Bernie and the money tree

Right Divider

Body part
Bernie isn't offering "free stuff ". If our government handled its financial priorities the right way , we COULD provide good and universal health care , make college affordable etc . We could create millions of jobs in all fields and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure etc .

But it doesn't. It wastes much too much money on our military and other things, the rich pay far too little in taxes, and churches don't pa taxes at all .
So just where do you think that $30-40 TRILLION DOLLARS over 10 years will come from?

FYI, even if the government were "efficient".... where does THAT MUCH money come from?

REMINDER... that dough is above and beyond the existing spending. So even if you drastically reduce military spending, you're still WAY short.

The money to make life affordable of rAmerica IS there, but it's not being used for the right things .
No crap.... the government takes too much and wastes it. Are you new to earth?

Every year our government wastes billions of dollars on completely unnecessary military expenditures . So whenever you vote Republican, you are voting agains your own interests .
Let me fix that for you.... whenever you vote for either of the two supposedly different "parties" you vote against your own and everyone's best interests.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Bernie isn't offering "free stuff ". If our government handled its financial priorities the right way , we COULD provide good and universal health care , make college affordable etc . We could create millions of jobs in all fields and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure etc .
But it doesn't. It wastes much too much money on our military and other things, the rich pay far too little in taxes, and churches don't pa taxes at all .
The money to make life affordable of rAmerica IS there, but it's not being used for the right things . Every year our government wastes billions of dollars on completely unnecessary military expenditures . So whenever you vote Republican, you are voting agains your own interests .

So Bernie is planning to cut spending on the military?

Got any details on that?

Bernie is planning to make the wealthy (including himself) pay more in taxes?

Got any details on that?

Bernie is planning to tax churches?

Got any details on that?

And Bernie thinks this will pay for "good and universal healthcare"?

And affordable college?

And job creation in "all fields"?

And rebuilding our "infrastructure"?

Got any specific details on any of that?

Gary K

New member
Bernie's, and all the rest of socialists running for president on the Democrat ticket all have a huge bunch of spending ideas. Here is a look at Bernie's proposals on how to pay for them,

The average family's tax bill increase would be $8964/year. That's a tax increase $747/month. That's right. An added bill every month of $750 a month. How many families that you know of can afford another bill of $750 a month? It would bankrupt most families and leave them no money with which to buy groceries. This isn't a bill that could be put off by robbing Peter to pay Paul for the government takes their taxes at the point of a gun before you ever see your pay check. What would this do to the market for homes, automobiles, appliances, and all durable goods? It would kill all those markets completely. No one would have money to buy anything with that big hunk of money coming out of their wages without them even seeing it. In other words our economy would just collapse. People would starve to death, if not by the hundreds of thousands, then by the millions. The US would become a minor third world country. You think that wouldn't happen? Look at Venezuala. That's exactly what the socialists have done to it. A nation with a massive wealth of natural resources and it is so broke and it's currency so devalued that millions of people are trying to survive out of the garbage heaps found on the city streets because there is no longer any sanitation services provided by the cities. Why? They don't have enough money to pay for picking up the garbage.

What would Bernie's proposals do to family businesses such as family farms? Bernie wants to raise estate taxes. What kind of effect do they have on small businesses such as farms? When the owner, usually the husband or grandfather dies, the government says, cough up a bunch of money in estate taxes or we will take your business by force and sell it. Often those taxes will reach up to, and beyond, $250,000. Who has that kind of money sitting around? Most people do not. So, the family farm which has been in the family for decades and is the future livelihood for a good part of the family is destroyed. It's either auctioned off by the government in bits and pieces or the family attempts to sell it outright. You think about what those families have to go through. In addition to dealing with a death in the family they are facing the complete destruction of their dreams and their way of life.

The cruelty of what Bernie envisions is incredible. He basically wants to make sure we have unemployment rates of 50-60%, or more. He also wants to destroy all family owned businesses leaving all business to be done by corporations. He is pushing big business, not the welfare of the individual because when only corporations employ people and unemployement rates are very high wages collapse for the market is gutted with workers, not jobs.

Bernie's, AOC's, Warren's, Harris', Biden's, etc... ideas are a recipe for the destruction of this country. That is their goal.


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The average family's tax bill increase would be $8964/year. That's a tax increase $747/month. That's right. An added bill every month of $750 a month. How many families that you know of can afford another bill of $750 a month?

That's literally a quarter of what I earn per month, or one weeks pay for me, and it takes two week's pay to pay all my bills, let alone daily expenses from living out on the road, and I'm just barely staying afloat as it is. I just moved to a new company recently that pays better than the last, but I'm still trying to recover from the week I didn't work, and that was the third week of July, and it'll be another two weeks or so before I'm able to restore my savings account to what it was before I switched companies, and I'm trying to save up to make a down payment on the house I'm renting from my parents.

