Abortion - Theism vs. Deism

Ted L Glines

New member
If the birth of the child will kill the mother, do we save the child by allowing it to kill the mother? Or do we save the mother by killing the child? Who is tasked with the responsibility of making this decision? Which soul, mother or child, is of less value and therefore should perish? Taking a theistic point of view, does God value one soul over another? If the mother decides to save the child by dying herself, how does God view suicide? If the mother decides to abort the child and live herself, how does God view murder? This question is a logic-box for the theist mother who knows God is looking over her shoulder. But this question is simpler for the deist mother who knows God is her shoulder, is herself, is the child, and she will abort the child without offending the universe. Either way, within the mother resides the responsibility and the pain.

If the birth of the child will kill the mother, is the only serious consideration in the issue of abortion, for it pertains to a life and death choice. All other reasons seem to pertain to convenience or expediency, unless there are reasons why the child should not be born due to some life-threatening prenatal condition.