

like marbles on glass
likes are easy
A Report
on requested likes. Three views, two visits, and zero likes on the blog. One like each on the two forums where I copy the blog post. This is discouraging. Don't understand how the blog works. The likes on the forums are appreciated. Thanks.

Oh, I thought you were asking for a like on your post, not your blog. I didn't visit your blog yesterday so I did just now, and you're asking if you can get a like without a view? I don't see how. Someone would have to view to access a like button, right? But then you can only like your blog if you have a wordpress account. I don't, so I can't like your blog.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
likes are easy
A Report
on requested likes. Three views, two visits, and zero likes on the blog. One like each on the two forums where I copy the blog post. This is discouraging. Don't understand how the blog works. The likes on the forums are appreciated. Thanks.

i don't do blogs

no opportunity to be disruptive :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A False Idol
we worship on Christmas. Our homes are filled with new stuff. Wrapping paper and boxes will fill garbage trucks. To make room some of the old stuff will be moved to the attic if there is room there. Merry Christmas. Hope you are not offended.

God's Truth

New member
A False Idol
we worship on Christmas. Our homes are filled with new stuff. Wrapping paper and boxes will fill garbage trucks. To make room some of the old stuff will be moved to the attic if there is room there. Merry Christmas. Hope you are not offended.

bah humbug


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A Gift
that comes wrapped in a woman's body. This is the gift that keeps on giving. It will make you forget about yourself if only for a few moments. Take care of it. Save the wrappings. You will be rewarded.


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A Follower
of my blog. We should all care about our environment. What is the solution? For that you must read the fine print. The first thing you can do is vote for Democrats because they are talking about it, abortion, and homosexuality. The solution is to reduce the population before climate change does it. We are all going to die! Republicans are not good for the environment because they talk about life and family which increases the population and carbon emissions. It's that simple. Right?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A Cause
of climate change. You may not understand that but Francis, Moon, and Sachs do. An Unholy Alliance. Are you ready to go down this rabbit hole? Cardinal Cupich is. They are going to work on sustainable development to address climate change and immigration while you waste your time on abortion, marriage, and family.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
climate change
A Rabbit Hole
Cardinal Cupich is willing to go down. So is Francis. The pope and our bishops are willing to work with those who support abortion and climate change provides the cover. It proves you care for what is really important if not the unborn baby. If you don't care about climate change, you are probably a racist. If you can ignore abortion, you might be able to ignore child abuse. The bishops can.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
climate change
A Scare
for the children. Really? You can't do anything about it but you can scare the children just to get votes for your baby killing party. Is there anything the femocrats won't do? There is a chance that Trump will replace Ginsburg. They won't let her retire. Killing babies is that important.