Yeah, I'd be one of the ones going under with something like that, I'd be homeless (if I didn't move back in with my parents) within a month, and who knows what would happen to my cat...

Look at Venezuala. That's exactly what the socialists have done to it. A nation with a massive wealth of natural resources and it is so broke and it's currency so devalued that millions of people are trying to survive out of the garbage heaps found on the city streets because there is no longer any sanitation services provided by the cities. Why? They don't have enough money to pay for picking up the garbage.

The cruelty of what Bernie envisions is incredible. He basically wants to make sure we have unemployment rates of 50-60%, or more. He also wants to destroy all family owned businesses leaving all business to be done by corporations. He is pushing big business, not the welfare of the individual because when only corporations employ people and unemployement rates are very high wages collapse for the market is gutted with workers, not jobs.

Bernie's, AOC's, Warren's, Harris', Biden's, etc... ideas are a recipe for the destruction of this country. That is their goal.

I doubt it's their goal, but it's certainly the natural consequence of what they propose.

Gary K

New member
That's literally a quarter of what I earn per month, or one weeks pay for me, and it takes two week's pay to pay all my bills, let alone daily expenses from living out on the road, and I'm just barely staying afloat as it is. I just moved to a new company recently that pays better than the last, but I'm still trying to recover from the week I didn't work, and that was the third week of July, and it'll be another two weeks or so before I'm able to restore my savings account to what it was before I switched companies, and I'm trying to save up to make a down payment on the house I'm renting from my parents.

Yeah, I'd be one of the ones going under with something like that, I'd be homeless (if I didn't move back in with my parents) within a month, and who knows what would happen to my cat...

I doubt it's their goal, but it's certainly the natural consequence of what they propose.

If you doubt their goal then you need to do a lot more research in this area. Marx's socialism requires violent revolution to reset society. Violent revolution destroys an economy completely and what better way to create violence and insurrection than to destroy jobs and the ability to survive? That alone will cause major anarchy. Mobs will roam the streets looking to take what they need by force for there won't be fuel for police cars nor money to pay police officers in a collapsed economy.

The elite who foment all the concepts being pushed on the public for the last few decades are flat out evil. They are satanists who practice child sacrifices just like the pagans of antiquity. They are also pedophiles who use pedophelia to create mind control not only of their own children but the children of others so they can manipulate them to do some very horrendous acts of violence. They want an as an ultimate utopia for themselves a worldwide population of around 500,000,000.

I know you will find the above unbelievable. I know I did when I first started researching these things. But stop and think about this from the Christian perspective. Who is the god of this world? What is he like? Who do you think he rewards with money, power, influence, etc...? The answer ought to be very obvious. He rewards those who worship him and live by his principles. Yes, God also has his people in positions of power to frustrate the devils plans, but look at the proportion of Christians to non-Christians, and even more closely, the ratio of Christians who actually follow the Bible to the combination of professing Christians and non-Christians. The Bible believing Christians are a small minority in all of society and so are the numbers of Bible and God following politicans/bankers/power_brokers etc... to non-Christian. The evidence is out there as to what the elites are like. It just takes research with an open mind to find out what they are really like and what their behind the scenes agenda really is.

I know it's hard to comprehend because we judge others by what we ourselves are capable of doing. But to accurately understand the elite we have to discard what you and I as individuals are capable of look to understand what the followers of the devil are capable of doing.


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If you doubt their goal then you need to do a lot more research in this area. Marx's socialism requires violent revolution to reset society. Violent revolution destroys an economy completely and what better way to create violence and insurrection than to destroy jobs and the ability to survive? That alone will cause major anarchy. Mobs will roam the streets looking to take what they need by force for there won't be fuel for police cars nor money to pay police officers in a collapsed economy.

The elite who foment all the concepts being pushed on the public for the last few decades are flat out evil. They are satanists who practice child sacrifices just like the pagans of antiquity. They are also pedophiles who use pedophelia to create mind control not only of their own children but the children of others so they can manipulate them to do some very horrendous acts of violence. They want an as an ultimate utopia for themselves a worldwide population of around 500,000,000.

I know you will find the above unbelievable. I know I did when I first started researching these things. But stop and think about this from the Christian perspective. Who is the god of this world? What is he like? Who do you think he rewards with money, power, influence, etc...? The answer ought to be very obvious. He rewards those who worship him and live by his principles. Yes, God also has his people in positions of power to frustrate the devils plans, but look at the proportion of Christians to non-Christians, and even more closely, the ratio of Christians who actually follow the Bible to the combination of professing Christians and non-Christians. The Bible believing Christians are a small minority in all of society and so are the numbers of Bible and God following politicans/bankers/power_brokers etc... to non-Christian. The evidence is out there as to what the elites are like. It just takes research with an open mind to find out what they are really like and what their behind the scenes agenda really is.

I know it's hard to comprehend because we judge others by what we ourselves are capable of doing. But to accurately understand the elite we have to discard what you and I as individuals are capable of look to understand what the followers of the devil are capable of doing.

