Love versus Obedience


New member
You are being misleading.

The Sabbath is SATURDAY.
right agreeing with you is misleading? LOL

You said there is a Sabbath day every week.

You are so twisted you bite your own a dog...wait no Paul said they return to their own vomit oh wait you do that too...certainly do NOT return to Him His ways...

Stop misusing the quote marks. This site has a quote feature so use it. You say I say things that I don't say.
you said in the “The Lords day controversy” thread post #376

“The only way the wall was taken away is when Jews and Gentiles believe and obey Jesus THE SAME WAY”

To which I praised Yah you were beginning to see it...and now:

As for Jews and Gentiles who want to get saved, they get saved the same way.[/qoute] HALLELUYAH...again EXACTLY as Peter preached...we Jews are to be saved in the same manner as they...neat eh? BY FAITH and then of course works befitting repentance THE SAME WAY believing and obeying...

You really are getting it...

Sabbath means Saturday.

There is a Saturday every week.
yes again BRAVO and HalleluYah

We have to keep every day holy in the Lord.
nope...every day is NOT made Holy just the seventh day Sabbath...we are to BE HOLY every day yes...but NOT KEEP every day holy...

It makes no difference.
WUT???!!! Of course it does...Sabbath is once a week the seventh day instituted at creation for ALL MAN...was kept prior receiving the Law at Mt Sinai...was enshrined in the IMMUTABLE LAW the 10 descriptions of His people and how they live where “I AM” the only commandment including the goyim and the only commandment instructed prayers be said it be kept in future times of trouble when Rome lay siege for months and years...

And the other sabbaths are the annual ones that were given at Sinai to Israel and not just Jews and inclusive of those NOT OF JACOB even...neat eh? They remain as memorials in Yah’s calendar...and NOT of babylon its gregorian Easter and Christmas and Halloween...

You use God's name in vain. That is a sin.

I was giving thanks you were seeing that “every week has a Sabbath day” oh and your “Jews and Gentiles are to believe and obey the same way” and now here your “Jews and Gentiles are saved the same way”

HalleluYah having learned the holy commandment please do not return to your own like a dog to its own vomit...or a sow to its wallowing...thanks...


New member
And you see all those things while a clamp of Satan's is on your ankle.
oh my...such a fertile imagination...make no image ok? Like bare no false Remember the Sabbath...LOL...and well you just MAD and claim “NOT FOR ME” all that is shadows changed no more...He abolished it...

Jesus did change things.
the administration of His Father’s Eternal Immutable Law...

Jesus said you have to go through him now.
yup...that is the mystery revealed...not faith apart from works...or gentiles to receive...but the entire OT had NO CLUE about Yahushua...they had FAITH...but did not know Him...had He been there then they would have to have chosen well it has ALWAYS been about FAITH first and then obedience...

But since Vatican 2 and those other MAD Christian zionists Jews apparently have their own path to heaven...because to Jews is the Law...not us...just like you claim...

You just ramble on while lost in your forest with your ankle in a trap while you look at the squirrels and acorns and oak trees.
LOL...every time you resort to silly attempted put just MAD cause Paul took a VOW to prove He was still zealous for the Law...

Jesus taught that he was the temple. You are badly mistaken.
the temple is destroyed...why you do that to Jesus? Why you make Him a pile of stones...He needs no temple made of human if He is the temple is He needed...made of human hands?....not even John the revelator saw the temple because the Father and Son are its temple...still not the temple made by human a pile of rubble...

we are a temple too...not the temple but A temple get it? In fact Paul tells the goyim in Ephesus joined with believing Jews they are a whole building growing into a holy temple in the Lord...again NOT the temple but a Holy temple...and temples have know when services take Sabbaths and sabbaths...ya dig?

Of course some Jews still claim they need the temple made by human hands...and sadly there are enough goyim MAD enough to support their separate way...all another gospel another christ...

