And now for a little craziness you can't blame on Donald Trump...

The Barbarian

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – The children’s song, “Baby Shark,” is at the center of new abuse allegations against two Oklahoma County jailers and their supervisor.

On Monday, former detention officers Christian Miles and Gregory Butler, and their supervisor, Christopher Hendershott, were charged with four counts of cruelty to prisoners, four counts of corporal punishment to an inmate, and four counts of conspiracy.

According to court documents, the incidents happened in November and December of 2019.

Miles and Butler allegedly pulled at least five inmates, one at a time, out of their cells late at night, then handcuffed them with their arms behind their backs in a standing position in an attorney booth.

In some cases, the inmates were
made to listen to “Baby Shark” for 1.5 to 2 hours at a time.

It's not confirmed that the prisoners, after two hours of the torture, begged to be waterboarded instead.