A portrait of Jesus in a school? Seriously?

Nathon Detroit

What about the others I mentioned?
Christians getting worked up over non-holiday displays??

Do you mean... do I get offended if I see a building or business NOT celebrating Christmas?

I don't get worked up by it. I don't know a single person that worked up over that.

But I do get worked up when atheists force communities to take down displays that have become pat of the community history. I think that's childish and immature.

Jose Fly

New member
Christians getting worked up over non-holiday displays??

Do you mean... do I get offended if I see a building or business NOT celebrating Christmas?

I don't get worked up by it. I don't know a single person that worked up over that.

No, I mean when you see (or read about) Festivus Poles, Satanic displays, and the like.

Or what about Christians who get all worked up when a non-Christian is allowed to open a public meeting with a non-Christian prayer?

But I do get worked up when atheists force communities to take down displays that have become pat of the community history. I think that's childish and immature.

Why do you care?

Nathon Detroit

Why do you care?
Because.... I like to celebrate our heritage and where we came from. I like traditional things. It's fun to take your kids to see something that your parents took you to see. It's sentimental and I think it adds to our culture in a positive way.

Jose Fly

New member
Because.... I like to celebrate our heritage and where we came from. I like traditional things. It's fun to take your kids to see something that your parents took you to see. It's sentimental and I think it adds to our culture in a positive way.

And you can only do that when the display is on government property?

You also didn't answer....

Do you get all worked up when you see (or read about) Festivus Poles, Satanic displays, and the like?

Or what about Christians who get all worked up when a non-Christian is allowed to open a public meeting with a non-Christian prayer? Are they "dorks" too?

Jose Fly

New member
Hard to say without knowing more information, but I would guess at a minimum the principles, teachings, and morality that Jesus had.

Why not just display the principles you want to convey, rather than go the abstract round-about way of putting up a painting of Jesus?

Nathon Detroit

And you can only do that when the display is on government property?
No, you can do it anywhere. But many of these displays have been around forever. After all... this is/was a Christian nation founded on Christian values and principles. Therefore it was very common to have Christian displays in courthouses, schools, and other government buildings. And those displays have become part of our heritage and it's sad to see that heritage being destroyed by a few loud-moulted atheists who frankly have no reason to care.

You also didn't answer....

Do you get all worked up when you see (or read about) Festivus Poles, Satanic displays, and the like?

Or what about Christians who get all worked up when a non-Christian is allowed to open a public meeting with a non-Christian prayer? Are they "dorks" too?
Worked up?

No, not really. But I do feel sad for the people who are going to hell.

I don't get "worked up" about too much anymore. This nation is going to hell in a hand-basket and not much surprises me anymore.

Jose Fly

New member
No, you can do it anywhere. But many of these displays have been around forever.

I'd bet if you check into them, you'd find they haven't.

After all... this is/was a Christian nation founded on Christian values and principles.

No it's not. The founders deliberately set up a secular state (that's why they had things like prohibitions against religious tests for public office).

Therefore it was very common to have Christian displays in courthouses, schools, and other government buildings. And those displays have become part of our heritage

Lots of things can be said to be "part of our heritage" that we've moved on from.

and it's sad to see that heritage being destroyed by a few loud-moulted atheists who frankly have no reason to care.

Then why do they keep winning in courts?

Worked up?

No, not really. But I do feel sad for the people who are going to hell.

I don't get "worked up" about too much anymore. This nation is going to hell in a hand-basket and not much surprises me anymore.

Just because you've given up and thrown in the towel, doesn't mean everyone else has to.


Like this?:


"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."-recited at kindergarten, grade schools

That's in reference to the Federal Reserve. :chuckle:

Nathon Detroit

I'd bet if you check into them, you'd find they haven't.
Literally speaking I guess you are right. :)

No it's not. The founders deliberately set up a secular state (that's why they had things like prohibitions against religious tests for public office).
Freedom of religion is very different from freedom FROM religion. Your history is skewed.
Lots of things can be said to be "part of our heritage" that we've moved on from.
True. Some good.... some bad.
Then why do they keep winning in courts?
Because this country is sliding into the abyss. The voices of the few are louder than the voices of the many. And frankly... the "many" don't seem to want to put up much of a fight.

Nathon Detroit

Why credit Jesus with the Golden Rule? Other historical figures expressed the same sentiment prior to Jesus.
Why argue about every thing anyone says??

If other religious folks said it before Jesus they were still religious folks right?? And you are against religious things in public places (that's the topic of this thread). Therefore the question Mocking You asked was still valid. That's what bugs me about you. You are very difficult to have an intelligent conversation with.