They all reject He is a High Priest administering His Father’s Law which states our rights to the PROMISE on condition...

but you are MAD about the Sabbath like them “NOT FOR ME” satan himself believes but DOES NOT obey His Way “NOT FOR ME”

Your love is NOT LIKE His does NOT obey AS He did...but only 9/10ths

God's Truth

New member
nope as there is a Sabbath every week...still...remember you said that?

There is a Sabbath/Saturday every week.
yup administering His Law in our circumcised hearts and Christ minded “inner Jew”...He is up there preparing for us to be there with Him also...
Jesus made a new law.
You have a hard time with that.
4For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law: 5Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things,
yup serve unto the example...

On earth as it is in heaven...we ESTABLISH that claims Paul...Rom 3:31 neat eh?
So then you are all for an earthy temple and priest doing the sacrifices every day year after year?

Did you read that? The temple, the priests, the offerings, the law were all AN EXAMPLE---A SHADOW of the things in heaven.
ummm...right and there is where we are practice NOW for what it is like THERE so when we come back HERE well easy peasy right? ON earth as it is IN HEAVEN...NOW do it...
Then you deny Jesus the sacrifice.

Yup yup and yes...I am going to type this slowly so you can understand it...

Covenants are renewed...My Law in hearts and minds...NOTHING NEW or updated or Son’s edited Law...about this new covenant because HE MODELLED IT AND TAUGHT IT BEFORE HE SIGNED AND SEALED IT WITH HIS BLOOD AND DEATH...

The testator dies...NO IT IS IN NOT change it...JUST LIKE do NOT think He came to change it...
Jesus came and gave a new covenant, a new law, and new conditions.

His coming back to take us to heaven to Sukkot with Him 1000 years is INCLUSIVE of the good things TO COME which these shadows ARE still pointing to...

There is no flesh and blood in heaven.
Jesus comes as the Holy Spirit to live in the hearts of the saved, and he will come again to give the saved new immortal bodies.

getting saved has now a yolk which is He bought you...and now you are His not your own wandering about yokeless every day holy eat whatever...but you are His SLAVE...HalleluYah right? I mean He saved you who wouldn’t WANT to do ANYTHING for Him in gratitude for what He did for you? Oh yeah millions and billions of MAD people claiming “but but but that’s NOT FOR ME” know “LORD LORD” but NOT doing His Father’s will...
You said nothing changed though, remember?

Jesus came and we no longer go by shadows, we go by Jesus.
No you don’ go by 9/10ths obedience...9/10ths His way...
There is a new law. The rules and regulation of the old law are gone, and new rules and regulations are given.
Sabbath makes you MAD...”NOT FOR ME”...rather eat your bacon...than show Him gratitude for what He did...
You have no understanding.
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.


New member
There is a Sabbath/Saturday every week.
HalleluYah...which you REJECT...claim every day is Holy nothing special about seventh day being His Holy Day...

Jesus made a new law.
You have a hard time with that.
nope...He modeled and taught the New Covenant lifestyle...which you reject

So then you are all for an earthy temple and priest doing the sacrifices every day year after year?
Paul said it not me...he also said no need for shedding of blood...prolly enforced by the temples destruction...

You do realize the temple was always plan B...David wanted it...Not Yah...nor for Israel to have a king...

Then you deny Jesus the sacrifice.
no NOT AT ALL...His blood has His Father’s wrath PASS WHY I am grateful and wish to PLEASE Him His however do NOT thus deny Him His

Jesus came and gave a new covenant, a new law, and new conditions.
so do AS He did and taught and you will do fine...your “every day is Sabbath day eat whatever” is NOT what He modelled or taught...

There is no flesh and blood in heaven.
sure there will when we get there as He already is...

Jesus comes as the Holy Spirit to live in the hearts of the saved,
Acts 1:11 has the angels confirm that this SAME Jesus will so come in like manner” look at that...not just Spirit but uncorrupted flesh and blood going up flesh and blood coming down..

and he will come again to give the saved new immortal bodies.
nope...those asleep in Him will rise with glorified bodies and PUT ON immortality...we are NEVER immortal...there is ONLY ONE life to His ONLY begotten Son and finally those by adoption...

You said nothing changed though, remember?
nothing within the 10 the administration of it by Him to Him was given...He now administers it...all 10 and since we dont eat meat in the New Earth well no unclean will be eaten...or dead carcass touched...LOL

There is a new law. The rules and regulation of the old law are gone, and new rules and regulations are given.
NOT DEMONSTRATED OR TAUGHT by Him His Lifestyle or the apostles...Sabbath and sabbaths kept...Peter even kosher...

You have no understanding.
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Your righteousness is self made not His righteousness His Way...yours is of the world...why not eat human meat and be drunk all day every day?

Food and drink is not the kingdom of God right? Eat whatever drink whatever...might as well eat poison too...

never mind your body is a temple in which the Holy Spirit is to reside...go ahead defile it...make it unclean...Spirit doesnt mind...

Your another gospel another christ was NOT taught by Him or the disciples...

You really do think Acts 15 prohibitions “no blood and not strangled ” would make clean rats bats cats and wombats to eat...”here have some swine...what? There is no blood and it was not strangled” LOL

James concluded gentiles would hear “Moses preached every Sabbath”...but nooooo...that makes your uncircumcised heart MAD...”NOT FOR ME”

God's Truth

New member
right agreeing with you is misleading? LOL

You said there is a Sabbath day every week.

You are so twisted you bite your own a dog...wait no Paul said they return to their own vomit oh wait you do that too...certainly do NOT return to Him His ways...

You sound like a mad man.

you said in the “The Lords day controversy” thread post #376

“The only way the wall was taken away is when Jews and Gentiles believe and obey Jesus THE SAME WAY”

To which I praised Yah you were beginning to see it...and now:

As for Jews and Gentiles who want to get saved, they get saved the same way.[/qoute] HALLELUYAH...again EXACTLY as Peter preached...we Jews are to be saved in the same manner as they...neat eh? BY FAITH and then of course works befitting repentance THE SAME WAY believing and obeying...

You really are getting it...

yes again BRAVO and HalleluYah

nope...every day is NOT made Holy just the seventh day Sabbath...we are to BE HOLY every day yes...but NOT KEEP every day holy...

So you think we are to keep six days a week unholy.

WUT???!!! Of course it does...Sabbath is once a week the seventh day instituted at creation for ALL MAN...was kept prior receiving the Law at Mt Sinai...was enshrined in the IMMUTABLE LAW the 10 descriptions of His people and how they live where “I AM” the only commandment including the goyim and the only commandment instructed prayers be said it be kept in future times of trouble when Rome lay siege for months and years...

And the other sabbaths are the annual ones that were given at Sinai to Israel and not just Jews and inclusive of those NOT OF JACOB even...neat eh? They remain as memorials in Yah’s calendar...and NOT of babylon its gregorian Easter and Christmas and Halloween...

I was giving thanks you were seeing that “every week has a Sabbath day” oh and your “Jews and Gentiles are to believe and obey the same way” and now here your “Jews and Gentiles are saved the same way”

HalleluYah having learned the holy commandment please do not return to your own like a dog to its own vomit...or a sow to its wallowing...thanks...

It is a sin to use God's name in vain as you are doing.


New member
You sound like a mad man.
how you judge is questionable as demonstrated time and time again....

you return to your every day is holy eat whatever over and over again...something that came out of you rather than continuing in the holy commandment you have learned...

So you think we are to keep six days a week unholy.
where these days made Holy? NO...I did say WE are to BE HOLY every day but you missed that like you miss A LOT...

He made only ONE DAY HOLY...sanctified it...set IT apart from the other days asked we keep IT Holy...not make it holy or any other day...He made the seventh day Holy it is His Holy day...His Sabbath...

we can NOT make anything holy...only the Spirit can...

It is a sin to use God's name in vain as you are doing.
I use His name to celebrate and give glory to Him...what is in vain is attempting to assist your understanding of your another gospel another christ...that seems to be in vain...all for NAUGHT

despite you knowing Jews and Gentiles are saved the same way are to believe and obey Jesus the SAME WAY and there is A Sabbath every week...which you reject claiming to make other days they claimed a golden calf was proper worship...

HallaluYah you demonstrated you know the holy commandment... if you wish to return to what came from within you so be it...but use of His name was NOT in vain as I glorified attempting to reach you it seems is in vain...

I have learned a lot from you for which I thank you...I see how Sabbath makes so many MAD...cuz Paul taught “Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered to us” the SAME false witness slandering Jews said of Stephen...

God's Truth

New member
how you judge is questionable as demonstrated time and time again....

you return to your every day is holy eat whatever over and over again...something that came out of you rather than continuing in the holy commandment you have learned...

Jesus says it is good to do good on the Sabbath and evil to do bad on the Sabbath.

The only thing a person has to do is not do bad on a Sabbath; and, not do bad any day, thus all days are holy for those in Christ Jesus.

where these days made Holy? NO...I did say WE are to BE HOLY every day but you missed that like you miss A LOT...

He made only ONE DAY HOLY...sanctified it...set IT apart from the other days asked we keep IT Holy...not make it holy or any other day...He made the seventh day Holy it is His Holy day...His Sabbath...

we can NOT make anything holy...only the Spirit can...

I use His name to celebrate and give glory to Him...

No, you used his name in vain to be sarcastic to me.

what is in vain is attempting to assist your understanding of your another gospel another christ...that seems to be in vain...all for NAUGHT

despite you knowing Jews and Gentiles are saved the same way are to believe and obey Jesus the SAME WAY and there is A Sabbath every week...which you reject claiming to make other days they claimed a golden calf was proper worship...

HallaluYah you demonstrated you know the holy commandment... if you wish to return to what came from within you so be it...but use of His name was NOT in vain as I glorified attempting to reach you it seems is in vain...

I have learned a lot from you for which I thank you...I see how Sabbath makes so many MAD...cuz Paul taught “Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered to us” the SAME false witness slandering Jews said of Stephen...

You admitted that you don't keep the Sabbath day holy according to the old law like you said you did.

You also say you keep the dietary law according to the old law.

So have you ever had cheese or milk with your hamburger?


New member
Love vs Obedience. The very title of this thread is a fallacy. Jesus proved it is a fallacy for Jesus is God, and God is love. So in Jesus we see love and obedience at perfect levels. Jesus never sinned, so He obeyed His Father perfectly. Obeyed the law perfectly. Jesus' life proves love and obedience go hand in hand. That they are not contrary to one another. Galatians 5 also proves this.

In other words the fruit of the Spirit is in violation of no law, including God's law, the 10 commandments.

If I got you well, it seems to me that it is hard for you to believe Jesus when he says: I and my Father are one. Otherwise, you would see clearly that the Will of Whom Jesus refers to as the/our/my/His Father in Heaven is indeed the Will of Jesus as well. So when Jesus does the Will of the Father in Heaven, He does His own Will actually. This is the case whenever two independent beings are unified 'perfectly' by the Spirit of True Love (the Holy Spirit). In other words. between Jesus, I know, and my Father in Heaven there is love only. They are unified by the Holy Spirit since before Creation.

By the way, True Love (based on unlimited mutual trust) unifies the will and power of two independent beings to the point they look as 'one' being only (as One God) to any outsider.
On the other hand, a law is supposed to gather and organize a group of people in the material world by its obedience.

So what is known as God's law ‘was’ a law by which God's chosen people have been gathered and organized. The purpose of this law was simply to prepare Jews to welcome Jesus then crucify Him. And this purpose was fulfilled completely.

Sorry friends, to me in the least, the verb obey implies the existence of a master and followers (modern word of slaves). The relationship between my Creator (the One Will/power of my Father in Heaven and Jesus; unified by the Holy Spirit) has nothing to do with a master/slave one. It happens that my real joy in this life is living the unconditional love (not based on any law but mine, my free will) towards all others, friends and enemies (the way it is revealed by Jesus). So by living this way, I am not obeying Jesus because it is also my own will. But, thanks to Jesus teachings, I got the relative perfect knowledge (relative to my need) I was looking for. Without such deep knowledge about 'Life Reality', it would be hard, if not impossible, for me to live the lawless divine love on earth in order to feed my soul with the divine joy while being ignorant of the world's reality (the way the world/life is made).

My point is that I am afraid that as long someone insists to be Christian though he doesn't or cannot see in Jesus the Incarnated Perfect Teacher (the Living Word of God) about True Love (of the Holy Spirit), life and the real world, he has no choice but to fear, obey and glorify God as the ancient Jews were supposed to do.


New member
Originally posted by KerimF
Well, I hope you have the Holy Spirit though you avoid talking about IT and how you perceive IT, since you insist that your God has to be the Father in Heaven only.

What do you mean by I insist God to be the Father in heaven only?
What is making you lie about my beliefs? You should be concerned about that.

I am very sorry to get your belief about God wrongly.

I hope now that you can tell me how you perceive God in you as clear as possible (as I use doing :) )
Thank you.

God's Truth

New member
I am very sorry to get your belief about God wrongly.

I hope now that you can tell me how you perceive God in you as clear as possible (as I use doing :) )
Thank you.

I'm not going to talk about it with you until you answer my questions. Do you believe the Bible is the written words of God, and do you believe we have to go through Jesus to get saved?
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New member
Jesus says it is good to do good on the Sabbath and evil to do bad on the Sabbath.
what is good? what is bad? what is your standard if His Law can be broken into every day is Holy and not just the seventh day...or everything can be eaten and nothing is unclean?

It seems rather random to have a Law that just changes and is applied different times...

The only thing a person has to do is not do bad on a Sabbath; and, not do bad any day, thus all days are holy for those in Christ Jesus.
nope...logic fail...just cuz you claim to be in Christ does NOT make everything you do all the time Holy...

Who do you think you are claiming you can make something Holy that is NOT? He IS clear the seventh day Sabbath was sanctified set apart and made is His Holy think you can make all the other days holy now too?

Catholics think the same if they can make water holy or images or bread...and now you here claim you can make all meat clean and all days arrogant idolatry...such presumption...just like they thought a golden calf was true worship...

No, you used his name in vain to be sarcastic to me.
and now you try to make something evil which isn't...LOL

you understand that there IS A Sabbath day every week...and that the wall is taken away when Jews and Gentiles believe and obey Jesus THE SAME WAY...that is why I said HalleluYah…

You admitted that you don't keep the Sabbath day holy according to the old law like you said you did.
I fail many Laws I attempt to keep...Paul admitted the same...but we strive to faithful...persevere...stay true...unlike you and yours that think ONE time grace and you are saved never again to fail...or something...

you claim you "Do not think thoughts that are not of God, and then speak of things that sinners speak about, rather, think how Jesus teaches us to think and talk." but then I read some of your other posts and welll…..

You also say you keep the dietary law according to the old law.
such a typical Pharisee always trying to trap someone or worse like the inquisition have them censured...your spirit is NOT from a circumcised heart...

So have you ever had cheese or milk with your hamburger?
I am vegetarian but sure I have eaten some...made sure it wasn't a calf boiled in its mother's milk first though...LOL

separating milk and meat is Jewish traditioin which even they can not adequately explain...

I like to think it is because it was Abraham's meal he provided Him and thus it is like a first fruit to Him...and so in memory of His first meal with man He has us avoid a kid seethed in its mothers milk...

but yeah all that Jewish stuff is really too much...just make sure there is no blood, the animal was not strangled or offered to idols...

God's Truth

New member
what is good? what is bad? what is your standard if His Law can be broken into every day is Holy and not just the seventh day...or everything can be eaten and nothing is unclean?
You are calling what is good ‘bad’ when you say not to do good and not sin every day.

