austria Says "NO MORE!" To Islamisation

Austria's move is a very good thing, and it has been moving in this direction for some time. I've been reading about this movement for months now on Breitbart. The only difference I have with the video is in its title. This is not a shift right, per se. It is a shift towards reality and away from ideologically created iliusions. In that respect it's even better than the video portrays it as being. Once people break out of the illusions that have been created by the leftist media and politicians there is no going back for they see through them thoroughly. They understand how ruthlessly they have been played.

Gary K

New member
Switzerland denies citizenship to welfare recipients

5 minutes

Wow. Those Swiss sure are a bunch of far right racist loons. To think that they are requiring these immigrants to pay back all the welfare benefits they've recieved to prove they have jobs and have learned the language is just pure racism. And to think that these immigrants will not just be granted citizenship without any conditions. Oh, what a travesty. Don't the Swiss people know they are guilty of white supremacy and must pay for all the centuries during which they have been guilty of being born white? It's just hard to fathom how they could be so ignorant....


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Switzerland denies citizenship to welfare recipients

5 minutes
