10th Day 63%! The Public School Telethon Effect

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10th Day 63%! The Public School Telethon Effect

This is the show from February 14th 2007.


* Bob will be Speaking at a Bible Conference: October 2-5, 2007, in the family vacation town of Branson Missouri! Bob Enyart will be one of the featured speakers at the 7th national Grace Revival for Evangelism Conference hosted by the great evangelist, Lee Homoki, of Bible Doctrines to Live By! (You can listen to Lee sharing his testimony with Bob!)

* Another Public School Bus Driver: puts a child at tremendous risk. This time, the driver kicked a five-year-old boy off the bus in the middle of the largest public housing development in America. Why? Because although the boy's family pick him up from school, a public school staffer wrongly put him on the bus. Read this story and see a photo of Queensbridge projects on this CBS News site.

* Warning Christian Parents: to get their kids out of our godless public schools has a detrimental effect on raising funds. However, if you send your son or daughter (and especially a daughter, but very much a son also) to public school, then please follow these two steps. Step One: Please, don't send any money to BEL, but first, save your child by pulling her or him out of our godless school system. Step Two: If you have another child in public school, proceed to Step One.

* Bob's Debate with Pastor Cook: went very well, and while the future is not settled, the debate is! With God's help, we will air segments of this Open Theism debate on this program next week! Stay tuned! (ps. Knight, the Administrator of TheologyOnline.com, called us off the air here at the BEL Cabin to say that the debate is an instant classic, and will help many people over the next years see the biblical foundation of the Open View!)

* Thanks to You!: Our annual BEL February telethon has raised 63%, i.e. $15,725 (can you help us reach the $16,000 milestone!) of our vital $25,000 goal!

Today's Resource: If you would like to help keep Bob Enyart Live airing for another year on the most powerful Christian radio station in America, the 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT, please consider giving to the BEL Telethon either online, or by calling the BEL Cabin at 800-8Enyart (836-9278), or you can subscribe to the BEL Bible Study Albums, Bob's monthly Sermons, or our brand new service, the BEL Televised Classics! The mailman will deliver DVDs to your door of 4, 8, or 16 classic BEL TV shows a month for $24.99, $34.99 or $49.99! If you make a monthly pledge or subscribe to any BEL service, we apply ten times the monthly amount toward reaching our telethon goal! Just call us or click above!
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