A Very Special Guest Coming to the Banquet


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A Very Special Guest Coming to the Banquet

This is the show from Wednesday, September 12th, 2012.


* Post-Show Announcement: Leslie Hanks is excited to announce that we will introduce a VERY special guest at Friday night's Colorado Right To Life ballot! Please register now (and see ya' there)!

* Nothing in Between: "We're talking about right, wrong, and nothing in between," says Bob Enyart, Christian talk radio host in Denver, Colorado. With Leslie Hanks, vice president of Colorado Right To Life, and best-selling conservative author Gregg Jackson, the three analyze the presidential election and discuss the Democrat and Republican Party. [asic]

Please Give to the BEL Telethon: We're at $3,200 of our $30,000 goal! To help us continue broadcasting for another year, please give a one-time or monthly donation or sign up for one of our awesome monthly subscriptions!

Today's Resource: For our BEL Telethon, please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but they also promote better understanding of the Bible and will equip you to be a better witness to those around you.*1. Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can also get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a CD album.

2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a month's worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are also great for a family or a small group Bible study!

3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.

4. Monthly Bible Study Audios on MP3- CD.

5. Monthly Sermon Audios on MP3-CD.

6. Monthly Topical Videos - Each month your will get one of Bob's great topical videos.

7. Best of Bob - Each month you get the best 8 shows of the month on MP3-CD.

8. Monthly TV Classics

9. Monthly Donation

* Free Gift: When you subscribe to any monthly subscription or give a one time donation of $50.00 or more, we will send you Bob's brand new video presentation of his classic teaching series: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

You can subscribe or give online or by calling 1-800-8Enyart (303-463-7789).