Alcoholic oblivion.


New member
….Just and a phone call
from a very old friend
He has been a notorious drunk
all his life, but is now semi-mostly-sober
He phoned to tell me he wasn’t well
and volunteered the symptoms.
He felt as if he had a permanent hangover
accompanied by severe dizzy spells.
I suggested he just enjoy the experience
that for his entire life
he has spent a small fortune
getting dizzy
and now the experience was free
I told him he should be singing!

I don’t know if he’ll feel better
for my diagnosis
but his laughter
is still ringing in my ears.

(I was once on the same path as him and that's how we met. We were attempting to drink ourselves to death by alcoholic oblivion).


New member
I was drunk for 30 years. From the age of 13 to 43. Nothing and nobody came between me and my drink. I also loved violence.