Praise the Lord III


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Hide me under the shadow of Your wings.
Psalm 17:8


Thou Tender, Gracious Father

Thou tender, gracious Father, who watches over me,
How shall I ever praise Thee, how love and honor Thee?
Thou guidest me with caution from every secret snare,
And ’neath Thy wings a refuge I find in my despair.

With raiment, food and shelter, whate’er my needs imply,
For soul and body ever, do Thou in grace supply.
O Lord, I soon would perish if aught Thou should exclude;
O could I love Thee better and prove my gratitude.

In childlike, true obedience help me to do the right;
May precious be Thy statutes, Thy yoke be pleasant light!
And when some hardship threatens, a danger frightens me,
May Thou in all my trials my present helper be.

Thy heart is all compassion, with love it overflows;
Whate’er of ill betide me, Thou knowest, and my woes.
Thou dost not sleep nor slumber, by night nor thru the days;
Thine arms, almighty Father, enfold all time and space.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not of more value than they?

Matthew 6:26


My Heav’nly Father Watches Over Me

I trust in God wherever I may be,
Upon the land, or on the rolling sea,
For come what may, from day to day,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

He makes the rose an object of His care,
He guides the eagle thro’ the pathless air,
And surely He remembers me;
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

I trust in God, for, in the lion’s den,
On battlefield, or in the prison pen,
Thro’ praise or blame, thro’ flood or flame,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

The valley may be dark, the shadows deep,
But O, the Shepherd guards His lonely sheep;
And thro’ the gloom He’ll lead me home,
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

I trust in God, I know He cares for me;
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho’ billows roll, He keeps my soul;
My heav’nly Father watches over me.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19


Just When I Need Him

Just when I need Him, Jesus is near,
Just when I falter, just when I fear;
Ready to help me, ready to cheer,
Just when I need Him most.

Just when I need Him, Jesus is true,
Never forsaking all the way through;
Giving for burdens pleasures anew,
Just when I need Him most.

Just when I need Him, Jesus is strong,
Bearing my burdens all the day long;
For all my sorrow giving a song,
Just when I need Him most.

Just when I need Him, He is my all,
Answering when upon Him I call;
Tenderly watching lest I should fall,
Just when I need Him most.

Just when I need Him most,
Just when I need Him most,
Jesus is near to comfort and cheer,
Just when I need Him most.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him.
2 Corinthians 13:4


Just a Closer Walk With Thee

I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.

Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.

When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.

Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

I will love You, O LORD, my strength.
Psalm 18:1


I Never Will Cease to Love Him

For all the Lord has done for me,
I never will cease to love Him;
And for His grace so rich and free,
I never will cease to love Him.

He gives me strength for every day,
I never will cease to love Him;
He leads and guides me all the way,
I never will cease to love Him.

Though all the world His love neglect,
I never will cease to love Him;
I could not such a Friend reject,
I never will cease to love Him.

While on my journey here below,
I never will cease to love Him;
And when to that bright world I go,
I never will cease to love Him.

I never will cease to love Him,
My Savior, my Savior;
I never will cease to love Him,
He’s done so much for me.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Oh come, let us sing to the LORD!
Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

Psalm 95:1-2


Sunday Morning Praise

O Come Let Us Sing to the Lord

O come let us sing to the Lord,
In God our salvation rejoice;
In psalms of thanksgiving record
His praise with one spirit, one voice!
For Jehovah is king, and He reigns,
The God of all gods on His throne,
The strength of the hills He maintains,
The ends of the earth are His own.

The sea is LORD's; He made
The tide its dominion to know;
The land is LORD’s; He laid
Its solid foundations below;
O come let us worship and kneel
Before our creator, our God!
The people who serve Him with zeal,
The flock whom He guides with His rod.
As Moses the fathers of old

Through sea and the wilderness led,
His wonderful works we behold,
With manna from Heaven are fed;
Today, let us hearken, today,
To the voice that speaks from above,
And all His commandments obey,
For all His commandments are love.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

With what shall I come before the LORD….
Micah 6:6
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

Psalm 95:2


Songs of Thankfulness and Praise

Songs of thankfulness and praise, Jesus, Lord, to Thee we raise,
Manifested by the star to the sages from afar;
Branch of royal David’s stem in Thy birth at Bethlehem;
Anthems be to Thee addressed, God in man made manifest.

Manifest at Jordan’s stream, Prophet, Priest, and King supreme;
And at Cana, wedding guest, in Thy Godhead manifest;
Manifest in power divine, changing water into wine;
Anthems be to Thee addressed, God in man made manifest.

