Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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You also blamed the movement that brought women the vote for society's "ills" so you haven't answered the question. Not interested in your predictable rabbit trails.

The modern day feminist movement, which by the way your LGBTQueer movement is inseparable allies with, has been responsible for many of "society's ills" (fatherless homes, abortion on demand, etc. etc.) That doesn't mean that all women identify with that movement.

On that note: I guess I missed your answer to my "equality" question Art:

Should males and females who identify as being of the opposite gender be able to get awards such as the one Bruce Jenner received and use the restroom /locker room of their choice?


More to add to the Ben Carson is a fraud files:

Those of you that have been following the thread should recall the Bryan Fischer article showing where Carson approves of civil unions of homosexuals (but for some reason not 'marriage').


Now it comes out that he's been pro homosexual all along.

Carson's boardroom support for gay rights could test his base


Ben Carson, frontrunner in the struggle to become Republican presidential candidate, said on Wednesday that his support for gay rights initiatives when he was a director at major companies does not clash with his opposition to gay marriage.

But some leaders in the social conservative movement that has backed Carson say his more than 15-year record on the boards of retailer Costco Wholesale and food manufacturer Kellogg could pose a challenge for him as he seeks the nomination.

Carson supported various initiatives at both companies, such as barring discrimination based on gender identity, providing health insurance for employees' domestic partners, and offering more diversity training. Because of such changes the companies now are ranked as some of the best in the United States by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocates.

"I think he has to explain this," said Tony Perkins, president of the Christian conservative lobbying group Family Research Council. "As he is pursuing the presidency, what he has to make clear is that the board positions should not be reflective of his public policy."...

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/carsons-boardroom-support-gay-rights-could-test-053612931--finance.html#



New member
Once people of faith and those who just believe in decency take back government and our culture, we won't be seeing horror stories like this:

Feds back transgender teenager in school restroom dispute


Schools can't prevent transgender students from using the restrooms that correspond with their gender identities without violating federal law, the Obama administration says.

The U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Justice made that argument in a friend-of-the-court brief submitted late Wednesday in support of a Virginia teenager who is suing for access to the boys' restrooms at his high school.

The government's filing says a Gloucester County School Board policy that requires 16-year-old junior Gavin Grimm to use either the girls' restrooms or a unisex bathroom constitutes unlawful bias under Title IX, the 1972 law that prohibits sex discrimination in education.

The policy denies Grimm "a benefit that every other student at this school enjoys: access to restrooms that are consistent with his or her gender identity," lawyers for the two departments wrote. "Treating a student differently from other students because his birth-assigned sex diverges from his gender identity constitutes differential treatment on the basis of sex under Title IX."

The administration's position in Grimm's case represents its clearest statement to date on a modern civil rights issue that has roiled some communities as more children identify as transgender at younger ages.

While not legally binding, it signals to school districts that may be wrestling with how to accommodate transgender students while addressing privacy concerns raised by classmates and parents which side of the debate they should take if they want to avoid a federal investigation...

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/us-agencies-back-transgender-teenager-restroom-dispute-193359766.html

Which brings me to the next (long awaited and very important) segment:



Its been said that the philosophy of the classroom in this generation will be the philosophy of life in the next generation. Our earliest founding fathers understood this. That's why, after building homes and churches, they established educational institutions like Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Dartmouth. Today, most Christians have adopted the false premise that facts are neutral. They believe it doesn't matter who teaches math, science, and history, because facts are facts. The humanists took advantage of this type of thinking by gradually shaping and controlling education in terms of materialist assumptions. Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World shows how education can be used as a vehicle for social change from Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler to secular humanism and radical Islam. Our worldview opponents understand that education is where the war of ideas is fought. If Christians are serious about securing the future for our children, they must understand the nature of the war we are fighting.

In this segment amongst other things I'll cover the importance of education, the history of the education system in America, where we went wrong, what is currently happening in many schools today both good and bad, the key players and organizations that are making those things happen, and how to take the education system back from secular humanists.

This somehow sounds familiar...

oh hea, now I remember


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The modern day feminist movement, which by the way your LGBTQueer movement is inseparable allies with, has been responsible for many of "society's ills" (fatherless homes, abortion on demand, etc. etc.) That doesn't mean that all women identify with that movement.

