When "BLM" doesn't matter...


Well-known member
A Mr King is suing Kenosha City Police for the injuries he sustained after he was pepper sprayed and then tazered by police, his face and neck being badly burned in the fire blaze that ensued. I understand that Kenosha Police have changed the carrier in their pepper sprays to a water based mixture now. I'll dig up more details of this lawsuit as soon as I can.

Mr King is Black.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A Mr King is suing Kenosha City Police for the injuries he sustained after he was pepper sprayed and then tazered by police, his face and neck being badly burned in the fire blaze that ensued. I understand that Kenosha Police have changed the carrier in their pepper sprays to a water based mixture now. I'll dig up more details of this lawsuit as soon as I can.

Mr King is Black.

or at least blackened :)