It seems rather random to have a Law that just changes and is applied different times...

You don’t understand the scripture.

nope...logic fail...just cuz you claim to be in Christ does NOT make everything you do all the time Holy...
Doing what Jesus says to do does make one holy and every day.

Who do you think you are claiming you can make something Holy that is NOT?
Jesus tells how. Do what Jesus says.

He IS clear the seventh day Sabbath was sanctified set apart and made is His Holy think you can make all the other days holy now too?

Jesus is the Sabbath Rest.
He tells us how to be put in his rest and be made holy.

Catholics think the same if they can make water holy or images or bread...and now you here claim you can make all meat clean and all days arrogant idolatry...such presumption...just like they thought a golden calf was true worship...

Catholics don’t do what God says to do.

No, you used his name in vain to be sarcastic to me.
and now you try to make something evil which isn't...LOL
No, it is what you did.

you understand that there IS A Sabbath day every week...and that the wall is taken away when Jews and Gentiles believe and obey Jesus THE SAME WAY...that is why I said HalleluYah…

Jews that don’t believe Jesus’ blood justifies don’t believe correctly.

I fail many Laws I attempt to keep...
You are a hypocrite and law breaker.

Paul admitted the same...but we strive to faithful...persevere...stay true...unlike you and yours that think ONE time grace and you are saved never again to fail...or something...
You are a false witness against Paul.
you claim you "Do not think thoughts that are not of God, and then speak of things that sinners speak about, rather, think how Jesus teaches us to think and talk." but then I read some of your other posts and welll…..
such a typical Pharisee always trying to trap someone or worse like the inquisition have them censured...your spirit is NOT from a circumcised heart...
Your imagination is not from God.
I am vegetarian but sure I have eaten some...made sure it wasn't a calf boiled in its mother's milk first though...LOL

separating milk and meat is Jewish traditioin which even they can not adequately explain...

I like to think it is because it was Abraham's meal he provided Him and thus it is like a first fruit to Him...and so in memory of His first meal with man He has us avoid a kid seethed in its mothers milk...

but yeah all that Jewish stuff is really too much...just make sure there is no blood, the animal was not strangled or offered to idols...
That is not how it works.
You don’t get to change the commands of the old law that you say you keep like Jesus and Paul.
If you eat any of your vegetarian food in the same pot that swine or crustaceans were cooked, then everything you eat is unclean. Even if you use the same stove, or oven top.


New member
You are calling what is good ‘bad’ when you say not to do good and not sin every day.
Just Love AS HE me where He loved with big Sunday Ham dinner after Sunday church...

You don’t understand the scripture.
oh I understand it fine...HE CHANGES NOT...His law is PERFECT IMMUTABLE it describes what life WITH HIM is like

And I understand you...your claims that law changes and is applied differently at different times

You really do think two classes (or more) in His kingdom: those that did obey vs those that didnt think it was for them

Doing what Jesus says to do does make one holy and every day.
which you DON’T do...what He demonstrated with His life or if you can keep the seventh day Holy on a Tuesday...LOL

Jesus tells how. Do what Jesus says.
He teaches do His Father’s know what was in the OT before the Fall even

Jesus is the Sabbath Rest.
if He had given rest then why still a Sabbatismos? Be sure to enter His rest as He did His ceasing from His six days of work
He tells us how to be put in his rest and be made holy.
if you claim to abide in Him...LIVE AS HE DID...

Catholics don’t do what God says to do.
they like you claim they do...they in fact claim they can make other holy days...EXACTLY like you do...and EXCTLY LIKE YOU can eat if He made all things clean to eat...

Stop being JUST like the Catholics...who as you said dont do what Yah says to do...

No, it is what you did. in fact rebuild the wall between Jews and Gentiles by claiming “not for me the ole OT” and restore Jewish enmity...