On that note: I guess I missed your answer to my "equality" question Art:

Should males and females who identify as being of the opposite gender be able to get awards such as the one Bruce Jenner received and use the restroom /locker room of their choice?

So once again, rabbit trails and deflection. If you're not gonna answer other people's questions then don't bother asking them yourself.


This somehow sounds familiar...

oh hea, now I remember


It's well established that your LGBTQueer movement has used the past injustices of the American negro as a tool to promote sexual perversion TB (Art Brain is currently attempting to use the women's suffrage movement as a comparison as well).

There are two things that are terribly wrong with the LGBTQueer attempt at an analogy:

1). Having dark skin isn't a sin nor a perversion.
2). Someone's skin color isn't a behavior.

Please return to the thread when I get deeper into the Education segment as I'll need a representative of the LGBTQueer movement to explain and defend the need for 'gay/transgender' youth clubs* in Jr. and Sr. High Schools.


*People actually fell for the LGBTQ movement lie that homosexuality is only for "consenting adults".


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's well established that your LGBTQueer movement has used the past injustices of the American negro as a tool to promote sexual perversion TB...

It's well established that the rhetoric and arguments of homophobic bigots is indistinguishable from the rhetoric and arguments of racists

Promise me that you'll use the same old tired out argument when we return to the subject of legalization of kiddy sex by your LGBTQueer movement TB (i.e. "Oh the injustices that the man-boy love movement has gone through, it reminds me of racism from yesteryear!").

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Connie, instead of perpetuating this ongoing morass of garbage why don't you just write a book on it instead? After all, if your thread is as "popular" as you delude yourself into thinking it is then you might have a bestseller on your hands!

Here's some helpful chapter titles for ya:

How To Be Obsessed With Gay Men 24/7

Pompous Buffoonery For Beginners

How To Avoid Annual Pride Parades Despite Bizarrely Being In Town On The One Day Of The Year They're Actually On

How To Look & Sound Like A Victorian Patriarch (Free False Beard Included!)

Mockery: An Idiot's Guide

Hope these are of some help...



Connie, instead of perpetuating this ongoing morass of garbage why don't you just write a book on it instead? After all, if your thread is as "popular" as you delude yourself into thinking it is then you might have a bestseller on your hands!

Social media is a great format to spread the truth Arthurrr.

Here's some helpful chapter titles for ya:

How To Be Obsessed With Gay Men 24/7

Pompous Buffoonery For Beginners

How To Avoid Annual Pride Parades Despite Bizarrely Being In Town On The One Day Of The Year They're Actually On

How To Look & Sound Like A Victorian Patriarch (Free False Beard Included!)

Mockery: An Idiot's Guide

Hope these are of some help...


You're taking this information that I've been distributing about homosexuality and the LGBTQueer agenda rather hard Arthurrrr. Perhaps you should have your doctor (who undoubtedly is Christian Jessen) send me a note saying that you're healthy enough to partake in this thread, as I wouldn't want any more fatalities, as there's been more than enough already in the deathstyle that you defend.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Social media is a great format to spread the truth Arthurrr.

As well as manure...

You're taking this information that I've been distributing about homosexuality and the LGBTQueer agenda rather hard Arthurrrr. Perhaps you should have your doctor (who undoubtedly is Christian Jessen) send me a note saying that you're healthy enough to partake in this thread, as I wouldn't want any more fatalities, as there's been more than enough already in the deathstyle that you defend.

Nah, some brain cells have certainly bit the dust while reading your magnum opine but that's not really something that would apply to you so do carry on...:)


Before I continue with the segment on Education and how to make the American Education system the greatest in the world once again, I wanted to share these inspiring words from someone whose been in the political realm for decades.

Ex-Bush family advisor ‘flummoxed’ by Jeb’s debate performance

Oct. 31, 2015

Former Bush family advisor Mary Matalin says she was “flummoxed” by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s performance at Wednesday’s GOP presidential debate.

The veteran GOP strategist said Bush’s decision to go after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) for missing votes in the Senate was an example of “political malfeasance.”...

Matalin, who served as a top political advisor to both presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, said she believes the favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas.), whom she said appeals to conservatives of all stripes.

