Science Inspires Worship


New member
Science today is magnificent in what it reveals about the heavens and the earth
The wonder of our increasing knowledge points us to the glory of God who created everything.
Our hearts fill with adoration and praise.
This glorious God is our Father in Christ
WOW ! We can approach our glorious Father with boldness and confidence in Christ


New member
Science in general or specific branches of science?

I notice that you use the terms "us' and "we" and "our" without discriminating between the regenerate and the unregenerate. Bearing in mind, if you are able, that the unregenerate are blind to the deeds and works of His hands.

"Because they discern not the deeds of Yah Veh nor the work of His hands, He shall demolish then and not build them up".


New member
Science is just a method of observation, questioning and testing. In itself it does nothing.
However, God may reveal Himself to scientists when they do their research.
For example, Francis Collins was drawn to God through his work on the human genome project. On the flip side, Richard Dawkins has become a fanatical atheist in his research.
My point is that God is the one who makes people alive to Himself, not science.