Alan Keyes on BEL

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Alan Keyes on BEL

This is the show from Tuesday April 17th, 2007.


* Ambassador Keyes: is angry, and that comes across in this interview, because of the moral destruction, promoted by the godless, which is ruining the lives of countless Americans. Come hear Dr. Keyes speak at the Colorado Capitol at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday April 25th at Colorado Right To Life's Forty Years in the Wilderness event toward ending abortion.

* NOT an Endorsement: Alan Keyes has never seen the Focus on the Strategy presentation promoted by CRTL, and so we are NOT here representing his comments as an endorsement of that no-compromise pro-life strategy. But for those who have seen this vital new vision, consider his quotes, and how powerfully these fundamental truths agree:

* Keyes On Dylan Walborn: Upon hearing that Denver Children's Hospital encouraged the starvation death of four-year-old Dylan Walborn, Dr. Keyes reacted: "This is so barbaric that I can't even express the anguish I feel as we talk about it. It of course reminds us of the horrible judicial murder of Terri Schiavo... This so-called 'choice' doctrine, that allows us to believe that it is for human beings to choose, whether or not they will respect the most fundamental law of God which dictates respect for innocent life, we take that in our hands, and then what happens, we start down this road of shiftless calculation."

* Keyes On Christian Compromisers: "I blame people who profess to be Christians, and yet who have been unwilling to stand up... and insist, in their capacity as citizens, that the law respect the basic grounds of right and decency. I blame them. I think things are getting out of control in this country, because too many people who know better... have made dirty little political bargains... and they're not looking at whether or not they're killing innocent babies in the womb... People like that... who profess to be followers of the One who represented the notion that the standard of God's will is higher than every other, and who then go about making these dirty bargains, and compromising, and choosing the lesser of evils... they're the people who ought to be examining their conscience."
* Amen! says Bob Enyart!

Today's Resource: Watch Bob on Drugs! Todd, a drug addict, desperate, lifeless, and out of money, needs help. Did he call the right place? Bob suggests a government program... well, not exactly! Learn what the Bible says about drugs, and see how you too can offer a desperate person hope and solutions, through Jesus Christ!


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Keyes is eloquent indeed and a gentleman in person. I do find it more than slightly ironic that this fellow's own house isn't exactly in order, or up to par with the standards of the so-called Moral Majority...

I respect him for his consistency and his refusal to make the very bargains and compromises he decries: like the man or not, he stands by his principles.
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