fool said:
And yet in the foolish question thread you responded with;
So you're refusing to submit to God as well!
Which is it Logos? Are you now saying you'll do it?
(just trying to keep track)
No. I'm not saying I would do it for the reasons that have been put forward in that thread...which are that if God "orders" something it must be wrong.
Would I kill kids? No.
I guess if God disapproved of that decision, He would either have to forgive me for this "sin", or kill me for not killing kids.
But...our world today is more civilized as regards the children of enemies, and provision would be made for their care and their rights protected. It's a different least here.
But...would I kill a child abuser?
Without hesitation.
Would I kill a child abuser who abused them for his or her "god".
Without hestation...and I would advertise the fact, and I would take no prisoners.
And I would do it on moral grounds.
Now, ...what would you do? Leave them alone. Not get angry? How long would you put up with it? And would you be justified in taking action?
And...if you lived then would you have spared the kids if you took action? Knowing that no one would care for the kids unless you saddled your own people with that responsibility?
Could you rely on your people to actually carry out your wishes concerning the kids? What would you do if they didn't?
If I lived then, I probably would have no choice but to do as God commanded for all those reasons. I would not like it...and I don't think they did either.
And...rather than cover the whole affair up...they recorded it in their history. I don't think any other nation would've done that.