Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How about the innocent children that are victimized by the LGBTQueer movement Sandy, did they have a choice?

You didn't answer my question Sandy, so I'll ask it again:

How about the innocent children that are indoctrinated, groomed for sex and raped by ADULT homosexuals; the ones that contract HIV/AIDS at the ripe old age of 13 and end up turning to drugs and/or alcohol and commit suicide because they are told that there is no way out of the 'gay' lifestyle, did they have a choice?

Fictional characters don't have a choice.


Hall of Fame
You didn't answer my question Sandy, so I'll ask it again:

How about the innocent children that are indoctrinated, groomed for sex and raped by ADULT homosexuals

My opinion is clear (to anyone with comprehensive reading skills) on what should happen to ANY adult who rapes a child. They should die. Via the DP. That includes BOTH heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Under THOSE circumstances. I am uninterested in any pretend opinion you claim I hold.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You didn't answer my question Sandy, so I'll ask it again:

How about the innocent children that are indoctrinated, groomed for sex and raped by ADULT homosexuals; the ones that contract HIV/AIDS at the ripe old age of 13 and end up turning to drugs and/or alcohol and commit suicide because they are told that there is no way out of the 'gay' lifestyle, did they have a choice?

My opinion is clear (to anyone with comprehensive reading skills) on what should happen to ANY adult who rapes a child. They should die. Via the DP. That includes BOTH heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Under THOSE circumstances. I am uninterested in any pretend opinion you claim I hold.

Herein lies the problem Sandy: Like the abortion movement, the LGBTQueer movement is an organized movement that is doing this to innocent children (they have an extremely strong political base, they're extremely well financed, backed by the mainstream media, etc.).

How would you suggest these children be protected when we allow the LGBTQueer movement the freedom to indoctrinate children in various capacities (as teachers, as mentors, as 'parents', etc.) ?


Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You didn't answer my question Sandy, so I'll ask it again:

How about the innocent children that are indoctrinated, groomed for sex and raped by ADULT homosexuals; the ones that contract HIV/AIDS at the ripe old age of 13 and end up turning to drugs and/or alcohol and commit suicide because they are told that there is no way out of the 'gay' lifestyle, did they have a choice?

Of course I did. Here it is again:

My opinion is clear (to anyone with comprehensive reading skills) on what should happen to ANY adult who rapes a child. They should die. Via the DP. That includes BOTH heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Is that answer too complicated for you?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You didn't answer my question Sandy, so I'll ask it again:

How about the innocent children that are indoctrinated, groomed for sex and raped by ADULT homosexuals; the ones that contract HIV/AIDS at the ripe old age of 13 and end up turning to drugs and/or alcohol and commit suicide because they are told that there is no way out of the 'gay' lifestyle, did they have a choice?

Of course I did. Here it is again:

Originally Posted by Rusha
My opinion is clear (to anyone with comprehensive reading skills) on what should happen to ANY adult who rapes a child. They should die. Via the DP. That includes BOTH heterosexuals and homosexuals.

Is that answer too complicated for you?

So your answer to the problem is to try and deal with the individual cases as they arise and not deal with the cause of the problem, that being the LGBTQueer movement as a whole?

Why is it that you want to take on the abortion movement, who because of their political clout, huge financial and mainstream media backing are able to kill well over a million unborn babies a year here in the US (I'm only talking about surgical procedures, not abortions due to pharmaceuticals), but not their sexual anarchist comrades in the LGBTQueer movement who are destroying the lives of innocent youth by the millions?


What are they trying to hide? (Isn't this the age of 'gay' pride?)

AFTAH’s LaBarbera Banned from Radical LGBT Woodhull ‘Sexual Freedom Summit’

From AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Folks, I got BANNED from a left-wing “Sexual Freedom Summit,” which just concluded in the Washington, DC. suburb of Alexandria. I had paid my $224 to attend the Aug. 13-16 conference–I wanted to see what radical LGBT activists have in store for America post-Obergefell. I bought a plane ticket to D.C. Then on Aug. 11–three days before my scheduled flight–I suddenly received the email notice notice from the event sponsors (Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance) : “You are not welcome at this event. If you do try to attend, we will have you removed by hotel security.” Here is a copy of the e-message:


I did receive the promised refund for the $224 registration fee and thankfully, was able to get a full refund on my plane ticket. But this incident reveals that while homosexual and transgender activists talk a good game about “pride,” they do not want the public to know of their radical agenda behind the “soft” euphemisms like “marriage equality’ and “sexual freedom”–which they use they use with the media’s eager help to market their immoral behaviors. As you can see from these links, two of the agenda items on the Sexual Left are “polyamory”–multiple-partner sexual unions–and transforming Christianity to embrace sexual perversion. More coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
racists said the same thing about interracial couples

Does the Bible condemn interracial marriage? If it did than I'd argue the same thing. But since it doesn't, the issue there is that that's racists trying to ban something that God's Word says is lawful, which is statism and unbiblical.

