ECT Looking To The New Year


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Given its title, I was going to post this video on the Open Theism Debate thread, but as I listened to it, it also proved to be such a really great message on "the obedience of faith" within one's everyday looking ahead in life in all areas of life as a Believer, that I thought I'd share it as that.

Talk about the revival in the inward man the Word rightly preached can so set off in one.

Very...moving message.

In memory of Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Given its title, I was going to post this video on the Open Theism Debate thread, but as I listened to it, it also proved to be such a really great message on "the obedience of faith" within one's everyday looking ahead in life in all areas of life as a Believer, that I thought I'd share it as that.
I know you like this dispensationalist minister. But, as soon as he concludes that "God controls everything" implies fatalism and absolutism, he has wandered too far off the path. Starting with that assumption will always result in these sort of screeds. I have painfully outlined what ordaining and decree entail and nothing in his message evidences that he makes the proper distinctions concerning the same. God's ordination does no violence to the will of the creature. God's ordination includes the very establishment of the will of the creature to do as he is most inclined to do. Period. Those that cannot accept that plain fact are bent upon trying to figure out how God pulls it off, despite the lack of any teaching in Scripture, other than God's claim to do as He pleases and what He does is right.

There is a difference between the fellow with the bumper sticker:
God said it. I believe it. That settles it.

and my own:
God said it. That settles it.



God's Truth

New member
I know you like this dispensationalist minister. But, as soon as he concludes that "God controls everything" implies fatalism and absolutism, he has wandered too far off the path. Starting with that assumption will always result in these sort of screeds. I have painfully outlined what ordaining and decree entail and nothing in his message evidences that he makes the proper distinctions concerning the same. God's ordination does no violence to the will of the creature. God's ordination includes the very establishment of the will of the creature to do as he is most inclined to do. Period. Those that cannot accept that plain fact are bent upon trying to figure out how God pulls it off, despite the lack of any teaching in Scripture, other than God's claim to do as He pleases and what He does is right.

There is a difference between the fellow with the bumper sticker:
God said it. I believe it. That settles it.

and my own:
God said it. That settles it.



But how many times does God say 'believe'? That is for you AMR.

How many times does God say 'repent'? That is for you Danoh.


New member
I know you like this dispensationalist minister. But, as soon as he concludes that "God controls everything" implies fatalism and absolutism, he has wandered too far off the path. Starting with that assumption will always result in these sort of screeds. I have painfully outlined what ordaining and decree entail and nothing in his message evidences that he makes the proper distinctions concerning the same. God's ordination does no violence to the will of the creature. God's ordination includes the very establishment of the will of the creature to do as he is most inclined to do. Period. Those that cannot accept that plain fact are bent upon trying to figure out how God pulls it off, despite the lack of any teaching in Scripture, other than God's claim to do as He pleases and what He does is right.

There is a difference between the fellow with the bumper sticker:
God said it. I believe it. That settles it.

and my own:
God said it. That settles it.



AMR, hope all is well with you.

And I understand how you feel.

Consider the following...

Regardless of our obvious each our great difference in understanding of these things, I have always tried to address you respectfully..

So I, say the following to you from that, hoping you keep it in mind, throughout, as you read it.

The video study touches on some of those issues but then goes into the issue of living out the Christian life as one runs smack into all the unexpected variables of life.

It invests much more time on that - on just how one goes about making godly decisions during those day to day moments - based on an intelligent understanding of the Word as to how that is done.

No way, you would have knocked that, as important as that is in every Believer's day to day, but for your having decided not to hear that study out.

I say that is your loss. All you needed do was to have actually heard the thing out in its entirety.

Instead, you basically responded with "I am not going to hear that out, Danoh, but here is something I would appreciate your hearing out (that link you posted)."

I have to believe you well know that is not exactly a fair exchange.

Lastly, neither you, nor I, nor the man in that video study are the issue.

Christ alone is.

And the soundness of a study is.

No matter who it is that is presenting what.

Which means actually hearing the other side out.

You ought to know by now that I will agree with anyone on TOL on a point I find sound - that I do not play "favorites" when it comes to that.

Be it you, or GT, or Interplanner, or STP, or anyone else on TOL on any point I find sound.

Why practice this that not all are often willing to?

My awareness of what I might lose out on learning - even from some supposed "opposition."

Which is why I subscribe in actual practice to the Three-Fold Bible Study Principle implied in the following...

Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that...

1 - they received the word with all readiness of mind, and...