YOU make vain for naught ALL He did to bring you INTO Israel obedient to Him His Law

Jews that don’t believe Jesus’ blood justifies don’t believe correctly.
myriads of Jews believed and were STILL zealous for the Law Acts 21:20 those Jews were saved just like the Gentiles...who ALSO were obedient...NO DISTINCTION made between the two... you and your “every day is Holy no more dog meat” would be quite distinct...

You are a hypocrite and law breaker.
is why I am repentant and in need of Grace...and NOT bitter...knowing the struggle to overcome and become MORE LIKE Him...

You are a false witness against Paul.
Your imagination is not from God.
nope your own posts in other threads condemn you your claims of your sinlessness...
That is not how it works.
You don’t get to change the commands of the old law that you say you keep like Jesus and Paul.
If you eat any of your vegetarian food in the same pot that swine or crustaceans were cooked, then everything you eat is unclean. Even if you use the same stove, or oven top. actually DO make the traditions of Jews into commandments of the pharisees Mark 7:8

add that to your “every day is holy eat whatever”

So you change thus REJECT what He lived and instructed and include what the Jews do now...LOL

God's Truth

New member
Just Love AS HE me where He loved with big Sunday Ham dinner after Sunday church...

You don't keep the dietary law.

Does anyone in your house bring in pig or shrimp?

If they did, your food was contaminated and you are to break your pots and stove.

Did you ever do that?

Do you ever eat at a restaurant or fast food place?

Is it a restaurant that also serves any pig or shrimp?

If they serve those things then your vegetarian food is unclean.

Leviticus 11:35 Anything that one of their carcasses falls on becomes unclean; an oven or cooking pot must be broken up. They are unclean, and you are to regard them as unclean.

Do you ever talk about anything other than God on the Sabbath?

Do you ever ignite a fire in the winter on a Sabbath?

If you have done any of those things then you have broken the Sabbath law.

Have you ever done anything for your own pleasure on the Sabbath, like watch TV or read a book, or enjoy some time outdoors?

Isaiah 58:13 "If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot From doing your own pleasure on My holy day, And call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable, And honor it, desisting from your own ways, From seeking your own pleasure And speaking your own word,

You are a fake law keeper.

God's Truth

New member
oh I understand it fine...HE CHANGES NOT...His law is PERFECT IMMUTABLE it describes what life WITH HIM is like

And I understand you...your claims that law changes and is applied differently at different times

Hebrews 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.


New member
You don't keep the dietary law.

Does anyone in your house bring in pig or shrimp?

If they did, your food was contaminated and you are to break your pots and stove.

Did you ever do that?

Do you ever eat at a restaurant or fast food place?

Is it a restaurant that also serves any pig or shrimp?

If they serve those things then your vegetarian food is unclean.

Your attention on me is appreciated. Was hoping we could place some on Him and His ways...He failed NOT...Paul and I did...

And if unclean I wash and at sundown I am clean again...avoiding the failure the next day...

Ha...even stopped going to a Thai restaurant cuz they had a little Buddha statue with food to it in the corner...oh well

Love the game almost as much as the One who set it up to is pretty healthy too...imagine that “do this and live”

Leviticus 11:35 Anything that one of their carcasses falls on becomes unclean; an oven or cooking pot must be broken up. They are unclean, and you are to regard them as unclean.

Yup creeping things falling dead into food and food making items is unclean...yuck

BTW Lev 6:28 is helpful determining what is breakable from what is washable...

Oh as is Lev 11:32....oh and 15:12

Luckily we dont have to BREAK or SMASH ourselves LOL Lev 15:11

Think about all this as you wear your face mask and apply sanitizer against the “crown virus”

Yah is reminding His people we are to be mindful of clean and unclean...

Could someone PLEASE forward this to China and its uncleanliness...THANKS

Do you ever talk about anything other than God on the Sabbath?

Do you ever ignite a fire in the winter on a Sabbath?

If you have done any of those things then you have broken the Sabbath law.

Have you ever done anything for your own pleasure on the Sabbath, like watch TV or read a book, or enjoy some time outdoors?