"My money right now is on Ted Cruz,” she said. “Again, I’m unaligned, but I think he speaks to the myriad factions of conservatism: Constitutionalists, Libertarians, the social conservatives.”

“I think he’s whip-smart, as evidenced by his debate appearances, and he’s a true, true, true constitutionalist, and everything’s lining up for him,” she added.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-brief...-advisor-flummoxed-by-jebs-debate-performance

I agree, the cream of the Conservative movement and the Republican Party (Ted Cruz) will soon rise to the top. My question is: Why are some Libertarians supporting Cruz? To my knowledge he isn't for the legalization of heroin or kiddy porn, then why the support?

Hey, I'm not complaining, as any vote counts, but maybe some Libertarians could come forward and explain why the appeal.


Our Founding Fathers knew the importance of Education:




When it comes to discovering what the opinion of the founding fathers was on the value of public education, it rapidly becomes clear that they considered it essential to the survival of the democratic form of government – or to be more precise, our democratic republic form of government. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison both weighed in on the side of full support for educating the masses. Others who lived in the same era who also pushed for public education were Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Noah Webster, and Benjamin Rush.


Even though the voters in Houston Texas voted in an openly lesbian mayor several years ago:

it doesn't look like they approve of all of her policies.

Houston voters repeal transgender bathroom bill in a landslide

Nov 4, 2015

Their HERO turned out to be a zero.

Voters in Houston - the nation's fourth largest city - voted in a landslide last night to repeal an ordinance that gave people who identify as transgender the right to use the restrooms, showers, and changing facilities of the opposite biological sex.

More than 60 percent of voters rejected the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), which city council passed last May. The controversial measure punished businesses that refused to allow biological males to use women's facilities with a $5,000 fine per infraction.

"Houston has become a rallying cry for Americans tired of seeing their freedoms trampled in a politically correct stampede to redefine marriage and sexuality," said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins. "Houstonians sent a message heard across the country: They will not allow the government to flush away their money, and more importantly, their values and religious liberties."

The local issue became the focus of national attention last year, when Mayor Annise Parker issued a subpoena for the sermons of five local pastors who opposed the ordinance.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/houston-voters-repeal-transgender-bathroom-bill-in-a-landslide


What's disappointing is that 4 out of 10 Houston voters believe that morally/gender confused people have a right to share the same restrooms, showers and changing facilities with people of the opposite sex.

There's much work to be done in restoring our once great nation, and taking back our education system is one of the necessary ways of doing it.

More on that coming up...


Yet another important endorsement for Ted Cruz:

I’m Endorsing Ted Cruz for President

Dr. Michael Brown, Nov. 6, 2015

I have never officially endorsed a presidential candidate before, but I’m endorsing Ted Cruz for president for three simple reasons: 1) he is a man of unshakable, conservative moral convictions; 2) he is willing to take on the Washington establishment; 3) we need a radical shift in the direction of our country, and his team has asked me to help get out the evangelical vote.

Of course, I’m fully aware that a president can only do so much and that our hope for change must be first and foremost in the living God.

And I firmly believe that the greatest agency for positive change in America remains the people of God – committed followers of Jesus living as salt and light.

But there is no question that an ungodly leader can bring destruction to a nation and a godly leader can bring blessing. As Proverbs 29:2 states, “When the righteous become great the people rejoice, but when the wicked dominate the people groan” (Prov. 29:2, New Jewish Version).

And so, when Senator Cruz’s team invited me to stand with him in the battle for religious liberties in America, also giving counsel to his evangelical coalition of his leaders, I felt this was an open door from the Lord. And since he has been in my top three list from the start, after prayerful consideration, I have given him my strong endorsement...

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2015/11/06/why-im-endorsing-ted-cruz-for-president/



With all of those years in medical school and as a highly respected neurosurgeon, you'd think Presidential wannabe Ben Carson would know that you can't put a band aid over a cancer.

Ben Carson: Create transgender bathrooms

Nov. 5, 2015

Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate, suggested in an interview Thursday that the U.S. should have bathrooms specifically for people who are transgender.

Carson was responding to questions about a recent ordinance in Houston that would have established nondiscrimination protections for gay and transgender people. Voters rejected the ordinance after an 18-month battle in which opponents argued that allowing transgender men and women to use their preferred public bathrooms would open the door to sexual predators who wanted to enter women's restrooms.