2 - searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 17:12...

3 - Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.

Respectfully, you bowed out at that 1st step.


Acts 17:13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and stirred up the people.

It did not have to be that way. Here's hoping you reconsider.

Nevertheless, Rom. 14: 5 towards you - memory of Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.

And this Romans 5: 6-8 focus was more the focus in that video study, than all else.

Which is not a bad perspective to start off the coming year from... :thumb:

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
AMR, hope all is well with you.

And I understand how you feel.

Consider the following...
Perhaps I was not clear. I actually listened to the entire sermon. And the others you have pointed to by the same fellow. You want to claim he has no presuppositions, yet the full corpus of his online talks are quite clear in their assumptions of "refuting" Calvinism. So to claim I am asking for more than I am willing to do myself is just wrong. He has a nice folksy way about him and I enjoy listening to him, but the fact that he labors under so many misconceptions about that which he cavils strongly about cannot be overlooked.

I do not post talks and sermons by others for the simple reason that few would give them the same hearing I give others' posts of the same. Maybe you are the exception to the common practice, I do not know. Here is one you could just read:

Would that you attend to what I recommend as I have to what you have recommended. :AMR:



New member
Perhaps I was not clear. I actually listened to the entire sermon. And the others you have pointed to by the same fellow. You want to claim he has no presuppositions, yet the full corpus of his online talks are quite clear in their assumptions of "refuting" Calvinism. So to claim I am asking for more than I am willing to do myself is just wrong. He has a nice folksy way about him and I enjoy listening to him, but the fact that he labors under so many misconceptions about that which he cavils strongly about cannot be overlooked.

I do not post talks and sermons by others for the simple reason that few would give them the same hearing I give others' posts of the same. Maybe you are the exception to the common practice, I do not know. Here is one you could just read:

Would that you attend to what I recommend as I have to what you have recommended. :AMR:


I concluded what I concluded based on two sets of patterns, or "the things that differ" between things that do.

One of those having been the time stamp differences between my OP (11:42pm) the length of that video study (44:51 - 44 minutes and 51 seconds) and your reply, just ten minutes later (11:52pm).

The other, I'll refrain from going into, at this time.

But be it through the Scripture, or through books based on, and or supposedly based on the Scripture, students of "the Bible" cannot but end up students of "the things that differ" between things.

Which winds up presenting its own set of problems and need for the solving of.

Like the problem that can often result in - in reading a thing that differs, into a thing that is not actually the case.

Which is where I found myself at, given those two patterns - those time stamp differences being one of them.

One, at the time you posted your assertion, they did not support your assertion that you heard that entire study out.

Two, that left this brother, on this side of our fence, with a predicament - how to address that anomally in a manner that allows what I often find lacking in other's dealings towards others on here, towards myself included - how to address such anomalies in a manner that allows the other side the benefit of the doubt; that allows THEM an ACTUAL hearing out - in other words "with ALL readiness of mind" Acts 17: 11b...

You must see the quandary you left me at.

And these kinds of in the moment decision making (which you assert that video study is skewed in) are an important aspect of and is the very heart of what that video study went into - the Believer's part in His everyday, Word Based, and thus, Spirit led, Decision Making as a Son of God.


If anything, this very quandary your assertion has resulted in for me, has actually proven the assertions made on that video study about how sound, Word Based Decision Making in the very heat of any moment itself works, when it is best tested "of what sort it is" - in the heat of any moment.

Does one choose to go by the Word in dealing with a problem, or with the flesh's lies?

For in a sense, one aspect of what was so well presented in that video is the issue of what wording in Scripture like Romans 8:28's "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" is actually referring to and how that actually works - out here in the laboratory that is each Believer's every day dealing with his or her day to day moment.

If anything, this quandary has presented me with an opportunity to practice what I hold to that that study also holds to.

Where we differ is that you view that as Providence.

I on the other hand view that as the Chance of...

Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

And its resulting need for Objective, that is to say, the Rightly Divided Word Based Decision Making of...

1 Corinthians 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 9:25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. 9:26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

And whether you now go into all that or not, you still have to address that time stamp anomaly. :chuckle:

All the more good.

For that only allows for one more opportunity to look over at one another from a consciously decided - nevertheless Romans 14: 5 towards you - in memory of Romans 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.

And never a bad "all things work together for good to them that love God" to objectively decide to participate in helping bringing about WITH Him and unto HIS Glory IN His Son. :thumb: