ECT Are we born sinless? Pelagianism and semi-pelagianism


Well-known member
My stance is well known and my actual expression of it is written all over the place. [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] ... I'm bowing out of this because I'm beginning to brawl with Lon... who wasn't really desiring to get into a knock down drag out in this... to begin with.

It is no secret that you, Jerry, myself and Tambora see this in an enormously similar way. I got genuinely frustrated in my other thread and in just moments of reflection and prayer... I've decided to silence myself in this as I have written volumes already and Lon is our brother in Christ.

I appreciate everything you, Jerry and Tambora have written here... because it is defensive of the character and justice of God.

I've really enjoyed being in on this one... but I recognize my personal foul line... and I do believe I need to simply spectate on this... as I'm still a little upset at myself for blasting Angel... All cards on the table.

All Grace... in Him...

- EE

Well, I won't be in it long, either, if Lon doesn't stop telling me I'm standing against a great crowd of witnesses. :chuckle:


Well-known member
It's quite appropriate as far as I'm concerned. I love my KJV.


No, it clearly is in regard to His longsuffering and grace. Why would you even suggest God thought sin was not that bad? Please don't give our Lord that kind of disrespect.
:Z Wasn't aimed at Him.

NO DUH. That was exactly my point.

Deep, Lon, very deep. ;)
Well, it is just that "winked at" expression. I don't think KJV translators meant that the same way I read it either, but today, it has that connotation :(