a whore for the republican party


Well-known member
Trump, Sanders, Clinton, Kasich, Cruz, Rubio and Carson along with our resident PureX are as my sig says

They are all unapologetic Keynesian redistributionists and state expanders, no different in substance from FDR, LBJ, Nixon, George W. Bush, Obama, and the rest of that evil crew. They are all as American as apple pie.


New member
Hall of Fame
What makes you say that? By my way of thinking Cruz is the one guy who stands a chance of energizing the base.

He's energizing for some but is the base enough to win? And will he push any moderates away?

I'm not saying he definitely would have that effect on the senate, but if there is another candidate that carries the risk I'd say it's Cruz.


The fact that he no longer received the majority of the "fundamentalist" Christian vote in South Carolina must be quite disturbing for the Cruz Campaign.

Cruz's supposed "dirty tricks" in Iowa and his campaign's creative use of "photoshop" in South Carolina are now being used as a wedge issue by Trump and Rubio to separate Cruz from his base.


Well-known member
I'm watching CNN and the host was talking with Amy Goodman who runs Democracy Now. She was saying that the media gives too much attention to polls and that we need to be talking about the candidates and their histories. She says something to the effect that talking about polls so much is basically telling viewers what they should think instead of giving us info about the candidates so we can make our own decisions.

Agree completely. :thumb:
Unfortunately, the media has learned that by turning elections into sporting events, with the audience divided into 'team fans', they can increase their ratings, and thus increase their income from advertising sales. And that's all they care about. Polls are the scoreboard. And these idiotic debates are the game-play. While the talking heads all give the 'play-by-play' action, droning on endlessly about who's beating who, for months and months. And as a result, no one learns much of anything about the candidate's reasons for running, or proposed solutions to our nation's problems. It's all just more pathetic entertainment intended to sell advertising. It's all theater; like "Championship Wrestling".


like marbles on glass
I see he does best against hillary and sanders
I don't see how he gets past trump
he can't get past trump
we don't vote for him
I guess I will vote for kasich

I could be way off, but I don't think the Clinton machine is nearly as invincible as you think it is. It doesn't seem like Hillary's heart is really in this, and Bill seems like a shell of his former self. There was a photo of the two of them eating breakfast in a diner before one of the primaries, and to my mind it was a remarkably unempowering photo. Even though he's six years older than Hillary, Bernie has more energy, vitality, passion, and consistent vision than she has, and the younger than 65+ vote knows it. I think either Hillary or Bernie can beat Trump easily, the question that's more interesting is whether it will be Hillary or Bernie.



Well-known member
Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, and repealed the Glass-Seagall Act. The result of which has been that millions of Americans lost both their jobs AND their homes. Meanwhile, he set records for the amount of corporate money he took in.

And now Hillary is being set up to do the same.

Democrats don't realize that the democratic party is just as corrupted by corporate money as the republicans are, because the republicans are so shameless about it. And because the republicans are so blatantly obstructionists of anything the democrats propose.

But democrats should remember this: when Barrack Obama had a 'super-majority' of democrats in both the house and the senate, he could still not get them to reform health care, as he had promised. All those democrats just sat on their hands, and obfuscated, and mumblyspoke, and in the end the best they could do was pass a republican generated band-aid and attach Obama's name to it. Because all those democrats in the house and the senate were just as bought off as the republicans, by the insurance, the pharmaceutical, and the hospital conglomerate lobbyists.

I doubt that Bernie Sanders can do much of anything to stop all this blatant corruption, but I have no doubt that Hillary will not even try. In fact, she appears to be wallowing in it.


like marbles on glass
I see he does best against hillary and sanders
I don't see how he gets past trump
he can't get past trump
we don't vote for him
I guess I will vote for kasich

I found out today that the CA GOP doesn't authorize their June primary ballot for non-affiliated (no party preference voters) but the Democratic Party does. Does that mean what I think it means for GOP presidential candidates in a state as large as California?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Chris, I will have to amend my statement, I really thought ole Jeb would drop out after Super Tuesday, I had no idea he would drop to before Nevada. I told you he was swirling the bowl, looks like Trump used a plunger. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
some things don't change -

trump is a jerk -
and -
his supporters are idiots -
see above -
and -
below -

I feel better now -
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
here is the latest and greatest idea -

kasich agrees to be rubio's vp -
it must be announced immediately -
all out effort to stop trump would begin -


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
here is the latest and greatest idea -

kasich agrees to be rubio's vp -
it must be announced immediately -
all out effort to stop trump would begin -

Rubio is swirling the bowl as well, what is he now in third place in the delegate count? and you are declaring a win for the man? or for a Rubio Katich ticket as if people will rally around two losers instead of one? I want to see Trump defeated as you do but, I would rather see Cruz, even Trump than another pathetic lying RINO like Rubio. :down: