The Good that Child Protective Services Does


I see you still won't give up your delusion that Nate Tseglin's parents are horrible people that abuse their son.

Was it this quote that gave me away?

Quote: Originally posted by aCulturewarrior
Again, my heart goes out to parents with autistic children, as I can't imagine the pain that they go through trying to do what's best for their child. As mentioned before, sometimes it takes people from outside the family to help those parents realize that professional help is needed.

It looks like professional caretakers were not able to handle things, so CPS blamed the parents and kidnapped their child.

Except that professional caretakers were called in because of the visible harm that Nathan was doing to himself, and after visiting his living quarters, the discovery that he was living in inhumane conditions.

So, now that Nate Tseglin is in the hands of the government who strap him down, lock him in his room, drug him senseless, and let him urinate all over himself, he is safe from the parents who are alleged (unproven) to strap him down, lock him in his room, and let him urinate all over himself.

There's only one problem with that allegation: As shown in a recent post:

At least two of them [caretakers] were so shocked and appalled at Nate Tseglin’s condition and his living space that they filed complaints with law enforcement and county health officials. That’s why police and county health officials conducted a welfare check on him in June and later removed him.
One caretaker told police that he had been “booked” through Orange County Jail, and the conditions there were better than Tseglin’s, according to the police report.

Where's Nathan Tseglin now? Do you know, do you even care? The last I read of the case was 7 or 8 years ago.

Of course once the smear campaign against a State agency whose sole purpose is to help those who are unable to help themselves is made, is there anything else to do but to move on to the next smear campaign?

Which btw, I am having fun looking at these cases and dissecting them to show what really happened in the case, and will do so with other cases like Nathan's.


Yes, you are having fun looking at the ways CPS demonizes parents in order to justify kidnapping the children.
You are refusing to look at all the harm that occurs to the children that are taken away from their parents and put into foster homes.

By no means is it "fun" for me to read about how those with the "me me me!" Libertarian mentality lead their lives and hence end up abusing their children, but I do enjoying investigating the mistruths perpetuated by the anti government/anarchist movement and presenting them for others to read.

BTW, freeloader mentioned in another post how I "love government". What's not to love about one of God's institutions that He created for the governance of man? I love God's two other institutions that He created for the governance of man (the family and the Church), why shouldn't I love civil government as well? What I don't love about it is that people aren't responsible and embrace the "It's MY body and I can do with it as I please!" mentality and hence arises the need for more government.


New member
By no means is it "fun" for me to read about how those with the "me me me!" Libertarian mentality lead their lives and hence end up abusing their children, but I do enjoying investigating the mistruths perpetuated by the anti government/anarchist movement and presenting them for others to read.
Just as it is not fun for me to read about how those with a Fascist mentality that think children are the property of the government and support taking away healthy normal children from parents for spurious reasons and putting them in an environment that is much more harmful to the child's mental and physical health: foster care.

The "Safety" of Foster Care
Once placed in foster care, a child is not always guaranteed to be safe from abuse. In fact, cites a troubling statistic from one study, claiming that over 28% of children in New York alone are abused while in "the system." However, former foster children I've worked with believe that the incidents of in-foster-care abuse are much higher. Amy (name altered), an adult client who spent over seven years in the foster care system, told me that roughly nine out of ten fellow foster children she crossed paths with claimed that they had been abused by their foster parents.

She also expressed that foster children are often taught by their circumstances not to speak up and are conditioned to think abuse is "normal." Additionally, Amy felt that it was not in their best interests to report abuse and risk being relocated, where they might be subject to yet more "unknown" abuse... and also have to endure another drastic change. She explained, "A foster child is already taught that you don't speak up. It's dangerous. And don't forget that mom/dad already gave you up, so best to shut your mouth, or you could end up moving again." While it seems like further studies of foster parent abuse are needed to gain more accurate statistics, the bottom line is that abuse happens too often.



New member

"Is The Cloward-Piven Strategy Being Used To Destroy America?"

"Theoretically, according to the doctrine, a condition of overwhelming tension and strain could be engineered through the overloading of American welfare rolls, thereby smothering the entitlement program structure at the state and local level. The implosion of welfare benefits would facilitate a massive spike in poverty and desperation, creating a financial crisis that would lead to an even greater cycle of demand for a fully socialized system. This desperation would then “force” the federal government to concentrate all welfare programs under one roof, nationalize and enforce a socialist ideology, and ultimately, compact an immense level of power into the hands of a select few."

What is called "Child Protective Services" is usually the same local or county level agency of the states which handles welfare benefits given to poor adults.

If Leftist Social Workers have been taught by the Cloward-Piven Strategy to try to increase the number of people on welfare, in order to create a socialist or Marxist system, with greater control over the masses of poor, then we might expect the social workers to try to place more and more children under their system of foster care. By selecting the couples or single people they allow to provide foster care and by other means, the Child Protective Services would move the state run and funded system more toward a totalitarian model.

"In the past decade alone, the number of people dependent on food stamps and EBT for their survival in the U.S. has doubled from 25 million people to nearly 50 million people. Those who receive some kind of payment from the government, including those on social security, disability, and veterans benefits, are approximately 100 million."


Growing Abuse of Parents’ Rights

His nightmare began when a Mississippi social worker, Kyra Reed (who also goes by Kyra Carson), knocked on his (Michael Chambers] door demanding entrance without a warrant.

Looking at this case, there's not a lot of information available other than like so many other cases in the US, it was in essence a custody battle where the estranged wife was constantly calling CPS reporting that the daughter was endangered while in the custody of her father Michael Chambers. As mentioned several times throughout this thread, CPS by law has to investigate all reports they receive.

One thing that did catch my eye in this article belittling CPS was that Michael Chambers worked four jobs to feed and clothe his young daughter.

Four jobs? When did the father have time to be with the little girl if he was working four jobs?

A person also has to question the character of a father that was accused of the following:

On his first court date, CPS claimed [i.e. a Child Protective Services investigator, under oath stated] that he had gone to Belle’s school and caused a scene, screaming, “I love Hitler!”



What is called "Child Protective Services" is usually the same local or county level agency of the states which handles welfare benefits given to poor adults.

Do you have any evidence to back this allegation up or is it just a theory?


Just as it is not fun for me to read about how those with a Fascist mentality that think children are the property of the government and support taking away healthy normal children from parents for spurious reasons and putting them in an environment that is much more harmful to the child's mental and physical health: foster care.

Do you mean "healthy normal children" like Nathan Tseglin?

BTW, where is Nathan Tseglin now?


New member
One thing that did catch my eye in this article belittling CPS was that Michael Chambers worked four jobs to feed and clothe his young daughter.

Four jobs? When did the father have time to be with the little girl if he was working four jobs?
The crazies believe a father or a mother working multiple jobs to feed and clothe their children is grounds for taking the children away from their parents.


New member
Do you mean "healthy normal children" like Nathan Tseglin?

BTW, where is Nathan Tseglin now?
Since Nathan Tseglin is locked up in a mental institution, it is obvious that I was not talking about him when I mentioned healthy normal children being taken from their parents and put in foster care.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Four jobs? When did the father have time to be with the little girl if he was working four jobs?

The crazies believe a father or a mother working multiple jobs to feed and clothe their children is grounds for taking the children away from their parents.

I wonder if an investigation showed that when Michael "I love Hitler!" Chambers wasn't working those 4 jobs he was attending fascist/neo Nazi/white supremacist meetings and allowed the despicable garbage that attends those kind of meetings to be around his young daughter?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you mean "healthy normal children" like Nathan Tseglin?

BTW, where is Nathan Tseglin now?
Since Nathan Tseglin is locked up in a mental institution, it is obvious that I was not talking about him when I mentioned healthy normal children being taken from their parents and put in foster care.

Thank you for acknowledging that CPS didn't remove a "healthy and normal" Nathan Tseglin from his parents custody.

As far as Nate being helped by professionals that deal with those who have mental issues and therefor are often times sent to mental institutions to get that professional help: Do you have any documentation showing that Nathan who is now in his mid to late 20's, is still living away from his parents?


New member
"What is called "Child Protective Services" is usually the same local or county level agency of the states which handles welfare benefits given to poor adults.

Do you have any evidence to back this allegation up or is it just a theory? "

Probably, in smaller cities it is true that the local office of the state agencies that provide welfare services and "Child Protective Services" are in the same office and the Social Workers deal both with welfare for adults and "Child Protective Services" for children. This may not be the case in some large urban areas.

But the question can be looked at as an invitation to the dialectic in the argument over whether the Foster Care programs of "Child Protective Services" - are used often enough to raise concern - to do more harm
than good to children and the society and whether the Foster Care system advances Leftist or Marxist political ideology.

