About Death...


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The presumptive rationale regarding the belief is at issue here. Which I obviously don't believe in.

Yes, my parents sent me to church at around the age of 8 years. Stopped going around the age of 14 or 15.

leaving church around age 14 is not so unusual. What does seem unusual is not having religious experience before age 8?


leaving church around age 14 is not so unusual. What does seem unusual is not having religious experience before age 8?

My parents weren't overly religious. They had a firm conservative belief in some vague defacto god. One day my mother just decided that us kids "Needed God" and picked the local Baptist one.
I've suspicions that it was the one where her social circle worshipped...and of course to take a break from my father for a few hours. :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My parents weren't overly religious. They had a firm conservative belief in some vague defacto god. One day my mother just decided that us kids "Needed God" and picked the local Baptist one.
I've suspicions that it was the one where her social circle worshipped...and of course to take a break from my father for a few hours. :)

This seems a bit strange to me, meaning I lack a good reference point to interpenetrate it, nothing more.

My father was a diest, but really, his 'religion was earthly success. He gave his kids, all of us, one dollar for every 'A' grade, which was real money for kids in the 1950s. We all did very well. He believed success was being well educated and then making money.

He seemed to think religion was a refuge for the poor. This was quite obvious in all what he taught us and his actions.

My mother was very much part of the Episcopal Church, yet this too was based on status.

I began taking religion seriously as a teenager because I saw something missing, or lacking in my parents materialism. I became a more spiritual person than my folks, particularly my father. Most importantly, as it seems to me, I was vary aware of God as part of reality when I was very young, before age five.

What I think help me to come to faith was parochial school, religion as a classroom subject and teachers who focused on something other than material wealth.

My sense here is we both had problems dealing with our fathers?