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    Hypocrite Bernie Sanders blames Trump for Charlotteville violence.

    Hypocrite Bernie Sanders blames Trump for Charlotteville violence, then deletes tweet hoping nobody saw his blatant hypocrisy.
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    Common sense prevails, Trump bans transgenders from the military

    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow...... Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump ....Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our...
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    Coverage loses in CBO score largely driven by repeal of individual mandate.

    CBO's Secret: 73% Of Coverage Difference Between Obamacare & GOP Bills Driven By Individual Mandate
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    Devastating, parliamentarian "advises" that defunding PP is not allowed in Trumpcare

    Devastating, parliamentarian "advises" that defunding PP is not allowed in Trumpcare It now looks like the only way to defund planned parenthood is to get 60 solid pro life...
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    A bipartisan healthcare bill will never happen

    Now that trumpcare is dead several Republican and Democrat senators have expressed their desire for a bipartisan approach. There is very little common ground between democrats and republicans regarding the future of health Care which makes it difficult to pass an agreement in the first place...
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    How the new Cruz-Lee amendment will work this is a step in the right direction for free market healthcare, I think a lot of healthy individuals will sign up for coverage now that their premiums will more match their usage of...
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    #CNNBlackMail is number one trending topic on twitter

    THUG JOURNALISM: CNN Threatens To Reveal Identity Of Reddit Man Who Made Trump-CNN Bodyslam Meme If He Disobeys Them
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    The "FIX" for Obamacare is politically impossible to implement

    since multiple posters on the forum have pushed the myth of an Obamacare Fix, I just wanted to show you show the The fix for Obamacare is politically impossible to implement. I'll let Obamacare Architect, Johnthan Gruber explain the "FIX" in his own words. yeap pretty simple I say, just...
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    Bernie Sanders fundraised by blaming conservatives for Giffords shooting Bernie Sanders is no revolutionary he is just a hypocritical political opportunist that continues to push old and failed ideas of governance that has killed and harmed billions of...
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    GOP Congressman shot at baseball practice, Gunman likely dead

    Matt Murphy mattmurphyshow from @RepMoBrooks "Shooter attack at GOPpractice. Rifle. 50+ shots fired. 5 or more hit including GOP Whip steve scalise. I am not shot."
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    The Comey hearing will reveal to everyone how much a snake Comey really is.
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    If Comey's allegations are true than Comey is headed to jail not only is Comey a verified snake that needed to get fired but a complete idiot that has now shot himself in the foot.
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    Murdered DNC staffer sent 44,053 DNC emails to WikiLeaks :think:
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    Trump finally fires James Comey it looks like his inaccurate statements about Huma Abedin emails finally did him in. I'm honestly glad his gone after he refused to enforce the gross negligence clause that should have sent Hillary to...
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    ACLU lawyer Travel ban constitutional if it were passed by Hillary instead of Trump itutional_if_hillary_issued_it.html liberals no longer care about the rule of...
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    lowlife Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer yells at Woman for voting for Trump

    lowlife Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer yells at New York socialite for voting for Trump.
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    leftists mainstream media lies, Trump Is not ending Meals on Wheels

    this is such a lie that even the most left leaning non-traditional publication in America rejects this smear on Trump
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    Planned Parenthood butchers reject federal funding offer proposed by Trump the blood thirsty baby butchers were never going to accept such a deal that removes such important part of their business.
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    Transgender student gets removed from diversity post because of white male privilege

    Transgender male student at a all female college gets removed from election for a high ranking diversity post because of white male privilege.
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    Partial Obamacare replacement bill has been released and it looks pretty solid democrats who insisted that republicans don't have a plan will now have to come up with a new lie in order to derail repeal and...