That isn't what she said.

Using "The law disagrees with you" as an argument pretty much is doing that, but I understand that's a distinction that people usually ignore nowadays.


New member
Does the Bible condemn interracial marriage? If it did than I'd argue the same thing. But since it doesn't, the issue there is that that's racists trying to ban something that God's Word says is lawful, which is statism and unbiblical.
thousands of theologians and Christian leaders over the course of decades disagree with you and say the bible does indeed condemn interracial marriage.


New member
Thanks for the update, I'll add that to the growing list of States that have denied parents the God-given right to help their child overcome unnatural sexual desires (NAMBLA wins again in Illinois).


yes it is a sad day for you as state after state enact laws to protect children for abusive perverts. Soon good Christian parents will have to ship their children overseas to have them tortured and abused.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for the update, I'll add that to the growing list of States that have denied parents the God-given right to help their child overcome unnatural sexual desires (NAMBLA wins again in Illinois).

yes it is a sad day for you as state after state enact laws to protect children for abusive perverts. Soon good Christian parents will have to ship their children overseas to have them tortured and abused.

(When homosexual activists use terms like "abusive perverts", they're really talking about those 'nosey parents' who don't want to see their sexually confused son or daughter engaging in a behavior that brings nothing but disease, misery and often times a very premature death).



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for the update, I'll add that to the growing list of States that have denied parents the God-given right to help their child overcome unnatural sexual desires (NAMBLA wins again in Illinois).

(When homosexual activists use terms like "abusive perverts", they're really talking about those 'nosey parents' who don't want to see their sexually confused son or daughter engaging in a behavior that brings nothing but disease, misery and often times a very premature death).
You love NAMBLA and everything that it stands for. Quit conning people. You're really bad at it.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for the update, I'll add that to the growing list of States that have denied parents the God-given right to help their child overcome unnatural sexual desires (NAMBLA wins again in Illinois).

(When homosexual activists use terms like "abusive perverts", they're really talking about those 'nosey parents' who don't want to see their sexually confused son or daughter engaging in a behavior that brings nothing but disease, misery and often times a very premature death).
NAMBLA is an organization straight from the pit of Hell. Needs to be disbanded and outlawed. They prey upon children.


They probably went underground because they prey on young children.

I touched briefly on the homosexual pedophile/pederast organization known as the North American Man Boy Love Association in previous threads.

Founded by New York homosexual activist David Thorstad,

seen here


posing with "gay pioneer" Harry Hay who wore a sign "NAMBLA walks with me" in a gay pride parade after NAMBLA was banned from gay pride parades due to public pressure.

Again, NAMBLA is still alive and well and can be found working as hard as ever in the LGBQueer movement. TracerBullet just pointed out yet another one of their legislative successes by banning therapy for sexually confused children in Illinois.


When I run across articles like this I can't help but comment on them. (I'll call it "Those good homosexuals").

Christian Baker Jack Phillips Says Hundreds of LGBT People Have Backed His Rights Not to Make Gay Marriage Cakes

August 21, 2015

Christian cake artist Jack Phillips, who recently was told by the Colorado Court of Appeals that he will not be allowed to refuse to make same-sex wedding cakes if he wants to keep running his business, has said that hundreds of gay people have told him they support his religious freedom rights to not make such cakes.

Phillips revealed in an interview with The Daily Signal that while he has been targeted with death threats by some members of the gay community for his stance against baking same-sex marriage cakes, hundreds of others have backed his position.

The other day a guy from Daytona Beach called and left a message. He said he's gay and he wanted to offer his support, and gave me his phone number to call him back," Phillips said.

"So that's one, but there's dozens or hundreds of gays who say they think this is just not right [and is] politically motivated mostly. 'You have the right to turn us down and these people are making us all look like we're terrorists. … But we're not, we just want to live our lives.'"

Read more: http://www.christianpost.com/news/c...rights-not-to-make-gay-marriage-cakes-143360/


First of all: Who do you think voted in those politicians that passed legislation which denies Jack Phillips his religious freedom? (Those hundreds of homosexuals that allegedly support him).

What would those hundreds of homosexuals who allegedly support Jack Phillips do if he denied them employment or denied them housing because he didn't want proud and unrepentant homosexuals around his children? (They'd scream bloody murder).

What if Jack Phillips publically announced that he wants all homosexuals (including the hundreds that allegedly support him) to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior so that they will spend eternity in Heaven, would they be supportive of Jack Phillips then?

Like GFR7 has done with his pro traditional marriage smokescreen, these people really don't care about Jack Phillips or his Christian values, they're just attempting to make it look as though not all proud and unrepentant homosexuals are radical (and as I pointed out with the above examples, they are.)


Well-known member
1972 agenda, item # 7...

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

Legal pedophilia is next.
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