I try to avoid making prima facie blanket statements like this, because if you end up being wrong, you've now bore false witness against thousands of people, which God says is sin, and to which God will hold you accountable for.

Stick to the facts, which is that rejection of God leads to negative consequences.

Gary K

New member
I try to avoid making prima facie blanket statements like this, because if you end up being wrong, you've now bore false witness against thousands of people, which God says is sin, and to which God will hold you accountable for.

Stick to the facts, which is that rejection of God leads to negative consequences.

When the elite's words say for themselves what I have said then it is not false witness. It just takes effort to find these things for the corporate press and the major search engines cover it up with their algorithms by not reporting on it, burying search results deep in the returns, and mocking those who do speak to the truth, resulting in the public knowing very little of the truth.

Also, God has called some of those who were a part of the elite's structure out of their system when their consciences could no longer stay silent and just go along to get wealthy. Those people have spoken out about what goes on behind the scenes. Most of them have paid a very steep price for telling what they know. Many of them have paid with their lives.

Right Divider

Body part
When the elite's words say for themselves what I have said then it is not false witness. It just takes effort to find these things for the corporate press and the major search engines cover it up with their algorithms by not reporting on it, burying search results deep in the returns, and mocking those who do speak to the truth, resulting in the public knowing very little of the truth.

Also, God has called some of those who were a part of the elite's structure out of their system when their consciences could no longer stay silent and just go along to get wealthy. Those people have spoken out about what goes on behind the scenes. Most of them have paid a very steep price for telling what they know. Many of them have paid with their lives.
Please create a new thread for further discussion of that topic.


This space intentionally left blank
It’s not outrageous that I care about the health and welfare of all.
Why don't you tell us exactly what (if anything) you imagine you mean when you say that you "care about the health and welfare of all". All what? All people? Does your "all", here, include those whom you would enviously call "rich"? When you say, "I care about the health and welfare of all", do you mean "I care about the health and welfare of all, whether poor or rich--whether the poorest of the poor, or the richest of the rich"?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Certainly. It could start with utilizing the money allocated for *the wall*, firing every employee associated with border security and reversing the Trump-Tax give away for the 1%.

There is nothing obscene about wanting ALL individuals to have quality healthcare. I am not going to bash Bernie or any other candidate for actually caring about the health and welfare for ALL.

Define that? What is the Health & Welfare of all? Do the "all" have to pay for it? or do the rest of us working class slobs have to tow their load as well. I work very hard for everything I have and I don't feel even a little bit responsible for the "Health & Welfare" of others when they are able bodied & refuse to help themselves. I reject paying more for anything so another get something for free especially if they are in my country illegally... I'll spring for a bag lunch & a ride home...wherever that is for them. At some point a person is responsible for the "Health & Welfare" of themselves if they are physically able. The only people I am willing to support are those that are disabled or elderly...if you are able to work, than do the rest of us that were never handed anything, why should they be any different? Your fellow citizens whether rich, middle-class or working poor owe you nothing!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Bernie isn't offering "free stuff ".

False! That is all he is offering is pseudo free stuff, trick is nothing is free. Just ask the Russian people when they were promised all that free healthcare, college, food, a job with a living wage way back in 1936 when the Communist Constitution was signed... I urge you to read it...Yes, they too like many socialists of the last century were duped by the lure of "Free Stuff", and punishing "The Rich". Didn't work so well for them or any other failed socialist states, in return you give up your freedom, your rights, and more than likely like the roughly 100 million that suffered under communist/socialist rule in the past century...DIED, Murdered! You really should read up on this subject because you & people like you are desperately ignorant to what socialism has in store for you after you cede all your rights & liberty to the state, and that is exactly what Bernie Sanders is proposing, a state takeover. Read Up! it is enlightening to see that socialism in any form has never worked anywhere it has been tried...anywhwere!

If our government handled its financial priorities the right way , we COULD provide good and universal health care , make college affordable etc . We could create millions of jobs in all fields and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure etc .
But it doesn't. It wastes much too much money on our military and other things, the rich pay far too little in taxes, and churches don't pa taxes at all .
The money to make life affordable of rAmerica IS there, but it's not being used for the right things . Every year our government wastes billions of dollars on completely unnecessary military expenditures . So whenever you vote Republican, you are voting agains your own interests .

See now there ya go...You ignorantly think the mandate of the government...meaning the people of this country... is to take care of you. Well I hate to break this to you but, the constitution nor the bill of right extends you a right to anothers property because you have little or none. That is on you, the billions of dollars spent on military is mandated in the constitution, government's first job is security of it's people & it's interests. Governments job is to also promote commerce, promote & ensure equality through the rule of law, you really have a selfish sense of entitlement...maybe you need to get a job, start a business, or something that fulfills this envy of other people's possessions you exude. Nobody owes you anything... that means nothing, zero, zip, nada! Quit whining and go make something of yourself.
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