Isaiah 58:13 "If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot From doing your own pleasure on My holy day, And call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable, And honor it, desisting from your own ways, From seeking your own pleasure And speaking your own word,

Oh my...and now you must do this EVERY DAY...LOL

You are a fake law keeper.

failed His Law keeper > fake law maker


New member
Hebrews 7:12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

LOL...for weeks now you resist Sabbath and only now you use this? Other reprobates go to it almost immediately.

Ok so...I quote “I change NOT” and immediately you attempt to make Him a LIAR? oh my...

ummm the law of know from mortal to immortal High Priest...well DUH

This WHOLE chapter is about Priesthood...and the change of administration from Melchizedek to Yahushua

but you want it to mean that the seventh day Sabbath a custom instituted from the time of creation is now ABROGATED DESTROYED TERMINATED or CHANGED? LOL

Changing a law does indeed suspend “destroy” abrogate terminate the prior law...

Kinda like a detour changes the flow of traffic and the original way is no longer available...

Or like here in Heb indeed we do NOT have TWO High Priests...but One the former is cancelled...

So your changing the Sabbath does indeed destroy the Law...EXACTLY what Yahushua told us NOT to think...good job

In fact Yahushua instructed we pray in future times of trouble prayers be said that the Sabbath is kept...NOT that men of Judea are raptured or saved or even the Temple be spared but that the Sabbath be during times of trouble running to the hills is NOT Sabbath rest...

But NOOOO...your reprobate mind claims it’s because the gates would be closed on the if gates would be open other days during a siege that lasted months...years...LOL

I guess Yahushua didn’t realize Roman did NOT attack only on one day...LOL

But again asked and ANSWERED but you refuse having been given over to have at it

Let’s look at where else this “change” is used:

Hebrews 7:12 N-NFS
GRK: καὶ νόμου μετάθεσις γίνεται
NAS: there takes place a change of law
KJV: of necessity a change also of the law.
INT: also of law a change takes place

Hebrews 11:5 N-GFS
GRK: γὰρ τῆς μεταθέσεως μεμαρτύρηται εὐαρεστηκέναι
NAS: that before his being taken up he was pleasing
KJV: his translation he had this testimony,
INT: indeed the taking up he was commended to have well pleased

Hebrews 12:27 N-AFS
GRK: τῶν σαλευομένων μετάθεσιν ὡς πεποιημένων
NAS: denotes the removing of those
KJV: signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken,
INT: of the [things] shaken removing as having been made

Heb 11:5 Enoch was moved...removed...translated...transferred...

Heb 12:27 is an end time judgement scenerio where things shaken are removed as opposed to lasting things that can not be shook...

So since in your reprobate mind Sabbath has been changed...can you please cite and show what it was changed into...

40 days and 5 weekends He spent with them AFTER the cross and NOTHING new noted...NOTHING...your whole argument is from silence...twisted Paul as MAD about Sabbath as any of them...

years later His disciples all still kept Sabbath and festivals Peter ate NO unclean...Paul even took a vow to PROVE he walked righteously according to the Law... Paul wrote like Jeannes and Jambres resisting the truth with corrupt minds disapproved concerning faith...your folly manifest to all...2 Timothy 3:8-9

You are NOT like Timothy who carefully followed doctrine...manner of 10

You are NOT like Timothy who was even circumcised...but I guess his mail is not your mail right? Makes you MAD to think he followed Paul in manner of life...his Sabbatismos too...LOL

Your reprobate minde professes to know Yah but in works you deny Him being abominable (creating your idols) disobedient (unclean) and disqualified for every good work” Titus 1:16

What are good works? works Yah prepared in advance (creation Sabbath) as a way of life Eph 2:10

known to Yah are all His works from the beginning Acts 15:18 and those that do them...

Paul insists we turn to Yah and do works befitting repentance Acts 26:20

But to you and your MAD reprobates repentance:


As if a change of priesthood meant He lied when He said the Sabbath is a perpetual sign...
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