Carson's response: "How about we have a transgender bathroom?"

"It is not fair for them to make everybody else uncomfortable," he said. "It's one of the things that I don't particularly like about the [LGBT] movement. I think everybody has equal rights, but I'm not sure that anybody should have extra rights--extra rights when it comes to redefining everything for everybody else and imposing your view on everybody else."

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ben-carson-create-transgender-bathrooms/

I have an idea Dr. Carson: Instead of legitimizing their mental illness by giving cross dressers (transvestites), transsexuals, a female trapped inside the body of a male a restroom of their own to use, how about we pass legislation that will help these gender and morally confused people?



It appears that there is turmoil going on in the LGBTQueer so-called "community", as many homosexuals don't approve of the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym.

Petitioning Human Rights Campaign and 5 others

Drop the T

We are a group of gay/bisexual men and women who have come to the conclusion that the transgender community needs to be disassociated from the larger LGB community; in essence, we ask that organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, Lambda Legal and media outlets such as The Advocate, Out, Huff Post Gay Voices, etc., stop representing the transgender community as we feel their ideology is not only completely different from that promoted by the LGB community (LGB is about sexual orientation, trans is about gender identity), but is ultimately regressive and actually hostile to the goals of women and gay men.

There are several areas in which the ideology of the trans community is at odds with or actively hostile to that of women and gay men; among the most important are:

• The vilification and harassment of women and gay/lesbian individuals who openly express disagreement with the trans ideology; a simple disagreement over an issue can result in responses that range from insults (“transphobic bigot”) to threats of physical harm (often, in the case of women, rape) and even death; the harassment by the transgender community of prominent individuals ranging from iconic gay rights activist/drag queen RuPaul and legendary feminist Germaine Greer has been particularly loathsome.

• The infringement of the rights of individuals, particularly women, to perform normal everyday activities in traditional safe spaces based on sex; this is most pernicious in the case of men claiming to be transgender demanding access to bathrooms, locker rooms, women’s shelters and other such spaces reserved for women.

• The appropriation and re-writing of gay and lesbian history and culture, most notably attempting to re-cast the majority gay white men who participated in the Stonewall riots as transgender, specifically casting as “transgender” men who adopted feminine attire but still identified as men (they called themselves transvestites, which is not the same as the modern transgender identity);...

Most troubling, by persuading parents and health professionals to diagnose children as young as four as transgender, despite considerable research that shows that more than 90 percent of children who express “gender dysphoria” at a young age grow out of it by adolescence and, in most cases, grow up to be well-adjusted gay men and women; ideologically, it runs counter to traditional LGB and feminist philosophy – whereas feminists and gay men/women advocate for expanding and re-defining gender concepts, the trans movement is regressive, insisting upon re-asserting and codifying classic gender concepts of what is masculine and what is feminine...

Read more: https://www.change.org/p/human-righ...-share_for_starters-reason_msg&fb_ref=Default

Two things:

1) I marvel at the audacity of the people who wrote the above saying that "gender dysphoria" is something that people grow out of, but for some reason having same sex desires isn't something that's changeable.

2) It really won't take much for David to slay Goliath, as Goliath (the LGBTQueer movement) isn't as strong as people make him out to be.



The Office of President of the United States has come to this?

The 44th President of the United States is our Ally of the Year—a president who came to office on a wave of euphoria, appeared to lose momentum halfway through, and has since rallied, helping us secure marriage equality, among other landmark initiatives that are transforming our place in America.

This is the first time a sitting president has been photographed for the cover of an LGBT title, a historic moment in itself, and a statement on how much his administration has done to advance a singularly volatile issue that tarnished the reputations of both President Clinton and President Bush. It might have tarnished this president, too, but for his late-hour conversion in 2012, which set the stage for the extraordinary succession of events that led to this year’s Supreme Court ruling, on June 26, making it unconstitutional to deny same-sex couples the right to wed. Many things led up to that decision—“decades of our brothers and sisters fighting for recognition and equality” as the president notes—but once his administration decided to join that fight it created what people like to call a “transformative” moment. It helped tip the balance, and it put our elected leader on the right side of justice.


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