A further look at Barby's claims about the stupidity of Iran and Trump's malfeasance


A further look at Barby's claims about the stupidity of Iran and Trump's malfeasance

This is a President was stated publically that he believes the denials of Vladimir Putin over the conclusions of his 17 "intelligence" agencies, justifies the production of his own "alternate reality" weather maps and makes false claims that he's conducting trade negotiations with the Chinese to calm the markets - so it should come as no surprise that he is now tweeting classified photos of Iranian rocket facilities!

Would it not have been prudent for any President in the White House to at least consult with the appropriate military authorities before making the unilateral decision to make these photos public?

Obviously the Iranians know that their military facilities are subject to US satellite reconnaissance, but does that assumption give this president permission to go out of his way to enlighten Iran as to American miitary's practices and methods?