Amnesty Bill


Do you have anything to say about any of this? You're just quacking out links.

I'm against it. :plain:

Obama is rewarding lawlessness--if you've been breaking our laws for a long time successfully, you are rewarded with amnesty. If you've only broken our laws for a short time, go back home and learn to break our laws better. :BRAVO:

Obama is a lawless man (2 Thess. 2:7, 8). :Nineveh: He makes lawless men feel good about themselves.


"I'm very sorry your ["Christian"] marriage dissolved."
My husband is faithful and true (Eph. 5:22–32, Re 19:11).

"...He [the liberal] resents God saying do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery....Therefore perhaps he approves of Bill Clinton because Bill Clinton is a lying fornicator and so he makes liberals feel good about themselves." ~ Bob Enyart, Theology Thursday: The Plot Boys :banana: Ex 20:14, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Presidents are a reflection of us. 1 Sa 8:18

“If the gold rust, what then shall the iron do?” ~ Geoffrey Chaucer


Also see:

Sign of the Times

Adulterers Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky

The Donald 1, 2 :greedy:

"God will have to judge America or He's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." ~ Billy Graham


The Leadership Crisis in America by Adrian Rogers more

Frank Caliendo as Bill Clinton
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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Most of our ancestors when coming here after it was an established nation, did so legally. Why does wanting things to be done legally bother so many people?

Because they refuse to change laws that make it exceedingly difficult.

I don't see any Biblical support for immigration restrictions anywhere. And, noble as the idea of a Judeo-Christian population might be, current restrictions have nothing to do with that.


Originally Posted by Angel4Truth
Most of our ancestors when coming here after it was an established nation, did so legally. Why does wanting things to be done legally bother so many people?

Because they refuse to change laws that make it exceedingly difficult.

Define "difficult" (compared to many other countries, the US has very liberal immigration policies).

I don't see any Biblical support for immigration restrictions anywhere.

That's because you won't find articles about such in the open borders/Libertarian websites that you frequent.

And, noble as the idea of a Judeo-Christian population might be, current restrictions have nothing to do with that.

Not to worry Jr., your God-HATING Libertarian policies have turned a once Judeo-Christian population into a bunch of heathens.

The Barbarian

Originally Posted by Angel4Truth
Most of our ancestors when coming here after it was an established nation, did so legally. Why does wanting things to be done legally bother so many people?

Most of our ancestors came in without visa or passport, and just came in and settled. There were no immigration requirements until the late 1800s.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by Angel4Truth

Most of our ancestors came in without visa or passport, and just came in and settled. There were no immigration requirements until the late 1800s.

Which has nothing to do with collecting earned income credit which is what i responded to.

You can collect it without paying anything in when your income is below a certain amount, and you clearly didnt read the article, they can get it for 3 years prior to even being here as well.

So 4 years of free money without paying anything in for loads and loads of illegals.


New member
Paranoid Delusion

A paranoid delusion is the fixed, false belief that one is being harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people. Paranoid delusions are known technically as a “persecutory delusion.”

It involves the person’s belief that he or she is being conspired against, cheated, spied on, followed, poisoned or drugged, maliciously maligned, harassed, or obstructed in the pursuit of long-term goals.

Small slights may be exaggerated and become the focus of a delusional system with a person suffers from a paranoid delusion.

The focus of the delusion is often on some injustice that must be remedied by legal action. The affected person may engage in repeated attempts to obtain satisfaction by appeal to the courts and other government agencies.

Individuals with paranoid delusions are often resentful and angry, and may even resort to violence against those they believe are hurting them or a loved one.

Paranoid delusions are most often diagnosed in the context of schizophrenia. But they can also occur in non-psychotic disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, or the use of certain medications or street drugs.

Example: A man refuses to affix his signature to anything, even something so trivial as a birthday card, because he fears the government is watching him and will use the evidence to track him down.
Something here brought this to mind.

Psych Central / Paranoid Delusion