Who or what is Abaddon?
Is it of GOD; doing the will there of? What is it set to destroy?
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Abaddon is Apollyon who is the Scarlet Colored Beast in Rev. 17.
HE WAS [over] (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome)
IS NOT in that after Israel was dispersed there could be NO BEAST anymore, and thus God placed Abaddon in the Bottomless Pit until the End Times and then he WILL BE AGAIN
(YET IS) when he is released from the bottomless pit.
Rev. 12 = Satan the Red Dragon he has 7 Crowns on the 7 Heads because he is over every Kingdom of the Earth.
Rev. 13 = The Little Horn/Anti-Christ, the Crowns are on the 10 Kings who he is over in this world.
Rev. 17 = The Scarlet Beast who is Abaddon/Apollyon he has NO CROWNS because he is under Satan. He is just a Demon placed over the Mediterranean Sea Region and his job/objective is to DESTROY Israel. He is a "PRINCIPALITY IN HIGH PLACES" that Paul spoke about when he stated we do not wrestle with flesh and blood.