Manifest in making whole palsied limbs and fainting soul;
Manifest in valiant fight, quelling all the devil’s might;
Manifest in gracious will, ever bringing good from ill;
Anthems be to Thee addressed, God in man made manifest.

Sun and moon shall darkened be, stars shall fall, the heavens shall flee,
Christ will then like lightning shine, all will see His glorious sign:
All will then the trumpet hear, all will see the Judge appear;
Thou by all wilt be confessed, God in man made manifest.

Grant us grace to see Thee, Lord, mirrored in Thy holy Word;
May we imitate Thee now, and be pure, as pure art Thou;
That we like to Thee may be at Thy great Epiphany;
And may praise Thee, ever blest, God in man made manifest.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

We are setting out for the place of which the LORD said, I will give it to you.
Numbers 10:29

And they journeyed…in the wilderness…toward the sunrise.
Numbers 21:11


’Twill Not be Long

’Twill not be long, our journey here;
Each broken sigh and falling tear
Will soon be gone, and all will be
A cloudless sky, a waveless sea.

’Twill not be long; the yearning heart
May feel its every hope depart,
And grief be mingled with its song;
We’ll meet again; ’twill not be long.

Though sad we mark the closing eye,
Of those we loved in days gone by,
Yet sweet in death their latest song
We’ll meet again; ’twill not be long.

These checkered wilds, with thorns o’erspread,
Through which our way so oft is led
This march of time, with truth so strong,
Will end in bliss; ’twill not be long.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and mercy to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

A land flowing with milk and honey.
Deuteronomy 6:3


In The Promised Land

I wandered through the wilderness,
But God reached out His hand,
And drew me safe to Canaan’s shore;
I’m in the promised land.

The Lord upholds me by His grace,
And will no ill allow;
He leads me on from height to height,
And sanctifies me now.

My eyes are fixed on Him alone,
I’m pressing for the goal;
And as I climb the mountainside,
His glory fills my soul.

The Holy Spirit guides me in
The path my master trod;
With songs of rapture all day
I praise the Lamb of God.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!
Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will…Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29-31


His Eye Is On The Sparrow

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for Heav’n and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Let not your heart be troubled, His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,
Yes and I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

Give thanks to the LORD for His goodness.
Psalm 107:8


Break Forth, O Joyful Heart

Break forth, break forth, O joyful heart,
And make His goodness known,
Who all thy life, though undeserved,
Such love to thee has shown.

’Twas Jesus sought my wand’ring soul,
And with a shepherd’s care
He brought me kindly to His fold,
And still protects me there.

He is my advocate with God,
My Savior and my friend,
His mercies new with every morn
Like balmy showers descend.

My soul shall magnify the Lord,
My voice His love proclaim,
And every power within me join
To bless and praise His name.

Break forth, break forth, O joyful heart,
Break forth, no longer silent be;
Break forth, break forth in grateful praise
To Him who came to ransom Thee.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;
and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Luke 12:27


Consider the Lilies

Consider the lilies how stately they grow!
They toil not, they spin not, no seed do they sow;
Yet they bloom all the summer, so shining and tall,
The Father who loves them takes thought for them all.

Consider the ravens who gives them their food?
Who shelters their nest in the storm beaten wood?
Who guides the young sparrow? who watches its fall?
Their Father in Heaven takes heed for them all.

Our Father in Heaven, Thy children on earth
Than lilies or ravens Thou holdest more worth:
O guide us and guard us, be near when we call,
Uphold us, enfold us we thank Thee for all!

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14


The Things Which are Behind

Leave behind earth’s empty pleasure,
Fleeting hope and changeful love;
Leave its soon-corroding treasure;
There are better things above.

Leave, oh, leave thy fond aspirings,
Bid thy restless heart be still;
Cease, oh cease, thy vain desirings,
Only seek thy Father’s will.

Leave behind thy faithless sorrow,
And thine every anxious care;
He who only knows the morrow
Can for thee its burden bear.

Leave behind the doubting spirit,
And thy crushing load of sin;
By thy mighty Saviour’s merit,
Life eternal thou shalt win.

Leave the darkness gathering o’er thee,
Leave the shadow-land behind;
Realms of glory lie before thee;
Enter in, and welcome find.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!
And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. Luke 12:29-31


He Supplieth All of My Need

All of my need He freely supplieth,
Day after day His goodness I prove;
Mercies unfailing, new every morning,
Tell me of God’s unchangeable love.

All of my need He freely supplieth,
Wisdom and guidance, strength as my day;
Grace for each trial, comfort in sorrow,
Blessèd communion all of the way.

