The 100% perfect bible denomination

Hi all,

I'm going to talk a little about a extremely rare Christian denomination. This denomination is more rare than any denomination ever will be or can be, and I am certain that only those who believe this denomination is true will actually receive eternal life and those that believe a certain teaching from this denomination will receive eternal life.

Please let me know what you think and I strongly advise you keep a very open mind when reading everything I say here.

This denomination proves the following facts:

-The entire bible is a book where every verse has a symbolic meaning

-Only some verses have a non symbolic meaning

-The only bible with all correct translations is the physical copy of the KJV

-Not all Prayers come true (I will explain this one later)

-Hell isn't a place of eternal physical torment (I will explain this one)

-Reincarnation exists and always has (I will explain this)

-Jesus Christ is God. This I will provide a reference of proof for

-Christ Jesus is the son of God. This I will also provide a reference of proof for

That's just a few relevant facts.

Why not all prayers come true:

The bible verses when interpreted certain ways make it sound as if all prayers come true. Truly, the translations can be incorrect in certain verses, causing any verse talking about the power of prayer to sound as if it's saying all prayers come true. Furthermore, even the correctly translated verses about prayer don't actually claim that all prayers come true, but instead only claim that all prayers/wishes are to be worked on granted, unless a prayer makes that prayer not be worked on or not work.

Why Hell isn't a place of eternal physical torment:

God is all knowing and always fair and always has been. This means all are punished according to their crimes. There has never been any crimes any thing will commit that would mean any one should receive eternal physical torment. There never will be any one or anything that will commit crimes so terrible that even so much as a few things should receive eternal physical torment.

Math even supports this because using math we can easily calculate how this must be true by using it to calculate how many crimes have been commited and which crimes have been commited. The more crimes that have been commited the more suffering that is created.

Infinite physical torment can only be created by a crime that creates infinite physical torment to something and/or someone. Assuming this is true, and given that according to scripture (as well as common sense) there must be no entity that shall ever create infinite physical torment to someone and/or something, no entity will ever justly receive eternal physical torment.

Also seeing as God is always fair which indicates he always has been and will be, we can see that he wouldn't be fair if he were to ever unjustly give someone and/or something eternal physical torment.

So what is hell you ask? Well the answer is made perfectly clear in Scripture as well as in our day to day easy to observe world. Hell is, physically speaking, the entire physical area below heaven.

What's so hard to believe about this? Well nothing actually. This is clearly more logical to be the case when accounting for the fact that there is never in the history of all time to be the start of eternal physical torment. The bible even states that hell is where eternal torment begins in.

Still this leaves the questions, where is the lake of fire if hell is not a place of eternal physical suffering, and what kind of eternal suffering is there that ISN'T the physical kind? The answer to those questions is simple.

The lake of fire is simply the sun we see everyday. The sun isn't really made of fire according to some people. Some say it's made of gas and is very very hot. Regardless of what it's made of doesn't matter here. I'm not here to talk of a conspiracy about what the sun is physically made of. I'm here to talk of what the sun is spiritually going to be used for when the wicked are placed in there for eternal mental torment. Yes, you heard me right, eternal MENTAL torment.

The clear indication that the lake of fire must be eternal mental torment is made clear by the fact that there's two types of suffering and the fact that God is/always will be 100% fair in every possibly way. One type of suffering is mental suffering, the 2nd is physical suffering.

Proof reincarnation exists and always has:

It pays, while reading this post I've made, and in general, to refer back to what I said earlier about God always needing to be 100% fair in all ways all throughout history, past or future.

If reincarnation were to have ever in the past or future not exist, then no entity would get all the gifts they deserve to get. If a man were to suffer from poverty due to a corrupt King's rulership, but not reincarnate at a time where he'd get rewarded the proper amount for that suffering he did under that King's rulership, then it would be unfair.

It's not nearly enough to give eternal heaven or eternal hell to those who deserve those things. It's also about enforcing justice before anyone even starts to get eternal joy or eternal pain.

Therefore reincarnation MUST have always existed and always will (until it no longer is fair for it to exist)

Reference for proof that Jesus Christ is God:

The physical copy of the KJV describes Jesus Christ as a man who was crucified in his 30s. It also happens to describe Christ Jesus as a man who was not crucified in his 30s. There is no way this is a mistake.

Bradley D

Well-known member
"It pays, while reading this post I've made, and in general, to refer back to what I said earlier about God always needing to be 100% fair in all ways all throughout history, past or future."

