11th Day 65%! Two Influential BEL Listeners

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11th Day 65%! Two Influential BEL Listeners

This is show from Thursday February 15th, 2007.


* Toledo OH Talk Show Host: The Morning Show host of WPOS, Mark Siffer, reminisces about the influence of BEL on his understanding of the Bible, and Mark encourages the audience to enjoy and learn from Bob's best-selling manuscript, The Plot, he himself has just subscribed to the BEL Televised Classics because as Mark said, so many of those shows were a hoot, and we learned so much from the Bible at the same time! (Thanks Mark! -BE)

* North Carolina Bible Teacher: Eddie P from Youngsville graciously encourages others to learn their systematic theology the way he did, from Bob Enyart's, The Plot, an overview of the whole Bible that literally helps to explain a thousand otherwise difficult scriptural details. As the Apostle Paul insists we do, and as The Plot helps to explain, Eddie teaches the Bible "rightly divided" to dozens of his students!

* Thanks to You!: Our annual BEL February telethon has raised 65%, i.e. $16,300 (can you help us reach the $17,000 milestone!) of our vital $25,000 goal!

Today's Resource: If you would like to help keep Bob Enyart Live airing for another year on the most powerful Christian radio station in America, the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT, please consider giving to the BEL Telethon either online, or by calling the BEL Cabin at 800-8Enyart (836-9278), or you can subscribe to the BEL Bible Study Albums, Bob's monthly Sermons, or our brand new service, the BEL Televised Classics! The mailman will deliver DVDs to your door of 4, 8, or 16 classic BEL TV shows a month for $24.99, $34.99 or $49.99! If you make a monthly pledge or subscribe to any BEL service, we apply ten times the monthly amount toward reaching our telethon goal! Just call us or click above!
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