What is the dialectic? Thats not easily answered for those who have not become interested in the dialectic.

The dialectic is a way of making an argument by dialogue. When you sit in front of a teacher and learn what is being taught, this is not the dialectic, but is called the didactic. Scripture is always taught in a didactic way, never in a dialectic way. The dialectic is now used in dialogue for many topics, which might include teaching the Bible. This is where faith and knowledge of the Gospel of Christ in the present time is being diminished.

The dialectic is a way of making an argument or a quarrel - in a somewhat systematic way. It is making an argument and counter arguments, all within a dialogue.

I Timothy 6: 20-21 The αντιθεσεις, Anti-Thesis in the Dialectic

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith"

αντιθεσεις, or anti-thesis,translated as "oppositions" in the King James, is a technical term in the early Greek philosophy of the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, before the time of Christ.
In the dialectic, there is a direct opposition between the thesis and the anti-thesis

There are many types of arguments and counter-arguments used in the dialectic. Attacking the opponent in some way is one type of dialectic procedure. When the dialectic has gone one for some time, it is possible that an opponent can gradually move the other away from his position and toward that of his opponent.. This is done in a gradual way. Also, the quarrel in the dialectic can become emotional, and in attacking the other, an opponent will call him bad names.

Marx is quoted as having said that he turned Hegel on his head, meaning that Marx made his version of the Hegelian Dialectic atheistic or without control by morality.


"What is called "Child Protective Services" is usually the same local or county level agency of the states which handles welfare benefits given to poor adults.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you have any evidence to back this allegation up or is it just a theory? "

Probably, in smaller cities it is true that the local office of the state agencies that provide welfare services and "Child Protective Services" are in the same office and the Social Workers deal both with welfare for adults and "Child Protective Services" for children. This may not be the case in some large urban areas.

When you say "probably", you're speculating without any evidence to back those words up. Since we're on the topic: Why would CPS put children with financially unstable people seeking public assistance when it's required that foster parents "be at least 21 years of age, financially stable, and responsible mature adults".


New member
I wonder if an investigation showed that when Michael "I love Hitler!" Chambers wasn't working those 4 jobs he was attending fascist/neo Nazi/white supremacist meetings and allowed the despicable garbage that attends those kind of meetings to be around his young daughter?
Fascists love to create a narrative that the object of their unwarranted hatred is something vile.

Michael Chambers
Update.... The sheriff got involved after I reached out to him again. He was unable to find any record of the alleged Hitler incident, so he called the courthouse to see where this supposed report came from. They informed him that it was filed by the school police, which is apparently in this county a separate department from the sheriff office or municipal police. I contacted the chief if campus police for the county and made him triple check. There is NO report of this happening or anything similar or anything with my name on it at all.

Without a police report, the Hitler incident never happened.


Fascists love to create a narrative that the object of their unwarranted hatred is something vile.

...Without a police report, the Hitler incident never happened.

Why would a police report be written? It's no crime for someone to express their love for a mass murdering homosexual like Adolf Hitler.

I don't know why the CPS investigator would make something like that up (please don't think that I'm trying to reason with you, my words aren't for you, but for others who have an open mind on this subject).

We don't even know what the allegations of abuse against Michael Chambers were (right to privacy laws), so it's not unreasonable to believe that Chambers was a racist and that was one of the reasons why the little girl's mother didn't want anything to do with him and to allow their young daughter to be in his custody.


Why would a police report be written? It's no crime for someone to express their love for a mass murdering homosexual like Adolf Hitler.

Thank you for finally admitting that CPS takes normal healthy children away from the parents for no reason at all.

If the father was indeed a neo-Nazi/white supremacist, that is a valid reason for removing the little girl from that environment.

My point is that the CPS investigator had no grounds to call the police over what the father said; what would they have done? As a quasi law enforcement official the investigating agent put it in his report and testified in court to what he heard.

I believe that falsifying an official document (in this case a CPS report from the respective State that was investigating the report of child abuse) and perjury are both felonies, so the investigating agent had everything to lose and nothing to gain by lying.


New member
Why would a police report be written? It's no crime
Thank you for admitting that a child was taken away from her parent without due process.
If the father was indeed a neo-Nazi/white supremacist,
He isn't.
that is a valid reason for removing the little girl from that environment.
No, it is not.

You think that it is good for the State to take away children from their parents because of a false accusation of "wrongthink", but that makes you a Fascist.