What is your definition of racism?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Why is racism anyone's business. Seriously. Has anyone ever stepped back and re-thought this?

If a black guy on my street does not like me because I am white, then guess what: I don't give a crap. I will live my life and he can do whatever he wants to do. Secure people do not care about this issue. Only sniveling losers care about this issue. I really mean that. A loser will protest, get his friends together, try to get the guy fired maybe, maybe put the guy ion a website, all that crap, and for what!! For what! Because he does not like you? For the love of God, grow a pair and get on with life. Everybody does not have to like everybody else. If someone does not like a race, let them feel that way. Who friggin' cares.

Discrimination on the other hand - being blocked from jobs or housing - is another thing, but that has been illegal for years now.
....You should ask yourself why there needed to be a law to begin with.........

Join us in the 21st century. This is not 1960's Alabama.

Besides, you missed my entire point. I am talking about how people feel. How a person feels is nobody else's business. How a person feels does not effect your life at all.

Are you white? Lets say I hate your guts because you're white. Does that change your life? Will you not get up tomorrow,hug your kids, and go to work as usual? Why the hell do you care if I hate you or not.

Do you get it?

Actually, I know you DO get it. Your leftwing extremism and your dislike for me override your common sense and force you to argue with me, even though it is painfully obvious that I speak the simple truth. The world would be much better if people "Live and Let Live", and that includes letting someone live with their prejudices. Every single person has them, including you Mr. High & Mighty. Racial, appearance, whatever. Some people don't like fat people. Some people don't like stupid people. Some people don't like smokers. If you want to sick the Thought Nazis on people, why stop at just race? How about everything else? You don't even realize how conditioned you are by society on this issue.

The difference between you and me on this issue is that I know HOW to think about it, and you are conditioned on WHAT to think about it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
if i own a small business (or a large business) why should government have any say in whom I choose to hire?

if i own a rental property, why should government have any say in whom I rent to?

Actually, you are correct, but I did not want to expand my argument in that area. Rand Paul has articulated your point very well once upon a time, then cowardly backed off of it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Actually, you are correct, but I did not want to expand my argument in that area. Rand Paul has articulated your point very well once upon a time, then cowardly backed off of it.

i agree with the civil rights legislation put in place in the sixties and since, as it applies to government

i think it was a huge mistake to extend it to private citizens entering into private contracts, forcing them to do so unwillingly

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Join us in the 21st century. This is not 1960's Alabama.
And you still haven't considered why that law came into play. If you ever do you need to understand that it didn't magically transform a land that was overwhelmingly racist to one degree or another, that taking down that institutionalized ignorance, both writ large and small, takes generations, just as it took generations to instill.

Actually, I know you DO get it. Your leftwing extremism and your dislike for me override your common sense and force you to argue with me, even though it is painfully obvious that I speak the simple truth.
You have all sorts of things wrong in there. I'm not a left winger, let alone an extreme version of that. None of those I've met are pro 2nd Amendment, against abortion, and regular adherents to the Christian faith, though I'm willing to grant there may be some who have one or two of those uncomfortably in their quiver. As for you...I'm largely indifferent beyond what you write. I don't invest emotionally in complete strangers. No reason to. For all I know you're some kid in Iowa having a go.

The world would be much better if people "Live and Let Live", and that includes letting someone live with their prejudices.
No, it wouldn't be. Evil ideas need to be opposed wherever they surface. Evil only prevails when good men do nothing about it. Now any fool can hold any fool notion they want to in the privacy of their own minds, but then again they always could, so we can't really be talking about that.

Every single person has them, including you Mr. High & Mighty.
Absolutely. Bias is part of human nature. On the benign side it can be a grouping of likened minds toward a good end, like a church or community action group. On the crappy, dangerous end of the spectrum it can lead to a Klan march, and public lynching, or lesser but institutionalized harms, like denying people the opportunity to compete in the system.

Racial, appearance, whatever. Some people don't like fat people. Some people don't like stupid people. Some people don't like smokers. If you want to sick the Thought Nazis on people, why stop at just race? How about everything else? You don't even realize how conditioned you are by society on this issue.
When we start lynching people for being fat, start denying equal access and opportunity to stupid people (and Congress is an argument against that prima facie) get back to me.

The difference between you and me on this issue is that I know HOW to think about it, and you are conditioned on WHAT to think about it.
No, I suspect the difference between us is that I have an intimacy with the consequence of racism, an exposure to it in a way that is foreign to you, that you're an insulated, younger white guy whose lack understanding of that has led him to error.


New member
Hey, TH, it's been a while.

I had a friend, a black guy I went to law school with, and he told me that the thing few white people really understand is going through your waking day having to be concerned about your safety, where you are, and how you're seen, simply because of your color.
As an interesting note, blacks in america get anywhere from 10 to 20 percentile point adjustment upwards to get into law school(which gets larger as the school gets more prestigious.) As for your poor, poor friend's day-to-day hardships..he's lying. Blacks in America are significantly less stressed than whites are. We have actual data on this. Stop gaslighting yourself.