If God were 100% fair I doubt if even the "few" would go to heaven. I have a God of "mercy."


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Hi, welcome to TOL!

I'm going to talk a little about a extremely rare Christian denomination. This denomination is more rare than any denomination ever will be or can be,

I'm going to make a prediction:

It will believe things that are commonplace among other religions, cults, and beliefs. Let's see how you do...

and I am certain that only those who believe this denomination is true will actually receive eternal life and those that believe a certain teaching from this denomination will receive eternal life.

So which is it?

Is it if you believe this denomination is true or is it if you believe a tenet from this denomination is true?

Many people have claimed to have special knowledge. Usually, when pressed, those claims have been turned out to be bunk.

Here's another prediction: Yours will be the exact same way.

Please let me know what you think

On TOL, that is something you can be assured of.

and I strongly advise you keep a very open mind when reading everything I say here.

So open that your brains fall out? No thanks. Let's stick to logic and reason.

This denomination proves the following facts:

Let's get started:

-The entire bible is a book where every verse has a symbolic meaning

-Only some verses have a non symbolic meaning

Alright, right off the bat you've contradicted yourself, unless you were trying to be hyperbolic with your first claim.

Either every verse is symbolic or it's not.

I assert that there are verses that contain symbolic meaning, but that most of the Bible tells a story, using symbolic language where one would normally see it.

-The only bible with all correct translations is the physical copy of the KJV


-Not all Prayers come true (I will explain this one later)

This we agree upon.

-Hell isn't a place of eternal physical torment (I will explain this one)

Except that the Bible states explicitly otherwise.

-Reincarnation exists and always has (I will explain this)


-Jesus Christ is God. This I will provide a reference of proof for

-Christ Jesus is the son of God. This I will also provide a reference of proof for

Is your reversal of "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus" intentional?

That's just a few relevant facts.

Why not all prayers come true:

The bible verses when interpreted certain ways make it sound as if all prayers come true. Truly, the translations can be incorrect in certain verses, causing any verse talking about the power of prayer to sound as if it's saying all prayers come true. Furthermore, even the correctly translated verses about prayer don't actually claim that all prayers come true, but instead only claim that all prayers/wishes are to be worked on granted, unless a prayer makes that prayer not be worked on or not work.

The fact is, when you read the Bible, it says that God used to answer prayers, but now is, for the most part, silent. It has nothing to do with the way the Bible is translated.

Why Hell isn't a place of eternal physical torment:

God is all knowing

If by "all knowing" you mean that God can know everything that can be known, then we agree.

If, however, you are referring to the greek/calvinistic kind of "all knowing," then we disagree.

and always fair and always has been.

No, actually, He hasn't been. He has been loving, merciful, and gracious to those who place their trust in Him. I'll explain more below.

This means all are punished according to their crimes.

God is certainly just. But there are plenty of times where God did NOT punish someone according to their crimes.

Two examples are David and Paul.

Both were murderers, and David was an adulterer.

Both should have received the death penalty, for God said to put the murderer to death and both the adulterer and the adulteress to death (and that means Bathsheba wasn't punished either according to God's law).

Neither were, and both continued on in life to serve God, broken as they were.

There has never been any crimes any thing will commit that would mean any one should receive eternal physical torment.

Simply rejecting God makes one worthy of being eternally separated from Him. But since God is living, personal, relational, good, and loving, He would rather the person who rejected Him come to Him in repentance.

There never will be any one or anything that will commit crimes so terrible that even so much as a few things should receive eternal physical torment.

Again, simply rejecting God is enough to warrant eternal separation from Him. Violating any of His laws falls under that action.

Jesus said if you're guilty of breaking just ONE law, it's as if you've broken all of them.

Math even supports this because using math we can easily calculate how this must be true by using it to calculate how many crimes have been commited and which crimes have been commited. The more crimes that have been commited the more suffering that is created.

First, let me steer this conversation in the right direction: All crime is sin. Not all sin is crime. Violation of God's law is sin. Violation of man's law is crime. You keep using the word crime in this discussion, which, in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but it's a bit misleading, especially since we're not talking about man's laws, but rather God's laws.

Second: The short and simple answer for this is that one sin has eternal (meaning infinite) consequences, and thus any sin at all results in a fallen world in need of saving.

Last I checked infinity plus infinity equals infinity.

Meaning that no matter how many sins you have, there will always be infinite and eternal consequences that must be corrected, and we call that "correction" justice.

Infinite physical torment can only be created by a crime that creates infinite physical torment to something and/or someone.



