My Generation Will End Abortion

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Meh ....don't get too worked up. Trump's a public-servant, serving a wageless internship/self-marketing campaign until a bonafide POTUS takes the office.

well that's one reason I supported him in 16 - I figured he'd do less damage than hillary

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
R U turnt up? Weirdo.

Oh give it up already, if you're gonna try and get back on a forum under a different handle then it's a good idea not to carry on with the exact same tripe, aka spamming up the politics forum with 27 "I love Trump" threads. I doubt you're fooling anybody.

Weirdo? Yeah, I'm not the one trying to pass himself off as a twenty year old college girl...


Ill gibe that a 75% ranking.

Yes, Modern mainstream culture is also quite evil.
Yes, I'm glad that I hate abortion too and am glad you do too..
Yes, the Democrat party is very evil.

BUT: The Republican party is very evil, too? Nowhere near as evil as the Democrats. You see, the Democrat's actual POLICIES are evil, like abortion and gay marriage and socialism, and so on.

But the Republican Party does not have evil policies. That is the difference.

But the Republican senate could not recognize the evilness of Trump. Incredible how Trump has turned the party of fiscal responsibility and family values into the party of lets give extra $ to the rich and support a vile misogynistic bigoted liar. Republicans have shown no moral courage or even a moral base. So sad.