TownHeretic said:
You feel the need to distinguish your being genuine? That's interesting in its own right. That you have to protect yourself from a lack of examination by discrediting those who are more thoughtfully engaged is an interesting admission, even if you don't see it.
Nice kafka trap.

TownHeretic said:
Racism that isn't actively opposed has a way of growing into action. That can lead to generational evil. Anyone who cares about that should care about the topic.
"Oh, no! White people forming and protecting their own communities?!? The horror!"

TownHeretic said:
You should ask yourself why there needed to be a law to begin with. If you figure that part out you'll understand why it continues on the books and begin to rebut yourself.
Why? Because during the 60s we started defining 'freedom' as 'access to white people.'

Every individual, family, community, state, and nation has the right to associate with or discriminate against and exclude anyone based on whatever characteristics they choose. There is absolutely nothing immoral or wrong about "racism."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hey, TH, it's been a while.

As an interesting note, blacks in america get anywhere from 10 to 20 percentile point adjustment upwards to get into law school(which gets larger as the school gets more prestigious.) As for your poor, poor friend's day-to-day hardships..he's lying. Blacks in America are significantly less stressed than whites are. We have actual data on this. Stop gaslighting yourself.

Nice kafka trap.

"Oh, no! White people forming and protecting their own communities?!? The horror!"

Why? Because during the 60s we started defining 'freedom' as 'access to white people.'

Every individual, family, community, state, and nation has the right to associate with or discriminate against and exclude anyone based on whatever characteristics they choose. There is absolutely nothing immoral or wrong about "racism."

If you discriminate against people simply because of their "race" or skin colour then you certainly have the right to do so, just as others have the right to call you a bat crazy, prejudiced loon.

So, I suppose it's fair play all around.



New member
If you discriminate against people simply because of their "race" or skin colour then you certainly have the right to do so, just as others have the right to call you a bat crazy, prejudiced loon.

So, I suppose it's fair play all around.


People who choose do so aren't just ridiculed as crazy or prejudiced, though. It's actually illegal for white people to exercise in-group preference. Just acknowledging the realities of human biology is enough to get someone fired or ostracized.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
People who choose do so aren't just ridiculed as crazy or prejudiced, though. It's actually illegal for white people to exercise in-group preference. Just acknowledging the realities of human biology is enough to get someone fired or ostracized.

What the hell are you on about? If you want to meet up in "white only" circles then there's nothing illegal about that or just choosing to hang about with white only people full stop. Are you a white supremacist?

What the "realities" of human biology mean according to you is anyone's guess although probably just yours...


New member
What the hell are you on about? If you want to meet up in "white only" circles then there's nothing illegal about that or just choosing to hang about with white only people full stop.
So, if I wanted to found a school that only admitted whites, or open a business that only admitted whites, or found a community that only allowed whites to live there, I could do that?

Arthur Brain said:
Are you a white supremacist?
What, in your own words, is a white supremacist?
Arthur Brain said:
What the "realities" of human biology mean according to you is anyone's guess although probably just yours...
The realities are that intelligence, criminality, and a whole host of other measurables correlate most heavily with race. That's not to say that there is no variation within populations, but on a large scale the average biological tendencies affect how a society functions. There is no magic dirt.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So, if I wanted to found a school that only admitted whites, or open a business that only admitted whites, or found a community that only allowed whites to live there, I could do that?

You could form your own silly little community or group if you wanted. This loony outfit did.


What, in your own words, is a white supremacist?

An ignoramus in dire need of education to cure them of such stupid prejudice.

The realities are that intelligence, criminality, and a whole host of other measurables correlate most heavily with race. That's not to say that there is no variation within populations, but on a large scale the average biological tendencies affect how a society functions. There is no magic dirt.

Everyone bleeds the same colour and your skin don't stay white when you dead...



New member
You could form your own silly little community or group if you wanted. This loony outfit did.

To be fair, white flight is very common. People are usually just more coy about their motivations.

Arthur Brain said:
An ignoramus in dire need of education to cure them of such stupid prejudice.
Very poor definition. Try harder.

Arthur Brain said:
Everyone bleeds the same colour and your skin don't stay white when you dead...
Blood type correlates with race. You're very bad at this.

Arthur Brain said:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
To be fair, white flight is very common. People are usually just more coy about their motivations.

Oh, their motivations are clear enough, as bonkers as they are.

Very poor definition. Try harder.

Um, it fitted well enough. White supremacists are typically ignorant, prejudiced and lacking in the cognitive thought department. I'm sorry for those that are brainwashed into such as it isn't their fault but otherwise...

Blood type correlates with race. You're very bad at this.


I'm AB positive, no, negative, no, O...

Actually, just human.