ECT If MAD is False Why Did Paul Make the Distinction in Romans 4:16?


The Lord said not one stone IN ALL OF JERUSALEM would be left standing one upon another. Luke 19:42-44

In my previous post, I showed how verse 43 was fulfilled exactly how Jesus said it would in 70AD.

Next, let's look at verse 44:

(Luke 19:44) They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

Putting aside the fact, that the three towers of Herod's palace that were spared, had nothing to do with the Jews or the temple, let's look at the first part of the verse, and the last part.

"you and the children within your walls". Jesus wasn't talking about some people 2,000 years in the future, He was speaking to those who were His contemporaries, and their children.

"because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you"
How can you with a straight face claim this pertains to some people 2,000 years into the future? It was the Jews in the first century who did not recognize Him.

(John 1:11) He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

John 1:11 is not about some people 2,000 years in the future. Neither is Luke 19:44.

Give it up mysteryboy.

Also, do you even realize what would have to happen for your MAD eschatology to work? You would have to have a third temple built, then an army surround it, then have the army leave, then have the army come back and destroy all of Jerusalem with not one stone left standing upon another, then you would need a fourth temple built so that Jesus could sit on a man made throne and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Not only does the Bible not say a peep about a third temple, but there would have to be a fourth temple for all of your ridiculous theories to work out.

MAD is a mess!


Well-known member
In my previous post, I showed how verse 43 was fulfilled exactly how Jesus said it would in 70AD.

Next, let's look at verse 44:

(Luke 19:44) They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.”

Putting aside the fact, that the three towers of Herod's palace that were spared, had nothing to do with the Jews or the temple, let's look at the first part of the verse, and the last part.

"you and the children within your walls". Jesus wasn't talking about some people 2,000 years in the future, He was speaking to those who were His contemporaries.

"because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you"
How can you with a straight face claim this pertains to some people 2,000 years into the future? It was the Jews in the first century who did not recognize Him.

(John 1:11) He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

John 1:11 is not about some people 2,000 years in the future. Neither is Luke 19:44.

Give it up mysteryboy.

Also, do you even realize what would have to happen for your MAD eschatology to work? You would have to have a third temple built, then an army surround it, then have the army leave, then have the army come back and destroy all of Jerusalem, then you would need a fourth temple built so that Jesus could sit on a man made throne and oversee animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Not only does the Bible not say a peep about a third temple, but there would have to be a fourth temple for all of your ridiculous theories to work out.

Dispensationalism is a mess!

Now how in the world do you think it"s a mess?

First you tried to punt the ball over the lightning bolts on the 12th's standard, Then you said it makes no difference if they lost their eagle.

I'll give this much though,when you tried to punt and I said "block this kick,ect." you were wanting to examine our eschatology. So it's a free gift,today you know for sure that just the same as in Beth/Beit Horon unlike you first thought the 12'th lost their eagle and kind of similar you also found out that instead of what you thought that in fact the 12'th,those lightning bolt's actually are in the possession of Dispies (kind of like Beit Horan,preterism lost that eagle,lol) and that that’s a toy that we have,and you cant play with it anymore ,lol.


(Matt 21:42-43) Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone
the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’[h]?
43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.

While the mysteryboy tries to focus on some stones from 2,000 years ago, those with spiritual understanding know that Christ Jesus is the cornerstone of the building, and those with faith in Christ Jesus are the lively stones comprising the building.


Now how in the world do you think it"s a mess?

Most importantly, it cannot stand the test of scripture.

Secondly, it cannot stand the test of human history.

Everything Jesus prophesied in Luke 21, Matthew 24, and Mark 13 played out exactly how He said it would.

Moreover, the prophecies found in the Revelation pertaining to the Jews and Jerusalem played out exactly as prophesied.

You don't like that because it proves John Nelson Darby's teachings false.

You're fighting a losing battle Whitestone.

Dispensationalism is a lie.


Well-known member
Most importantly, it cannot stand the test of scripture.

Secondly, it cannot stand the test of human history.

Everything Jesus prophesied in Luke 21, Matthew 24, and Mark 13 played out exactly how He said it would.

Moreover, the prophecies found in the Revelation pertaining to the Jews and Jerusalem played out exactly as prophesied.

You don't like that because it proves John Nelson Darby's teachings false.

You're fighting a losing battle Whitestone.

Dispensationalism is a lie.

lol,Cindy is baring down on me so I'm not going to go much further at this point. I ask you which scripture a few post back and rather like the two you posted next,Rev.16, lol I'm sure curious over Revelation 16:2 KJV and 21. lol it's just another toy. I used to love to play "black snake" but "playground rules"(had to fit in recess period),,,lol,look at that marble and wonder if it's the toy you want to play with, playground rules are for keeps...


New member
(John 2:19) Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

If only you Darby Followers understood.

I'm curious, Tel...

Beyond a successful attempt on my own to get at where he had been looking at things from that resulted in his Israel/Body distinction, I've read very little by Darby.

In other words, at most what might amount to some three or four pages, when combined, as I was basically looking for where he had been looking at things from that resulted in his seeing that distinction.

Not to prove him right or wrong, nor in an attempt to find disagreement nor disagreement with him - rather; merely in an attempt to distill where he had been looking at things from to begin with that had resulted in the Israel/Body distinction he came to hold to.

In other words, what principle or rule of thumb he had been looking at things from prior to that, that resulted in that, for him.

I was looking at things sort of in a manner similar to how science looks at a result and distills from it the principle or rule of thumb behind it's result.

A generic kind of a principle, as in the generic principle or law that "force equals mass times acceleration."

A principle that is ever present.

That kind of a thing.

Having isolated that*, I've not read much by Darby beyond it.

My question to you, Tel, is what are you aware of regarding any findings of his on Josephus' writings, if any?

Other than that, feel free to remain stuck in the blindness that is a conclusion like "wrong" "incorrect" "Darby follower" or whatever other form of ignorance you might insist on forever being stuck in.

Me; I'll continue to look at things through their recurrent patterns back to their generic principles through said recurrent patterns.


* Darby's distinction prior to his Israel/Body distinction had been his realization and growing understanding through the Scripture, of his completeness in the Lord.

Ironically, this was a very principle or distinction the Scripture witnesses was being lost sight of even as the Lord was revealing it, or making it manifest to and through that odd, new, one Apostle too many, to the Lord's having long since settled on Israel's Twelve Apostles, by the time He saved Paul, and commissioned him with his Uncircumcision Apostleship.