The Purpose of America

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The Purpose of America
By Bruce Walker

There is a myth about the founding of America and a myth about the purpose of America when it first began as a nation. This myth muddles all debate about immigration, and especially the current debate about allowing Syrian Muslims into America. Debunking this myth is crucial to our victory against menacing and wicked enemies who seek our end.

America, beginning with those colonies that would become America, was founded not to promote some general ideal of religious freedom, but rather to specifically protect serious Christians from the religious persecution they had suffered in Europe. Several of the colonies – Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland – were created to allow groups of persecuted Christians like Puritans, Quakers, and Catholics to have a specific home polity.

Other colonies like Rhode Island and Connecticut were founded to allow Christians to practice faith as they chose outside Massachusetts. Virtually all the colonies were populated by profoundly serious Christians. It was not the free practice of "religion," but the free practice of Christianity that the early Americans fought and died for. This mystified Europe (it mystifies Europe to this very day), because Europe at its most religious was never as religious as America.

It is a stunning fact, almost always ignored by secular historians, that before the twentieth century began, writers were noting the profound irreligion or even atheism in much of Europe. This was most pronounced in Germany, where books published during this period consistently note that even clergymen often did not own Bibles or believe in God. This cavalier attitude toward Christianity permeated nearly every nation in Europe.

America was intended to be the Israel of Christianity, and commitment to that ideal explains the obstinacy of the rebelling colonists, who shed blood, lost treasure, and risked everything for freedom. The purpose of America was never to protect its citizens from Christianity, but instead to protect Christians from the oppression of the state

This is the reason why, until the middle of the twentieth century, no one in America even dreamed for many decades that the First Amendment could in any way have prevented the established state churches, which half of the new states had, all of which were gradually disestablished by the state government on their own.

This aim included from the very beginning a subordinate purpose. Americans intended their land to be not only a haven for Christians, but also a haven for Jews. This new land was, from the earliest English settlements, welcoming to Jews. Anti-Semitism in America, unlike everywhere on Earth, was condemned and repudiated. Jews were elected to colonial and state political offices from the very beginning.

Christianity was the very soul of the anti-slavery movement (as it was in Britain). The words in the Battle Hymn of the Republic, "…as He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free, our God is marching on," showed the clear Christian character of America. The official hymn for our centennial, "God of Our Fathers," likewise shows a close intertwining of Christianity and American government.

The goodness of America flowed directly from that Christianity, and it is this profoundly Christian nature of America that leads Europeans to scorn her – and also to the deep and close friendship between America and Israel, which is most strongly supported by Christians in America. It is also a principal factor in Islamic hatred of America, Christianity's Israel, just as the Jewish homeland itself appalls Muslims just as passionately.

Every malignancy in modern world affairs is ultimately rooted in hatred of Judeo-Christianity. Although it seems odd to us, the angry of this world see all devout Christians of every denomination as being more or less the same and see Christians and Jews of every variety as also being more or less the same. That is the real explanation for Iranian leaders calling America the "Great Satan" and Israel the "Little Satan." Those two nations have never warred upon Iran or occupied Iran. These hate our country not for anything wrong that it has done, but for being what it is

The Horn

America was founded as the world's first secular nation with a secular government . The founders were followers of the Enlightenment and many were Freemasons . Some, such as Thomas Jefferson, were deists,not Christians, or lukewarm Christians .
The founders were well aware of the history of bloody religious conflict in Europe over the centuries, such as the feuds between Catholics and Protestants, and the persecution of the Jews .
Of course, they never imagined how religiously diverse America would become long after their deaths, but they believed in the right of every American to follow amy religion, as well as the right not to follow any religion at all .
George Washington welcomed Jewish settlers to America with open arms, a radical thing to do at the time , and stated that America would "give no sanction to bigotry ".
Today, America is the most religiously diverse nation in world history . While the majority is still Christian, we have followers of virtually every religion in existence and millions of atheists and agnostics . There are now more atheists in America than there were people at the time of our founding , and a growing number of people called the "nones " - that is, people who simply don't follow any religion but not necessarily atheists .
More and more Americans are on longer Christians because they no longer believe in it .
If the founders could somehow come back and see religious diversity of America they , they would
absolutely approve of it .


Well-known member
The biggest myth about the U.S. is that it was directly or indirectly founded by God (what's what a lot of the mythology amounts to), or is/has been/can be singularly blessed by God above all other nations. False, and false.


Well-known member
I do know it because it is fact. It was not founded by God. That would make Him a respecter of persons with a nation favored above all others when ALL are equally lost and equally under grace. He doesn't have a special nation today and hasn't for two thousand years now. So get over it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Spoken like an atheist. Good job.

LOL! What the heck.


What a bunch of horsey sauce


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The United States is about 240 years old. It's a very young nation. There are countries/civilizations that have been in existence for thousands of years. The world has seen countries/nations come and go. The Roman Empire, Alexander the Great, etc. Will the United States stand the test of time? We're already a divided nation. Can we continue to thrive and exist under the weight of this great division? We may just be witnessing the beginning of the end of this nation. Is our initial purpose headed for its conclusion, perhaps? The Bible states in Matthew 12:25 "But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."


Well-known member
We're already a divided nation. Can we continue to thrive and exist under the weight of this great division?

Not as the nation has existed, no. Too polarized beyond repair. There's got to be a split, and it will be preceded by blood.

One of the best comments on this I've ever seen and saved from blog comments (and I've read many over the years). Wish I noted who said it and where but it doesn't really matter. I saved it because it applies to both Islam and the Left equally well.

They have declared you their enemy. It doesn’t matter how you feel about them. It doesn’t matter if you claim to have no hate in your heart. It does not take two to tangle any more than it takes two to mug, rob, or rape. On your feet or on your knees, it doesn't matter. Only one of you is getting out alive.

Few see what's happening and even fewer want to call it like it is but, truth be told, that's exactly how it is. Someday everyone's going to realize it whether they want to or not.