Because pain is not physical, therefore the eternal torment that will be experienced by those who ultimately reject God is not physical.

Assuming this is true, and given that according to scripture

"For the wages of sin is death."

Death is separation, physical death is separation from one's body, spiritual death is separation from God.

Wages is what one earns for doing something.

The wages of sin? Death. Separation from God, because sin is a spiritual matter.

(as well as common sense)

Appeal to common sense is a logical fallacy.

Common sense isn't common.

there must be no entity that shall ever create infinite physical torment to someone and/or something, no entity will ever justly receive eternal physical torment.

Again, pain isn't physical, so your premise is wrong.

Also seeing as God is always fair


which indicates he always has been and will be,

This is a tautology. You're not actually saying anything here.

we can see that he wouldn't be fair if he were to ever unjustly give someone and/or something eternal physical torment.

Again, false premise.

So what is hell you ask? Well the answer is made perfectly clear in Scripture as well as in our day to day easy to observe world. Hell is, physically speaking, the entire physical area below heaven.


Hell is simply the name we give to the place where God is not, that those who reject Him will be sent to.

What's so hard to believe about this? Well nothing actually. This is clearly more logical to be the case when accounting for the fact that there is never in the history of all time to be the start of eternal physical torment. The bible even states that hell is where eternal torment begins in.

I'm wondering what your point is here...

Still this leaves the questions, where is the lake of fire if hell is not a place of eternal physical suffering, and what kind of eternal suffering is there that ISN'T the physical kind? The answer to those questions is simple.

Hell does not exist on this plane of existence.

It exists in the spiritual realm, not the physical.

The lake of fire is simply the sun we see everyday. The sun isn't really made of fire

Would you agree that the sun is burning?

according to some people. Some say it's made of gas and is very very hot.

Are you implying that you disagree with this?

Regardless of what it's made of doesn't matter here. I'm not here to talk of a conspiracy about what the sun is physically made of.

Then why even bring such a thing up?

I'm here to talk of what the sun is spiritually going to be used for when the wicked are placed in there for eternal mental torment. Yes, you heard me right, eternal MENTAL torment.

:dunce: This is what I've been saying the entire time...

The clear indication that the lake of fire must be eternal mental torment is made clear by the fact that there's two types of suffering and the fact that God is/always will be 100% fair in every possibly way. One type of suffering is mental suffering, the 2nd is physical suffering.

Your conclusion is... ok... but your reasoning isn't.

Proof reincarnation exists and always has:

It pays, while reading this post I've made, and in general, to refer back to what I said earlier about God always needing to be 100% fair in all ways all throughout history, past or future.


[QUTOE]If reincarnation were to have ever in the past or future not exist, then no entity would get all the gifts they deserve to get. If a man were to suffer from poverty due to a corrupt King's rulership, but not reincarnate at a time where he'd get rewarded the proper amount for that suffering he did under that King's rulership, then it would be unfair.

It's not nearly enough to give eternal heaven or eternal hell to those who deserve those things. It's also about enforcing justice before anyone even starts to get eternal joy or eternal pain.

Therefore reincarnation MUST have always existed and always will (until it no longer is fair for it to exist)[/QUOTE]

Please refer to the link above regarding this subject.

Reference for proof that Jesus Christ is God:

The physical copy of the KJV describes Jesus Christ as a man who was crucified in his 30s. It also happens to describe Christ Jesus as a man who was not crucified in his 30s. There is no way this is a mistake.

In addition to the kjo link I provided above, I must ask you: Do other versions of the Bible also describe Christ as God?

Bradley D

Well-known member
"I'm going to talk a little about a extremely rare Christian denomination."

What is the name of the denomination?


Well-known member
God is all knowing and always fair and always has been. This means all are punished according to their crimes. There has never been any crimes any thing will commit that would mean any one should receive eternal physical torment. There never will be any one or anything that will commit crimes so terrible that even so much as a few things should receive eternal physical torment.

IF we were created as eternally self and other aware spirits and

IF we were all created with a free will and

IF there is an unforgivable sin, a sin that puts the person outside of all grace and

IF some of HIS creation chose to sin the unforgivable sin and

IF it is true that a little leaven / sin leavens / corrupts the whole lump / person / community, then

IF the only way to protect HIS Church and heavenly Family from the inevitable corruption from these eternally evil people was to banish them from HIS heavenly reality,

THEN hell is an absolute necessity to keep the eternally evil ones from corrupting HIS heaven.

Making yourself a better authority than the bible is an old and tired out ploy for attention...