Blaming the chaff for being chaff

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Winston Smith

Separating chaff from wheat makes sense to me; but I've never been able to get anyone to answer a straight forward question which is; how is it possible to fault chaff for being chaff?



Well-known member
Greetings Winston,
Separating chaff from wheat makes sense to me; but I've never been able to get anyone to answer a straight forward question which is; how is it possible to fault chaff for being chaff?
Yes, I agree with ok doser, there is the aspect of free will. Psalm 1 introduces the Psalms as a whole, and the theme of the psalms is how to develop to be like Christ and David, the man after God's own heart. Psalm 1 does give us the divergent paths of the righteous and the wicked, and the wicked are described as chaff. There appears to be an element of possible choice, a choice of what environment we become involved with, and we will be blessed if we carefully consider this Psalm, and its teaching that is, if we meditate upon the teaching of the word of God and develop the fruits of the Spirit.

Kind regards


Well-known member
No, I don't mean to ask, do we have the choice to blame chaff for being chaff; I'm asking, how can chaff be blamed for being chaff? How is it the chaff's fault for being chaff?

Hi and the CHAFF are those who reject their MESSIAH and Matt 25:46 !!

In Matt 3:12 God will throughly PURGE His floor and then verb is in the Greek FUTURE TENSE !!

Then He will GATHER / SYNAGO is also in the Greek FUTURE TENSE !!

Then after God takes the WHEAT OUT He will BURN THE CHAFF also in the Greek FUTURE TENSE !!

Notice the what you are reading is the NEAR VIEW !!

Then during the end of the GREAT TRIBULATION is the FAR VIEW and is yet to happen !!

dan p

Right Divider

Body part
No, I don't mean to ask, do we have the choice to blame chaff for being chaff; I'm asking, how can chaff be blamed for being chaff? How is it the chaff's fault for being chaff?
WS, these are some pretty dumb questions.

In the wheat/chaff analogy, the chaff are the bad people, the unbelieving people. Those people are to blame for their own badness and their own unbelief.

Winston Smith

WS, these are some pretty dumb questions.

In the wheat/chaff analogy, the chaff are the bad people, the unbelieving people. Those people are to blame for their own badness and their own unbelief.

I can see this question is trickier than I first realized. Or the wrong people are answering...

I guess if you haven't thought about it... Let me try it like this: Does wheat ever choose to be chaff?

Winston Smith

Greetings Winston,Yes, I agree with ok doser, there is the aspect of free will. Psalm 1 introduces the Psalms as a whole, and the theme of the psalms is how to develop to be like Christ and David, the man after God's own heart. Psalm 1 does give us the divergent paths of the righteous and the wicked, and the wicked are described as chaff. There appears to be an element of possible choice, a choice of what environment we become involved with, and we will be blessed if we carefully consider this Psalm, and its teaching that is, if we meditate upon the teaching of the word of God and develop the fruits of the Spirit.

Kind regards

Ok, what are we before we choose? Are we good and not foolish? Imagine a time line; imagine someone moving along it. Are they good people for a while and then at some point on the line become wicked?


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Why would chaff need to choose to be chaff when it is already chaff?
I think your analogy falls apart if you try to take it too far...

Which you seem to be doing, and by doing so, you're question begging.

Let's try a different analogy that might clear things up a bit (again, without taking it too far), which explains the dispensation of Grace (as opposed to the dispensation of Law).

Airline G preplans Plane A on a flight to Destination X, and Plane B on a flight to Destination Y.

Person P purchases a plane ticket, and is assigned to B going to Y, but then later changes his ticket so that instead of getting on B going to Y, he will now get on A going to X.

G had nothing to do with which plane ticket P purchased, just that A and B would go to X and Y, respectively, but only provided the upgrade option from B to A.

In this analogy, G is God, P is every individual human, A is the group called the "Body of Christ" (not the elect, that's a different analogy that isn't dealt with here), B is the group of people who ultimately reject God, X is Heaven, Y is Hell/the Lake of Fire.

Every person, from the time they are born until the age of accountability, is known by God.

When a person dies, they get on whatever plane they have purchased a ticket for, and are not allowed on the other plane.

But the first time they sin, they are separated from God, and by sinning, they have purchased the ticket for Hell/the Lake of Fire(LoF).

God offers an upgrade, through a membership program called "Grace," where those who have joined are called "Members of the Body of Christ" that lets whoever purchased a plane ticket for Hell/LoF upgrade to a plane ticket for Heaven free of charge, he just has to request it, and he will be given a new ticket that will allow him to use Plane A instead of Plane B when he dies. This upgrade is irreversible, but not once has anyone ever wanted to switch back to B before dying.

To expand on the age of accountability bit using the analogy...

From the moment a person is conceived until the age of accountability (AoA), they are outside of the airport terminal. The moment they reach the AoA however, they enter the terminal, and must purchase a ticket, the first option being to sin, which results in the ticket for Plane B, which nearly every human being has purchased, save One, and the second option, which only One Person has chosen throughout all of History, being to not sin, however, if one chooses this second option, they must work to remain worthy of that ticket, because failing to do so results in their ticket being automatically changed to the ticket for Plane B. This second option is the remnant of a previously available program, but that's a can of worms that doesn't need to be opened yet.


New member
I'm asking, how can chaff be blamed for being chaff? How is it the chaff's fault for being chaff?
Chaff is a metaphor for the unrighteous as the grain is a metaphor for the righteous.
Though the chaff has no choice in becoming chaff, mankind does have the free-will choice of being righteous or being unrighteous.
Therefore, we can blame the unrighteous for choosing unrighteousness over righteousness.


New member
Ok, what are we before we choose? Are we good and not foolish? Imagine a time line; imagine someone moving along it. Are they good people for a while and then at some point on the line become wicked?

The Bible mentions that there is a time when human children are too young to know to choose good and refuse evil.

Isaiah 7:16
16 For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings.​


Winston Smith

Chaff is a metaphor for the unrighteous as the grain is a metaphor for the righteous.
Though the chaff has no choice in becoming chaff, mankind does have the free-will choice of being righteous or being unrighteous.
Therefore, we can blame the unrighteous for choosing unrighteousness over righteousness.

So was there ever a time when the unrighteous were righteous?

Winston Smith

The Bible mentions that there is a time when human children are too young to know to choose good and refuse evil.

Isaiah 7:16
16 For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings.​

Ok, now move along the time line past the point where you're liable.

Winston Smith

In the ANALOGY both wheat and chaff chose to be wheat and chaff.

So you're still asking silly questions.

Hey, I've been nice.

But what was the wheat before it chose to be wheat, and what was the chaff before it chose to be chaff?

In your defense I now see I'm not asking my question the right way. Will work on it.
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