Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by Sozo

So then, what are supposed to do with all the liberals?
May I suggest the Church throw out the "Blind Guides" that inhabit the pulpits across America and elevate to the pastorate men of courage and valor who will inform the people and insist they make their wishes known at the next general election. This is the only way the Christian voice will be heard in America in the public square. :angel:


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

Because you refused to become a child of God, you have condemned yourself to be spiritually blind. You can't see that we are well advanced down the road to Nazi Germany here in America. Have you forgotten the 43 million killed in the womb via legal abortion? I would say wake up, but unfortunately you can't wake up. God has hardened your heart so you will not see. :(

Bumper Sticker: God...No Greater Friend...No Worst Enemy

More of this blathering hot air nonsense from the crankshaft himself...

Analogies and comparisons to Nazi Germany have lost their effectiveness for a few reasons: one, they're overused; two, they're used by people with little understanding of the Third Reich.

Art, I've been arrested for protesting abortion clinics. Have you? One way or another, do not EVER imply or think I'm somehow callous to the murder of the unborn.

I took issue with the comparison to Nazi Germany. It's simply not an accurate analogy. We don't have a comparable hated group such as Jews, with a bedrock of hatred spanning hundreds of years. We don't live in a one-party police state. We're not nationalistic xenophobes (well, you may be; most Americans aren't). We're not trying to conquer a continent. In any event, using abortion as a slippery-slope argument comparing us to the Nazis misses an important point: when it came to everyone but the Jews, the Nazis were intensely pro-life.


New member
If they are going to kill Terri just because it is perceived that she is brain dead, does this mean that godrulz could be next?


Resident Atheist
It seems as if judicial activism, allegedly greatly feared by conservatives', has been dealt a blow by the federal judge who refused to force a feeding tube to be placed in Terry Schiavo.

Now the "keep Terry living" folks are appealing...

I wonder how many more judges will have to say "no way" before they get the point...


New member
Originally posted by Zakath
I wonder how many more judges will have to say "no way" before they get the point...

A similar thought comes to mind when there are such a large group of people calling you an idiot.


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Originally posted by Zakath

It seems as if judicial activism, allegedly greatly feared by conservatives', has been dealt a blow by the federal judge who refused to force a feeding tube to be placed in Terry Schiavo.

Now the "keep Terry living" folks are appealing...

I wonder how many more judges will have to say "no way" before they get the point...

Since when did having a greater number of evil people doing evil things make evil not evil anymore?


Merely Christian
What point?

That it's ok to murder an handicapped person by starving them to death?

How many?

All of them. And I still won't buy it. Just like I still don't buy it's ok to murder people based on age.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Zakath

It seems as if judicial activism, allegedly greatly feared by conservatives', has been dealt a blow by the federal judge who refused to force a feeding tube to be placed in Terry Schiavo.

Now the "keep Terry living" folks are appealing...

I wonder how many more judges will have to say "no way" before they get the point...

Conservatives are using the same tactics they decry when liberals turn the tables on them. Fighting dirty is perfectly acceptable as long as it's your guys getting mucky.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

What point?
The point is that some of you are quite willing to let judges be "activists" when you the judge agrees with your opinion...

Thus, it seems that it's not the principle of judicial activism that people like you and Deco object to, it's the specific situation to which it is applied.

Sounds a lot like what is called situational ethics. :think:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

The point is that some of you are quite willing to let judges be "activists" when you the judge agrees with your opinion...

Thus, it seems that it's not the principle of judicial activism that people like you and Deco object to, it's the specific situation to which it is applied.

Sounds a lot like what is called situational ethics. :think:

Read what Judge Bork has to say about it.


Resident Atheist
Thanks for sharing Mr. Bork's opinion. I will give it the consideration due any currently unemployed judge who is a fellow at a neo-con think tank... :)

I'm more interested in what you think about the issue, not Judge Bork.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

It's not my opinion that Congress was out of bounds in what they did.
So you approve of the use of "quickie bills", passed outside of regular legislative sessions, to change venue of active court cases from state courts to federal courts?



Merely Christian
Did you bother to read Bork's comments?


Judicial activism would be like.... oh... let's say.... declaring the murder of the unborn legal. Um... striking down sodomy laws.... that sort of thing.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Did you bother to read Bork's comments?
Yes. Did you actually read mine?
Judicial activism would be like.... oh... let's say.... declaring the murder of the unborn legal. Um... striking down sodomy laws.... that sort of thing.
So, as I mentioned, only things you disagree with are judicial acitivism.

You're sounding a bit like Benjamin Franklin's comment about revolution versus rebellion...


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

The Judiciary isn't supposed to make laws. That's Congress' job.
Agreed. :thumb:

And the legislative branch isn't supposed to get involved in current legal proceedings. That's the judiciary's job.

Seems like we've got what contractors call "scope creep"... :think: