Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Which doctrine do I blindly follow?

What doctrine do you not follow if it is defined ex cathedra? no matter how preposterous or absurd or downright contrary to holy writ.

The doctrine of transubstantiation

There is a little trick called development, which supposes that the mass is merely a development of the last supper. And they are perfectly able to say "based upon scripture" and they have the people bowing down to worship the bread tut tut

Did Jesus say "this is My body"? yes He did...then He blessed and break it and they ate...see? the body broken is no more body.

The apostolic tradition is to bless and brake and eat.

...see that you call no man on earth father or teacher


New member
What doctrine do you not follow if it is defined ex cathedra?
What doctrine do you not follow if it is a central tenet of your particular recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect?

In any case, you've already been answered on this point (Post #100).

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
People wear armour plating for a reason Cruce, you have this armour plated auto response attitude because inwardly you are hurt and vulnerable.

Christ Himself is my salvation and my inner life


New member
People wear armour plating for a reason Cruce, you have this armour plated auto response attitude because inwardly you are hurt and vulnerable.
Here you're claiming knowledge that you could not possibly---and simply do not---actually possess. Readers will note that you have failed to offer any substantive reply to---let alone disproof of---Posts #100 and #102 above.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Here you're claiming knowledge that you could not possibly---and simply do not---actually possess. Readers will note that you have failed to offer any substantive reply to---let alone disproof of---Posts #100 and #102 above.

Totten Linnet has NEVER offered any substantive reply to anything, and certainly never any factual reply.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
The various themes mentioned in the meme represent some of the reasons I was compelled to enter Christ's one historic Catholic Church fifteen years ago. I thought they might prompt some discussion on the forum. If not, that's fine, too.

The meme is gone.