Crucifying pacifist Christ by cruel old testament and hell-torment Revelation.


it was started in 3rd century by ruler-compromising war-mongering Catholics by compiling bible with those to drown Christ’s absolute love-message. But later all the churches conceded to that by taking their made bible as Christ (word of God). For this blasphemy Christendom and gentiles associated with them are going to abject degeneration and the atomic war holocaust. Only the Christian world could arrive at that nuclear technology by the power of sharing (everything including knowledge) message of Christ. NonChristians never practiced that as they are unbelievers. So science and technology progressed little among them, but far among sharing believing Christians. But the rejection of absolute love of Christ by them has caused the technology to propel the world to degeneration and all out destruction.

In the 1st century real Christ-followers outnumbered lax ones. Their guide was living Christ and his cross message, never any book, let alone the vengeful massacring jew-scripture. They lived and accepted martyrdom in full love and forgiveness in the living presence of Christ.

Christ never told any to write about him in life and after. He knew that he will live on and any writing by heaven-fallen crooked humanity is sure to fall short if not contravene him. But having fallen from love-heaven by adoring violence-teacher devil, humanity simply did that. Though real Christ-followers ignored vengeful jew-god and scriptures as they did to all such gods and books, immature ones still clung to them. But either they soon outgrew them or fell from Christ by crosses, which purified Christianity constantly then.

But as Christians grew in number, vain immature ones far outnumbered mature ones. They ran for power-politics and compromise with the world. They saw its support in jew-scripture. So they began to equate it with Christ’s message. Some apostles and disciples being alarmed began to write or dictate their memoirs about Christ then. But human fallible memory, copiers limitations, different levels of understanding, language problems etc. complicated them. So, real Christ-followers didn’t stress on them but on living and guiding Christ.

So no effort was made then for compiling those writings together as gospel. But soon the general Christians in growing church lost the presence of Christ due to their growing compromise with the world’s ruler Pride-Devil. So the need for an alternate guide was felt by them. At that time the only church was catholic church. That name might not be used then but the organization was there. Even latter given name of persons and organizations really stand.
Catholics joined the war politics of kings. Devil’s protégé Constantine’s victory in 3rd century was one such result. He upheld Christianity (?) then to become its de-facto ruler too.

Now to stifle their pricking conscience for supporting war they needed war-sanctioning scriptures. Christ forbade weapons even to defend him. That is the absolute love-root of true Christianity. Still remaining Christ-followers pointed that as did the true Christ-follower Marcian of Sinope. They reviled them by nasty epithets but that couldn’t stifle their own conscience. So they compiled bible by taking massacring O.T. with a little of watered down gospel. They did a further blasphemy against absolute love Christ and Heavenly Father by an impersonating devilish writer’s book called Revelation. Here Heavenly Father is pictured as sending own created children to eternal torment! Then He is really worse than Devil as he doesn’t send own children. It is proved that it was not Apostle John’s writings. Neither the language nor the Love-God mentality of Apostle John is in it. This is for terrorizing the masses to abject slavery. Terror degrades while Love-God builds up. He creates everything from souls to universe by love-integrating primordial spiritual and material particles. When we go against love we disintegrate.

Those who objected to it were hounded, ostracized and reviled. Then some of them retired to wilderness becoming hermit. But that was fleeing. Each of us has fallen to this world of Devil rejecting Love-God like the prodigal son tale. As we have corrupted others as Eve did to Adam, we must take the responsibility of reforming them like Christ accepting the cruelest cross.

From this ultimate blasphemy violent Islam was born and now the mass killer weapons. Catholics then lost sight of Love-heaven and instead choose a sadist fire-throwing hell-sending lord reigning in a place walled and locked up like a jail. Their only preoccupation there is to flatter that sadist proud god as proud people always seek flattery to fuel their ego. Unless they repent and turn back solely to absolute love heavenly Father and Christ they can’t attain the true heaven of love-creativity. They are fit for that hell disguised as heaven in fake Revelation. They shall magnify that hell by Nuclear war

I, a non-violence believer Hindu converted to Christianity by a catholic preacher 56 years ago, was sent to Islampur by them for Muslim-evangelization. But the root of violent Islam in 3rd century violence-corrupted catholic Christianity became apparent to me in the process there. I was betrayed by them as I protested for their deadly corruptions. They misappropriated my properties by forged deed. But I let them as Christ said “Give the shirt too to the tunic snatcher.” Now on my own supported by Christ’s presence I am carrying on that ministry of serving-witnessing destitute and Muslims for 50 years in celibacy and poverty (8$pm diet). This inner spiritual shirt too I am presenting to catholics to obey Christ, though they reject that derisively. They need it most as so much physical and widespread spiritual suicides are in them. Many of my catholic priest friends committed it here.

For the love of Catholics, Christians and humanity I am publishing these. I am also corporately responsible with pride-devil for this degradation and deaths when I followed him during my fall. Now coming to humble teacher-atoner Christ I must atone to be saved and save others. Saving-integrating others we also save-integrate self in the process.

For more explanations visit my facebook blogs and in the name stephengoswami
Isaiah’s tells like devil that torture and murder save.
How Christ fulfills all the scriptures even when disobeying
How I came to know Heavenly Father as ideal love-repentance.


Thanks stephengoswami, good read.

The original gospel of Jesus was taught 3 years before his death.

After the day of Pentecost the gospel "suddenly changed".

Judaism rejected the original gospel of Jesus.

But the Pagan world was more willing to accept Peter and Paul’s version of Jesus' original religion.

Pagan theology mixed with the evolving Christian religion and contaminated it with the atonement doctrine, blood drinking and ritualism.

You are blessed in that you can see the failings of the church and the failings of the fetish writings of the Bible.



Thanks stephengoswami, good read.

The original gospel of Jesus was taught 3 years before his death.

After the day of Pentecost the gospel "suddenly changed".

Judaism rejected the original gospel of Jesus.

But the Pagan world was more willing to accept Peter and Paul’s version of Jesus' original religion.

Pagan theology mixed with the evolving Christian religion and contaminated it with the atonement doctrine, blood drinking and ritualism.

You are blessed in that you can see the failings of the church and the failings of the fetish writings of the Bible.


I am overjoyed to find a rare friend who sees the truth and confess fearlessly.