Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

"He willingly them sacrifice him." :confused: Is there a missing verb in that sentence that would allow it to make sense?

Sorry, for being a preacher you can't even figure out a simple typing mistake? This is getting borish and pathetic.

Oh, you mean when he had the seizure and "saw god"?

I missed that part in the book of Zakath.

So, after Adam, all humans are "created" evil? Thus your deity is responsible, after all...

Yeah, He forced them to eat from the Tree.... Odd sermons you must have given.

I was a neo-pentecostal. I attended conferences and sat on panels with Oral Roberts. :rolleyes:


Depends mostly on the eyewitness...

You don't believe them from Scripture, I'm not surprised you don't believe the ones speaking out for Terri either.

You were the one that claimed he's responsible, not me.

Right, Michael is responsable for Terri's murder.

Because your deity is a genocidal murderer, by most human definitions.

And humans are never in error along with never being responsible.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Poly

Zakath, you're attitude of "I'm mad at God cause He didn't/doesn't respond like I think He should so I'll show Him and make Him wish He had by turning on Him and talking all kinds of trash about Him from now on" is soooooooo tiresome.


Maybe he's just miffed God chose Paul instead of him.

Maybe I have as much weight as Pat Robertson...

So I'll spread the "gospel" the deity zakath promised to step in to save Terri.

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Zakath

Actually I read the description in your bible... ;)
Does the State of West Virginny know about your medical practice?

Sorry, am I speaking over your head again, Smokey?
No, I think it's gibberish you're speaking again, Old Fart.


Okay, I’ve read through the post, and aside from a few, a majority of you sound like children.
When it comes right do to it, this whole situation, while tragic, doesn’t affect us in any way. Sure, it’s terrible that this has happened to Terri, it’s terrible that her husband wants her to die, what amounts to a slow painful death. All of us have to die at some point in time, maybe this is just the time that God has planned out for her to die. There’s a novel idea.
Roughly six teen hundred people die every minuet. That ranges from one abortion every twenty seconds of every day, to the nine to ten kids from six teen to nine teen that die every day in car accidents. This happens to be one with a face that we can see.
I see some very intelligent people who are wasting their time going back forth over this and calling each other names, when we could be talking about the ethnic cleansing that happens across the world all the time. We could be discussing the abortion issue. And I know some of you would liken this whole thing to an “adult sized abortion.” We could be discussing the persecution of your Christian brothers in the Sudan and Asia. We could be discussing how to better help the missionary Peter Hammond and his ministry, while I may not be a Christian is still find this a worthy cause.
I know that you must think I’m just a very evil man from wanting to focus on something with some relevance, but you know, when it comes down to it we only know a few things for sure:

We know what Terri’s friends thing she would want.

We know what Terri’s parents think she would want.

We know what Terri’s husband thinks she wants.

But we will never know for sure what Terri wants. And until we get a physic in there we never will really know for sure. There in lies the problem.

I know this post is going to garner quite a few interesting responses. Bring it on.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by patsfan

maybe this is just the time that God has planned out for her to die. There’s a novel idea.

God isn't murdering the woman, michael is, No, it's not a "novel" idea, it's ignorant.

I'm sorry it takes you so many words to say, "I stand for the murder of the handicapped."


I really dont, i know and am friends with several handicapped people, one of my best friends little brother is a Chernoble baby and i help with him on a regular.

The question is did God preordain this to happen, and if so why question what God wanted to happen?

A mans heart is like a river that God himself direct, a paraphrase from the psalms.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by patsfan

I really dont

Looks like you are:

The question is...

There is no question who is murdering Terri.

did God preordain this to happen


and if...

I've noticed bad theology relies heavily on the word "if".

A mans heart is like a river that God himself direct, a paraphrase from the psalms.

Michael is being directed by God to murder Terri. : shakes head sadly : You lay the blame for Terri's murder at God's feet just like the apostate zakath.


lemme ask you a question, i just wanna clear some thing up, in all seriousness:

do you believe your God, preordained every thing in this world to happen?

The question again, do you Nineveh, believe in predestination?

On Fire

New member
Originally posted by patsfan

lemme ask you a question, i just wanna clear some thing up, in all seriousness:

do you believe your God, preordained every thing in this world to happen?

The question again, do you Nineveh, believe in predestination?

:freak: :kookoo: :eek: :freak: :kookoo: :eek: :freak: :kookoo: :eek:


Thank you for answering me directly. It is much appreciated. That clears up quite a few things.

Is it possible though that God is using Mike, who yes i will agree is not a good man on any level, christian or not, to do what he wants him to do and that is end Terri's life.

I do assume that you believe God is infinate and can controll every thing, so is it a possiblity that he is using this man for his own means?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by patsfan

Is it possible though that God is using Mike, who yes i will agree is not a good man on any level, christian or not, to do what he wants him to do and that is end Terri's life.


I do assume that you believe God is infinate and can controll every thing, so is it a possiblity that he is using this man for his own means?


Now, a question for you:

Is your god evil or holy?


Good question. There can never be one side to a creature creator. As we know from reading the Old Testament, your God, who I still show respect, can be both very vengeful and very benevolent at the same time. One minuet he is cursing the Israelites, and then he is welcoming them back into the fold.

A true deity is not just holy or evil; it is a yin and yang, a perfect mix of good and evil. Because you can never have evil with out good and the reverse applies.

So, what I have to say is that what I believe in is my family. I worship and am thankful for what I can directly see and have in front of me. My family can be both good and “evil”, if you can count the reaming out from my caring father and the banter of a younger brother evil.

Hope that answers the question if not, I’m sure I’ll hear from you


Merely Christian
Originally posted by patsfan
your God, who I still show respect

Doesn't look that way to me.

...A true deity is not just holy or evil; it is a yin and yang, a perfect mix of good and evil...

Thank you for exposing you aren't a Christian. So every time you assume to speak for God, you are merely speaking for yourself. You really do sound like an apostle of zakath.

...what I believe in is my family...

So according to you, your family is what is in control of michael and his murderous heart. "A mans heart is like a river that God himself direct..."

Hope that answers the question if not, I’m sure I’ll hear from you

Sure did. You sound like a pagan.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by granite1010

I would imagine the Vatican sees it as euthanasia, strictly speaking.

Mar. 22, 2005 VATICAN CITY - The Vatican pressed its campaign to keep Terri Schiavo alive Tuesday, saying that pulling the plug on the brain-damaged Florida woman amounted to capital punishment for someone who has committed no crimes.cite


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh
...Thank you for exposing you aren't a Christian. So every time you assume to speak for God, you are merely speaking for yourself. You really do sound like an apostle of zakath.
Nope. S/he's not one of mine. :D

I don't "do" followers. I leave that to the religionists... ;)