All of my need He freely supplieth,
There’s not a void that He cannot feel;
Never a burden He cannot lighten,
Never a heartache He cannot heal.

All of my need He freely supplieth,
I shall not want, whatever betide;
He that delivered Christ for my ransom,
With Him will all things surely provide.

God hath laid help on One that is mighty,
One who is friend and brother indeed;
Nothing have I, yet I am contented,
For He supplieth all of my need.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32


Fear Not, Little Flock

Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne,
From death into life He went for His own;
All power in earth, all power above,
Is given to Him for the flock of His love.

Fear not, little flock, He goeth ahead,
Your Shepherd selecteth the path you must tread;
The waters of Marah He’ll sweeten for thee,
He drank all the bitter in Gethsemane.

Fear not, little flock, whatever your lot,
He enters all rooms, the doors being shut,
He never forsakes; He never is gone,
So count on His presence in darkness and dawn.

Only believe, only believe;
All things are possible, only believe,
Only believe, yes, only believe;
All things are possible, only believe.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Peace, be still.
Mark 4:39


He’s the Prince of Peacemakers

He hath spoken, Be still, the Rebuker of seas;
The command was for me, and my heart is at ease;
He hath hushed into silence the waves and the winds,
By applying His blood, and removing my sins.

He hath quickened my soul by a life from above,
It was done by the Spirit, its essence is love;
He hath pardoned and washed me as white as the snow,
And my heart with His love does this moment o’erflow.

He’s a wonderful Jesus, this Savior of mine,
He’s the great Son of God, a Redeemer divine.
He’s my strength, and my wisdom, my life and my Lord,
And enthroned in my heart to be loved and adored.

I will love Him and serve Him, from now till I die,
For His love fills my heart, and His beauty my eye.
He’s the fairest and dearest of all to my soul,
And our lives shall be one, while eternities roll.

He’s the Prince of peacemakers, all glory to God,
To redeem me, and cleanse me, He shed his own blood;
My adoption is sealed, I’m a child of the King,
And for ever and ever of Jesus I’ll sing.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Praise the Lord!

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7
Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!”
And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

Mark 4:39
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27


Peace Speaker

It was such a lovely day
And the sun was shining bright
The gentle breeze was glowing my way
Not a storm and cloud insight

The suddenly without a warning
Storm surrounded my life
But even in the storm
I can feel the calm and here's the reason why

I know the Peace Speaker
I know Him by name
I know the Peace Speaker
He controls the winds and waves.

When He says, “Peace! Be still!”
They have to obey
I'm glad I know the Peace Speaker
Yes, I know Him by name

There’s never been another man
with the power of this friend
By simply saying, “Peace! Be still!”
He can calm the strongest wind.

So now I’ll never worry when storm clouds come my way
I know that He is near to drive away my fear,
and I can smile and say…
Peace, peace, wonderful peace.
Coming down from the Father above.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Evening Praise the Lord.


Peace Speaker

It was such a lovely day
And the sun was shining bright
The gentle breeze was glowing my way
Not a storm and cloud insight

The suddenly without a warning
Storm surrounded my life
But even in the storm
I can feel the calm and here's the reason why

I know the Peace Speaker
I know Him by name
I know the Peace Speaker
He controls the winds and waves.

When He says, “Peace! Be still!”
They have to obey
I'm glad I know the Peace Speaker
Yes, I know Him by name

There’s never been another man
with the power of this friend
By simply saying, “Peace! Be still!”
He can calm the strongest wind.

So now I’ll never worry when storm clouds come my way
I know that He is near to drive away my fear,
and I can smile and say…
Peace, peace, wonderful peace.
Coming down from the Father above.

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!

Amen Psalmist, Amen.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame


Praise the Lord!

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27


Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

O words of comfort granted
For every need and care,
The very message wanted
To chase away despair;
This sweet command of Jesus
Was meant to be obeyed
“Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”

When disappointment scatters
Your hopes like autumn leaves;
When all is lost that matters,
And all is left that grieves;
When chastisement and sorrow
On darkened days are laid;
“Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”

When past sins rise unbidden,
To spoil the present good,
And all the light is hidden,
By some desponding mood,
He whispers in compassion,
“My love the debt hath paid;
Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”

When health and strength are failing,
Beneath the load of years,
And toil seems unavailing,
And life is thronged with fears,
“Fear not!” He saith,” In weakness
My strength is perfect made;
Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”

O soul, redeemed by Jesus,
All Heav’n is pledged to aid:
“Let not your heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.”

Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!

Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!
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